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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Leslie Fraizer is going to be the reason this team doesn’t win a super bowl. Not having AJ Klein on the field today is inexcusable. I can’t stand this ***** guy
  2. I really like the whole TNF broadcast. Picture is super clear, the pregame is cool. Fitz and Sherman are really good. I like the women involved (Rooks especially) That being said, if they came back from commercial at any point and the stage was cut and Tony Gonzales’ chair was gone, nobody anywhere would ask questions. There might be nobody on earth worse at their job then he is. I’m not sure why they wanted him to begin with but after 4 mins of week 1 it wasn’t working. You got to get rid of that guy as soon as possible.
  3. Had it forever as soon as football ends I’m out now. As long as I get msg still ill get Sunday ticket on YouTube and be good. Talk about a death sentence for DTV. You had the golden ticket and didn’t care to continue…. It’s the only reason anyone had it IMO
  4. Lol just keep adding to the old bills pile. Bring him in to just complete this full circle run
  5. I’d rather not have the offense use motion and shifting to create a situation where Taron Johnson becomes the MLB and an olineman is blowing him up on the 2nd level for gash runs. If Miami never stopped running on their own we would have lost that game last night
  6. I have been very vocal about my displeasure with Fraizer. I feel like our talent on defense far exceeds our performance. I can’t stand the way Fraizer calls a defense and I hope that he gets a HC job. The constant refusal to come out of nickel regardless of situation is as frustrating as it is dumb. The fact that our LBs can run and cover as a strength is even more of a reason to play a 3rd LB. Of all the teams in the NFL that can cover a guy without a NB, we are at the top. That stubbornness is why we can’t stop the run and that’s why physical teams make us pay. The Bears are going to pound the ball down our throats. This is not the time to mess around. The Bills better put Klein on the field and take our chances with a conventional base defense. We should be able to beat the Bears but if you let them run it on you, they can steal one.
  7. 1 things for sure….the chiefs are not the same without Hill. We are Guna beat them
  8. The bengals are the “alt take” flavor of the month. Everyone wants to be the smartest guy in the room by looking past the obvious. It’s not interesting enough to say the obvious best teams are the best teams. The bengals weren’t that good last year and got lucky. The raiders had them beat. Until they beat KC this year nobody was even talking about them. It wouldn’t surprise me if they drop a game before they play us. I’m not saying they aren’t good but I think people need to pump the brakes on the brakes bengals a little.
  9. I’d need to see him playing consistently enough to feel that way. I almost never notice him on the field
  10. Every year people try to down play home field. We’ll I’ll just say for THIS team, it’s importance is monumental. In Bills history, we almost never win a road playoff game and at home it’s the opposite. That’s all I’ll say for jinxing purposes
  11. Man watching the end of this game again on NFL network before the pre game starts. How big was that play Elam makes. You almost forget that Taron Johnson gives up that huge play down the sideline and the Dolphins are right there to take the lead. That 2nd down pass to Hill that Elam is all over for a 3 yard loss might have saved this game. Can the guy just start and play an entire game next to White? It’s not as if Dane Jackson has been so good you can’t take him off the field. If anything it’s been the opposite. 27-24 the rest of the way. Cmon wake up here
  12. I’m not sure how much sense this is going to make but: Mahomes is the best QB in the league, He’s pretty close to the best I have ever seen at this point. The throws he makes consistently are incredible and he almost never misses. They don’t have much at WR right now and yet they are still deadly. Brady is the best of all time but this kid came in and has been absolutely lights out from day 1. Power to him, seems like a good guy. Hate playing them but give him his due the dude is great….. Josh Allen is the best player in the league. Truthfully nobody is close IMO. NOBODY can do what this guy can do. He’s a monster among men and the most fun player to watch since god knows when. This guy literally puts the entire team on his back and can do ***** that nobody has done past of present. Cannon arm, accurate, mobility that the game has never seen. Scramble to extend plays, use his legs to clip off 25 yard runs like it’s nothing, tight window lasers on the run, rainbow touch passes in the bucket, run linebackers over…..There is nothing this guy can’t do. There’s nobody I’d rather have in the league at any position. I’m so proud to have Josh Allen as the face of this franchise and there’s no doubt in my mind that this guy is the best football player in the league. Is he the MVP? He has been for the last 3 years. If they give it to him great. If not? We all know what this guy is. Everyone that plays against us knows what this guy is. An absolute freak monster that is the best football player on the planet and thankfully he wears a Buffalo on the side of his helmet.
  13. Enough complaining about the offense and the WRs….let’s enjoy this win. Was huge. The Defense is the problem and it needs to be fixed now. Lay off Josh, lay off Dorsey and the WRs….the issue all year if the DC and the tackling. Still great win.
  14. Holy *****. Thank god lol that was dumb but yes! Thank you
  15. Cook has been the most dangerous skill pos player for a month and a half now, make sure you never give him the ball though you dumb *****
  16. Could we try and get Beasley involved a little? It’s nice to throw 35 yard passes on 3rd and 6 but how about a few high pct chain movers here
  17. Idk how we got here but at this point any win in this game would feel like a win in the playoffs. Jesus Christ
  18. The 1 seed is not something to play with. This defense absolutely sucks. Every time you try and talk about how clueless Fraizer is you get a laundry list of defenders. The guy is a problem and this defense sucks
  19. Ppl talking all week about this game like it was going to be a walk through…this team is not a joke. And our defense has been bad all year that’s to a clueless DC. Need big effort to even win this game. Blowout was never in the cards
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