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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I’m not saying they will or won’t. Just saying, everything is on the table here. Obviously if they got good news on Hamlin soon it would be all systems go. But the longer they wait, idk
  2. As crazy as it might sound, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Bills don’t play another game this year. No matter how that looks if they just say they are done…wouldn’t surprise me at all
  3. We should put together a shirt like that for TBD to show support and take the money and do something with it
  4. Does anyone have an idea of any possible realistic timeline for updates? Would it be crazy to think we could hear something this morning or are we thinking it’s at least 24 hours before any sort of information?
  5. Hope this vitals report is legit. You’d have to think that’s a good sign
  6. Every minute is like an hour cmon someone say something about him. Let this guy be ok
  7. I was sort of indifferent towards the bengals. Sort of felt happy for them after a long period of terrible football. The last few weeks something changed and I hope we beat the living ***** out of this team tonight and it costs them the division
  8. GB, Det, MiA, Ne, Pit all have winning records. Bills beat all of them. All the Bills have done is play good teams all year.
  9. Every year the eliminated and stuck teams play at 1. No matter what the Bills probably won’t be stuck and the Pats absolutely will need it no matter what. We are going to play at 4
  10. I think the way it’s worked lately is all the teams with a shot at movement play at 4. I can’t see anyway the Bills are at 1 but Sal just talked himself in circles thinking it will be at 1. I think I might be dumber for having listened to what he just said, at point he was talking about when it will be if the chiefs lose lol I’m guessing at that point it’s a little too late to move the game time bud…I say it has to be 4 the game will have meaning for both teams
  11. Are you ***** kidding me!!! This is why we need the 1. You aren’t beating the refs in KC
  12. Minshew absolutely sucks. This team better start running the ball because this guy isn’t it
  13. Now they should play against each-other in the “all state, choke artist- you blew it bowl” Michigan just stepping all over themselves from start to finish against an inferior team and Ohio state squandering an inexcusable late multi score lead. Just absolutely horrendous coaching from Harbaugh all day and Ohio state should be ashamed of letting that one slip.
  14. I think Cook can be the difference maker in the playoffs that gives us the final gear to win the super bowl. I just don’t think our own coaches will allow it. That’s a very upsetting feeling
  15. You have to pay the guy. He’s not going to bankrupt us and I’m sure he’s not looking for a super long deal. Find a way to manipulate the bonuses and guaranteed money and get him here at least 2 more years. Or just win the super bowl this year then nobody is going to care lol That would buy us some carefree time
  16. Really want to hear about Poyer. This guy makes all the difference. Not only with how good he is when on the field. But also even more so with how terrible we are without him out there.
  17. I’m not that guy, if anything I’m super negative usually but I got a feeling the bengals are driving towards the corner of ***** around and find out. This team is actually starting to really bother me and they might want to keep their moths shut until after the game. It’s going to be a tough game but there seem to be a lot of feelings flying around that are making the Bills out to be inferior…might want to check that at the door
  18. It will probably be every team that has anything going playoff or seeding wise at 4. All the dead teams or games that effect nothing playoff wise at 1. We are going to play at 4, no chance our game is meaningless win or lose against Cincinnati, we are still going to need that Pats game and they certainly need it.
  19. Are we doing AFL throwbacks? I know it’s strange to do it on the road but we are running out of time here
  20. He should hire a guy to play QB for him. He personally sucks at it
  21. I don’t know what it’s going to take to get this guy the ball. He might actually be that x factor opens up this offense and makes us unstoppable. And he’s already on the roster…sometimes I don’t know what our coaches are looking at
  22. It’s so fun to see the way Cook moves with the ball in his hand. He gets to 6 or 7 yards in absolutely no time
  23. If somehow I wasn’t capable or couldn’t see the score, I’d never believe the game was what it was…we played like straight ***** all day but won but 3 tds 🤷‍♂️ I guess that’s probably a good sign
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