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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Good half. Keep it up. The defense has been bumming me out since week 3. Tonight, love to see it
  2. I have been super hard on Edmunds every year…what a game. Guy is playing awesome. Great job putting the work in and getting better
  3. Inexcusable. Our corners have been complete horseshit. The only thing that would be ok is starting White and Rhodes and somehow Rhodes being good here
  4. If Elam is healthy and inactive then we are just complete idiots. If it’s a way to get another meaningless STs guy up…then ***** that. I’m good with no more Dane Jackson. If this means Rhodes is flashing and starting alongside White then fine. But come on. Elam has been good. Stop trying to just constantly replace this guy.
  5. I haven’t really been overly concerned with the Offense all year. Even when we are “struggling” we casually put up 25+ like it’s nothing….it’s the Defense that has been aggravating. We need to fix that now. Get White and Elam out there. Hopefully stay healthy going forward and fix this Defense
  6. What’s the plan with Tre White tonight? Is this guy going to be full send here? It’s been over a year now
  7. Been saying for weeks we should try it. That’s the guy we are “missing” on the offense. He didn’t forget how to play. If we think John Brown still has something, at least Beasley played in games THIS season. Absolutely yet him out.
  8. The guy has been really good all year. He’s the best guy we have at CB and these guys just keep playing 30 and 47 to get lit up like a Christmas tree
  9. Bears good enough on defense to make Mike White look like he belongs in the NFL Jesus Christ
  10. We started blitzing after Miller got hurt. Is that going to be the new norm or is it going to regress to the 4+ years of history that we have to go off of? Is your point supposed to be we blitz a lot now…Thursday was an outlier. Or maybe they finally got smart.
  11. I’d take my chances with Elam and Rhodes at this point over Dane Jackson. And I was a big Dane Jackson fan up until 3 weeks ago. They are going to start calling him Dane Cook’d soon if you don’t get him off the field
  12. How about before Thursday? No team blitzes less then us
  13. I have zero issue with the offense. We are still scoring at an incredible rate and our QB has been hurt for 3 weeks. I have no issue with McDermott. Monday through Saturday he’s as good as there is and he took our franchise from a 20 year joke, to a super bowl favorite. The last 2 games were in very difficult circumstances and we won both. That’s something to be proud of. This team I loaded with talent and if we ever get out of our own way, there may be nobody that can beat us. My issue lies with the Defense. That’s the biggest concern I have and it’s growing worse by the week. I have never liked Fraizer. I hate his approach to calling a game. I didn’t like it when he was in Minnesota and I don’t like it here. We have an incredibly talented defense. The best personnel in the NFL on defense IMO and when healthy I don’t think anyone is close. The players are why we have had any success. There is zero imagination to this defense. It’s incredibly simple and predictable. Every team will tell you what we do is basic. We just have executed it at a very high level because our secondary has been an eraser. We never blitz, every accurate QB has all day to sit back and carve us up. We never come off nickel even when teams are making us stop the run. Every physical team imposes their will on us inside on the ground. We cant tackle, can’t get off the field on 3rd down. We can only take away the run when we focus all effort and then the pass defense is completely compromised. When we aren’t turning people over, we aren’t stopping them. This defense has been figured out and it’s broken. This is why we lost to KC and this is how our season will end this year…unless we fix it. McDermott is the coach but this is not his defense. It’s Leslie Fraizers. We need McDermott to take this defense over, call the plays and change the aggression. We should be setting the tone on defense and making teams uncomfortable. That’s not Fraizer. He’s a soft, fall back, bend but don’t break and hope the other team gets bored. That’s not going to work in a league with this many good QBs. That’s not going to work against the better offenses in the playoffs. Look at the difference in personality. Look how intense McDermott is. I have seen him take over the play-call and immediately the pressure increases. We should be dictating play and not even allowing teams to set up to throw balls past the sticks on 3rd and long. This is a change that needs to be made. If we go down we need it to be with out fastball. Have the HC call his specialty.
  14. I think we will come out of this thing stronger because of all the adversity. My only fear is the defense. We aren’t stopping teams on 3rd down and we seem to be exposed without Hyde. I do however think this season will end up building a lot of character and could be the thing that finally gets us over the hump. Just have to ride out this storm and hit our stride in the playoffs
  15. I often wonder what a Dline would look like with Oliver playing DE. In a perfect world I’d see Von and Ed on the end with Jones/Phillips and Settle inside. Feel like you’d be really hard to run on but still get pressure. Ed is quick for his size
  16. The offense is not our issue. Josh is probably the most important player in Bills history at this stage….Fix the defense
  17. I was all about Dane last year and most of this year…the last 2 weeks have been embarrassing. Need Elam and White on the field
  18. In not worried about the offense whatsoever but I’m incredibly worried about the defense. This team needs to fix the issues on defense right now. The pass defense has taken the place of the run defense. Get Elam and White on the field and get this ***** right.
  19. It needs to be White and Elam the rest of the way. Why did White come out after the first drive? Was he not ok?
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