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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Truly regardless of Josh starting or not…Not bringing up Barkley is dumb. Why would you not just cover your bases here? It’s actually pissing me off the more I think about it. I was also pretty sure a 3rd QB gives you roster flexibility to have 1 extra guy active? I might be wrong about that.
  2. I got caught up in the Josh thing and how pissed I was about the Jet game, I completely forgot about Marlowe being back until you said that
  3. Knowing the games this coach pulls with the game day lineup we will Probably spend all this time speculating about Duke Johnson/Hines and cook and they will all get less then 5 snaps.
  4. Christ. Jefferson is going to shred us today with this secondary. Come on with this Tre White bull####. The coach is saying he’s not even hurt anymore. We better have a plan better then Johnson back there because he’s not a guy that is capable of playing S in the league. Hamlin fine but you need another idea next to him today
  5. I feel a lot better about this secondary if it’s Tre and Dane even with the Safety issues
  6. He knows almost nothing about sports. That morning show is embarrassing. Between the two of them you have about as much sports insight as an episode of iron chef
  7. Trying to figure out the Duke Johnson thing and thinking out loud about what last week looked like. We seem to miss Beasley a ton and the way we use Shakir makes me think the coaches don’t love him…Any shot this team goes big swing and plays either Cook or Hines almost full time slot today/going forward? The way they spoke all off-season about cook, it’s almost like they don’t even really treat him as a RB (in the full sense of the word) His usage has been puzzling. Maybe they say screw it. We want Cook on the field but not to handoff, and we need an underneath WR…kill two birds with 1 stone and bring Duke in as the change of pace RB? I guess it could be Hines related as well
  8. At the end with Minnesota Rhodes was a target. He definitely lost several steps. But his experience and skill set would transition perfectly into S IMO. I’d love to see him back there with Hamlin. I can never see J. Johnson again and be good. He’s a STs player…does not have it.
  9. How did this old man Rhodes get signed to PS, get hurt, sit out, recover and come back all in the time it’s taken to get Trey White on the field? The guy was “close” week 1. Come on already. You want to play football or not?
  10. I wish there was a 9:30 game every week. I love having the soft opening here to kill that time before the 1pm games
  11. That Orton team was probably my favorite team of the drought. I loved when he was here. Sucks we wasted those first 4 games with EJ
  12. I know this is off topic but anyone ever go back and watch games that were on the 70s-90s Astro turf? It’s insane to think people used to get tackled on that. I wish every field was natural grass. Obviously the Cardinals show you it’s possible to have anywhere. It can be done.
  13. Obviously there can’t be must risk to make this injury worse by common game events. The way McDermott is, no chance he’s out there without being super cautious. It actually is something I can’t stand about our game day roster management but whatever. The thing that is annoying is the way people speak about the fear of this thing being a catastrophic long term risk…..it’s football. Even when playing 100% healthy, in “brand new condition” you are risking your career on every snap. Literally any play, healthy or not could be it. Don’t worry about 5 years down the road because any play can be the last one. No future is certain. People play this game with wreck less abandon because that’s what you have to do. If the DR says he’s good, then let’s go.
  14. Some teams actually do that though. The Dolphins did a few weeks ago with Bridgewater. And the Saints sort of did it with Winston. I’m not saying I agree with it. I think it’s dumb. But it does happen
  15. Rhodes got called up too. What are the odds that guy is on a field before Tre White. Dafuk
  16. Yeah I really hope it’s not I’m just not putting something silly passed them
  17. I’m very worried that this is the plan.
  18. I’d much rather see Josh out there and protect him from himself with the game plan. Put him out there and don’t throw 40x. At least you keep the defense honest and give yourself some outs here. If for some reason he doesn’t feel good, then put Keenum in. You start Keenum you are going to have to play perfect everywhere else. We are not healthy enough on defense and we are going to most likely lose. This time of year the most annoying thing is hearing people act as if non conference games don’t count as much. Everyone is obsessed with tie breakers that barely ever come into play. This is an unpopular take that is unfortunately a rarely understood truth: all the games count as 1. They are all the same. 1 loss or 1 win. Perhaps even 1 tie. That’s the truth. This game means a lot and the Chiefs probably won’t lose again. If josh CAN play, I think he needs to
  19. Obviously this is mostly speculation on what I’m reading but I feel like this guy can definitely play. If it was the playoffs, he’d be out there. I also feel like almost every big name QB in the NFL plays through injury all the time. That’s why they get paid what the do. Franchise QBs are dependable and are someone you expect to have every week. It’s a short season. You can t just write weeks off. It’s a physical game and everyone is banged up. Most QBs are dealing with some sort of issue and most just play. All that being said, this team will sit him. We refuse to push the issue on anyone that’s not 100% and we don’t take regular season games as serious as I’d like. We will take our chances with Keenum and we will probably struggle. The number 1 seed is incredibly important to THIS team. And if we have to go to KC in the playoffs, we are probably going to wish we hadn’t. I’m tired of writing games and seasons off as if we will get back every year for a decade. I bet today by 3/4 we find out he’s out. I definitely hope to be wrong because we need him
  20. Nah not those guys. They are as bad as it gets. I heard Nate actually ask out loud a few weeks ago if Dick Labeau was a defensive guy or OC and I was just out. I get it, some of these younger kids are from a different era but Jesus. That’s inexcusable. It was Sal
  21. I know I can’t say this without people not actually reading it and thinking I’m saying something I’m not….. But I was thinking a few months ago what it would feel like to have the Eagles championship. Like imagine a world where somehow Keanum was forced to play and we somehow played extreme complimentary football, all the stars aligned and we won our only super bowl in history with a QB that we all know isn’t the answer. But just feeling that obligation of having to appreciate and honor the guy that finally delivered for us. And how strange that would feel. Because how do you turn around and bench this guy next year even-though obviously we would. Again: not saying I want this, knowing it WONT happen, hoping Josh plays every second including this week, Keanum sucks….I’m saying I understand this. I’m just thinking out loud of how strange that Situation was and would be for us.
  22. If josh is out hopefully it snows like crazy. Might as well bring the randomness in if your QB is Keanum
  23. If he’s actually going to play, they should leak pictures to the media of him in a sling. That way nobody expects him to suit up then he rides in and blows the doors off em on Sunday
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