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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. We had a 27-10 lead in the second half. You let a guy run an 80 yard TD like it was 1974. You continued to give up big plays on 3rd and long. Couldn’t get a stop on multiple 4th downs. Make a ***** stop. Stop asking your QB to just throw you back every week. Get off the goddamn field. Blitz. Knock a pass down. Bat a ball. Wrap a RB up. Stop letting a QB stand in the pocket and cut you up on 3rd down
  2. The idea is not to take the safety we have a QB that’s borderline unstoppable running. The only thing you CANT do is fumble or throw a pick.
  3. I mean, let’s be real you snap it to josh in shotgun full head of steam hes getting out of the end zone on the first play and the game is over. We are good but maybe the dumbest ***** team in the league
  4. We could have snapped the ball into the end zone in shotgun and maybe even gotten a safety in a worst case and probably still won. How disgraceful to not even execute a snap. Literally all you have to do is not fumble. You can even take a safety and win
  5. Maybe we could find a role for Frank reicht or Jordan Palmer. Get a guy in Josh’s ear that just tells him to not push the issue.
  6. I don’t think that at all. I seriously doubt he goes to either place
  7. I’m not responsible for the hiring and firing of the Bills coaching staff but I can tell you right now the guy turned us from a joke into a super bowl favorite. He’s not going anywhere. He can probably miss the playoffs 3 straight years without being in danger of being fired.
  8. I made the point today during the game and I feel like it was misunderstood…you have 6 RBs active. 1 Is a KR, one is a PR, one is a gunner and they are somehow not the same guy. How the ***** do you justify having these guys being so specialized? If this T. Jones is a no question asked game day roster staple and has no chance of playing a down at a real position: then he better be all 3 of those things. Also why did we trade for Hines to use him never on offense? Why did we draft Cook in the second round to give him 3 touches a game? Why did we bring up Duke to return ***** punts? Come on. We are the only team that still worries so much about STs. STs is for the guys that can’t play a real position. The only guys they should be able to be STs only are K/P/LS. We dedicate all these assets to STs and we aren’t even good at it. There’s almost never a return anymore and when there are it’s a penalty. STs are being phased out of the league. Stop wasting all these roster spots Christ.
  9. Now to the stage where you have to root against the Chargers tonight. What a ***** joke. We should be way over this garbage
  10. If you have the choice to stop caring you probably never cared to begin with. I live 7 hours from the stadium, ***** this team and I won’t talk to almost anyone until Wednesday but I know where I’ll be Sunday. I’m going to say out loud we are done and that the season is probably over but I’m sitting here listening to WGR like an ####### and I know what I’ll be doing Sunday at 1. Wishing I was you probably
  11. Imagine how good they’d look if there were as many guys rushing as blocking every once in a while
  12. No matter what the reasoning, it needs to change. And I have no reason to believe it will
  13. A little here and there I have seen McDermott take over the headset and instantly we started blitzing and putting heat on the QB. Fraizer has always called Defense like a complete *****
  14. We’ll I can’t speak on that side of it, but I can see with my own eyes over the last few years there’s no enough balance. That bothered me with Dabol too. Until this team can run the ball effectively with someone of there then Josh, physical teams are always going to give us fits.
  15. He’s not getting fired. Unless there’s some unforeseen off the field behavior situation. He’s earned several benefits of the doubt. But I want him to take over the defense permanently. I also want him to influence some balance on offense. If my name is on the Main Billing here, I’m not going down with another guys philosophy. I’m taking control of the Defensive play calling at minimum. I’m also in Dorseys ear all week telling him start running the ball effectively or I’m finding someone who will. Also get your QB to value the ball or I’ll find someone that will.
  16. Someone needs to get in Josh’s ear in certain spots and say absolutely need at least 3 here and by no means put the ball in harms way. That needs to happen. Idgaf how sensitive people are about this. We have games to win. Save him from himself period
  17. Josh Allen might be my favorite bill of all time. Absolutely by a mile of recent Bills…he’s nowhere near Mahomes. Sorry.
  18. I’m livid with that pick and fumble at the end of this game but you have a 3 score lead in the second half at home and you need to win. The defense choked away several chances and just could not get us off the field. Injuries or not that’s inexcusable and I’m losing a lot of faith in this staff. I hope McDermott takes over the play calling on defense but everyone just eats Fraizers D 24/7 so I’m sure it’s more likely he’d get given the key to the city. He can shove this soft shell passive BS up his ass. I want my defense to play with half the balls as our offense
  19. People need to stop comparing the ***** we do to the Chiefs. They won theirs. They can do nothing from this point forward and we still aren’t them.
  20. There is a real chance that this team doesn’t make the playoffs. 1 seed is a pipe dream now and you aren’t beating KC in KC in the playoffs. The wheel could absolutely come off this thing.
  21. Same mindset of the people that just say “we’ll be back” when you lose in the playoffs. People were probably thinking at in 99. You never know if or when you’ll be back. Keep pissing away chances at having home field advantage. You aren’t going to KC in the playoffs and winning. That’s why these losses matter
  22. Dafuk outta here with this today. We blew a 17 point second half lead at home. Had the ball with the lead, no time outs for Vikings, just having to run clock and lost. No, not today. It’s been time to be upset. This season might be legitimately over
  23. Yeah it’s called running the ball. Stop taking Cook out constantly and block the ***** up. Put Gilliam in the backfield and block something. Stop relying on the pass constantly
  24. McDermott needs to take control of the play calling on this defense and if we are going down, it needs to be with his hands In the batter. Enough of this passive aggressive shell bull####. Start making QBs uncomfortable. And no matter how hard it is or how much it going against the grain, we need to run the ball. It doesn’t matter what it looks like and it doesn’t matter what people in the media think. Stop getting dominated at the point of attack and get some balance in your offense. This ***** is not going to cut it. Sitting back hoping 4 guys are going to get home against 5 and 6 blockers isn’t working. Doing very predictable things on defense and just getting bailed out by excellent safety play isn’t available. This scheme is too simple. No QB looks uncomfortable against us. Unless we are turning people over, we aren’t making stops. The defense is soft, the offense is incredibly soft. Enough of this bull *****. Every 3rd down these guys have all day to stand and deliver a ball. On 3rd and 15+, you shouldn’t even have time to throw a ball far enough. Blitz for Christ sakes.
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