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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. There’s just no way Elam isn’t better then Jackson at this point
  2. Let’s get to 3rd down and just sit on our heels waiting for the QB to make a throw….or blitz and make them force the ball quick
  3. It’s a ***** joke that this game is even close. You just have no clue on 3rd down. How many times do we have to let a guy stand back there and get comfortable? Not only do you let the QB make a throw you also let the WRs get passed the marker. It’s every time
  4. This guy is petrified to get hit please send heat again. Stop sitting back
  5. 3rd and long just never blitz. Let him have the time to sit back there and get to the sticks. It’s just so ***** dumb
  6. This is Buffalo weather man…this team loves it. Except we are a borderline finesse track meet team that would be better off indoors and absolutely suck every ***** time in ***** weather. Don’t build a dome tho
  7. Why do we insist on throwing every first down. The weather matters. Stop throwing every down
  8. White is a ***** that can’t move the only way he hurts you is letting him hit his first read. Blitz the ***** out of him
  9. Wtf are we doing. Let’s run the goddamn ball when it’s like this please
  10. Fraizer just let’s these QBs stand there all ***** day on 3rd down!
  11. This 3rd down defense is ***** terrible. Stop letting QBs stand in there on 3rd down SEND a BLITZ
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