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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Allen is our only hope. This team will never move on from McDermott. That 9/11 thing was our way out but he somehow sidestepped that. We are never going to win with this guy. Allen deserves better. If Allen asks for a trade I wouldn’t even blame him. He deserves better then watching the Chiefs defense out coach ours. It’s bad enough they have a QB in Allen’s level, a HC that’s miles ahead of our offense…their DC is twice the coach that our HC is. Wtf man. How are we even close to these guys? It’s not fair to him. Please ask for Belichek or someone who has proven they can win. The guys not getting any younger
  2. This was my last run with McDermott. If they had won yesterday I’d rethink all I had about the guy. His defense is why we never win and his defense is going to waste josh Allen’s career. I feel terrible for josh. As long as McDermott is here we will never win. He’s a real solid coach Monday through Saturday. He’s terrible on game day and his defense is a disgrace. All people do is make excuses. Just watch the ***** game. It’s literally the same thing year in year out. Any QB that’s even a little accurate will shred us on 3rd down. All we do is rely on turnovers. If we aren’t turning people over, we aren’t stopping them. This will never change. I’m done. I’ll never think we have a shot again as long as this guy is in charge. I’m not going anywhere. I can’t. I’m stuck with this for life. But yesterday was it for my optimism. I have seen it to many times. I’d be dumb to not see what it is. This coach is clueless about the 1 phase he’s responsible for. Fire him, put a new DC in or we’ll never win
  3. This guy is going to spend all morning talking about WRs. We were one of the best offenses in football again. Like every year. The only reason we got anywhere. How many years straight of watching our defense just get routinely picked apart will it take to understand? The offense is not even close to the issue. We will never win anything until this guys defense is gone. It can’t be this. His scheme is like a pre season joke. It’s way too simple. Every good QB just shreds it. This is the problem that will make everything else meaningless
  4. I haven’t seen 5 Qb sneaks get stopped in football combined all year we had like 5 in a row stopped. How is this even possible? We are the only team anywhere that loses in BS ways like this. Can’t run the most unstoppable play in the game.
  5. Some people are never going to get it. Jeremy white just going on about the last drive with Allen. We gave up 32 ***** points to a team that never scores. It’s the DEFENSE. It’s been for 6 years. Wake the ***** up! We scored 29 on that team in arrowhead. It’s the DEFENSE. They don’t stop anyone
  6. bull####. That’s not true. This guy is not going to get us there. He’s riding the coattails of Josh. If anything he’s somehow losing with the best player in the league
  7. They are never going to fire him. We are stuck with this guy. I’d be ok with it. If they came out and brought in a completely new person to coach the D. Totally different scheme. And you tell McDermott you are the HC but your defense is not being used. Flat out take it or leave it. Bring in a guy that runs a 3-4 idgaf. It can’t be this bull####. We were giving the chiefs WRs 9 yard cushions. The team that never throws it down fiekd and throws everything underneath. How dumb can you be?
  8. How about don’t let them go immediately down the field to the 10? Is there ever a time after the offense scores a big TD, that we can just get a ***** 3 and out? It’s always instant skates and 50 free yards in 3 plays. It’s the same show every season every game. Just fall back and pray the other team messes up. Make a stop
  9. Fix the defense. That’s the only thing that matters. We score 30 points every single game. You need to find a way to overhaul the defense
  10. We will never win anything with him. A completely new voice needs to come in and fix the defense. The chiefs defense is coached so much better then ours it’s not even funny. This defense will never win anything. Never has, never will. Let’s just keep wasting years of josh Allen’s career. It’s only going to get harder. In a heartbeat I’d make Brady the HC and bring in a different DC. One with HC experience. I want a complete overhaul on the defensive philosophy. It’s not that I hate it, it’s that it just doesn’t work. I’m not sure when it’s going to be obvious to everyone. If we run it back with this defense, this is as far as we’ll ever go. The good passers will always shred us. This guy is ***** terrible at coaching a defense
  11. It’s not even close. The problem is the defense. Been for 6 years. Our offense is the only reason we win. It’s plain as day. Every single issue with this team is the defense.
  12. The defense has been the issue since 2019. I can’t say it more. I’m not sure how it’s not clear as day. The offense has never been the issue. It’s 100% the scheme. It’s entirely the defense
  13. I had no intention of coming here for a few days but ***** it. This is what being a Bills fan is. And anytime anyone ever comes at you for being negative or skeptical, just know you are well within your rights and it’s not your fault. It’s bull#### TBH. To have this offense for 5 years and can’t break through. It’s inexcusable. This coach needs to be only a figure head or fired. An entirely new voice and scheme needs to be bright in. From the outside. Hopefully Allen pushes the issue because how can this possibly ever change?
  14. Just the same thing every single year. Just can’t ever stop anyone. This team could have won 2 or 3 super bowls already. You give up 32 to a team that didn’t score 30 against anyone. Make it about whatever you wanna make it about. If this is our defense, we’ll never win a Super Bowl. McDermott is holding us back and at this point I don’t think we’ll ever get through. Even in the down years the chiefs light us up. ONLY us btw. Not even the ***** teams they play. Even the terrible teams stop them. 2017….that off-season the league figured our defense out. Keep running it back. We’ll end up here. The offense scores 29, never enough. It’s never going to be enough because our defense just doesn’t make stops. Rely on turnovers. That’s not a defense. It’s complete bull####. This coach is why we haven’t won and is why we won’t win. Change it or we’ll never get further
  15. One half of football for the rest of your lives defense. Please. Hold them to 21 we might have a shot. No more points. Find a way. An entire fan base is begging you. Just once let us be the team that goes on
  16. We haven’t forced a punt in 2 games. The same story every ***** year. You just flat out do not make stops in the playoffs. You can’t rely on turnovers. The offense does its part. This coach and this defense NEVER ***** do. One time ever make STOPS FFS! Make them punt.
  17. Play some ***** defense now. Take it away again!! lFG!!
  18. It’s going to Come down to what it always comes down to…the defense. The Bills offense from 19-now has been one of the best things in the history of this franchise. They have done more than enough year in and year out. The year we win the superbowl, will be the year the defense takes over. It’s been time for McDermott and his defense to rise up and take this thing to the next level. It’s the only way we ever get one. A months worth of lights out defense. We have 2 good ones behind us. Keep it rolling. Set the tone, make stops, get off the field on 3rd down and make Mahomes uncomfortable. It’s time to do this
  19. I find you’re going to get in trouble regardless….might as well get yours
  20. I remember what I was doing the time the Hughes trade was announced. Then flash forward the dude was like the longest tenured bill and I was talking about him being an all time bill…that wasnt even that recent. I answered my own question. Yes, we’re old
  21. How is this not a hot topic in here? How awesome. Win this Super Bowl now even more for guys like him
  22. Man these guys are getting these coaching jobs fast….are we old?
  23. This is all correct and rational and that’s cool. I get it. One trap I’m absolutely not going to fall into and one thing I’m not going to do is take this for granted whatsoever. It’s happened hundreds of times. A team or player gets somewhere and you think, they are young and will be back. You never know. You never know how long and if you’ll ever be back. Get it now. This is the only guarantee. It’s sports. Anything can happen. We might not get back to the playoffs for 20 years. Just go win the whole thing right now because you never know when or if you’ll get another chance. This is a very safe and hedging mindset and it’s the last thing I want right now. I want to drink this all in and I want to finally finish one.
  24. I watched the 93 championship game on YouTube today. Wanted to feel the feeling of a big win. Now I got this playoff game from last year on. Never rewatched it. I’m not looking forward to the end but feel good knowing we got a real life shot at redemption. Seeing how close we got…now I’m pissed again that Bass is going to miss this
  25. I don’t know why I had this thought. Imagine we win the Super Bowl. Bishop starts then flash forward like 10 years, tail End of Josh’s career and we play in another one. And then the only 2 guys still remaining from that first super-bowl team are John and Bishop. This is the stage we are at now…no reason delusional fantasies
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