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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. It won’t happen but at this point I’d be happy with it. This is how it’s always going to end with this team. The overall philosophy here is atrocious. We are so soft on both sides of the ball. This isn’t tennis. I don’t understand why we have no physicality. Then you have people arguing about domes….this team is a finesse ***** team. We aren’t built to play in the elements
  2. I want my defense to dictate play. Not sit back and hope the offense makes a mistake. Why would any good QB be just allowed to stand there freely and find an open guy? The good guys are going to do it 80% of the time. The name of the game is making them uncomfortable. It’s like we are the dumbest team in the nfl that accidentally has good players. It can’t get better if this staff comes back
  3. You are almost in the mode now of fast forward through the regular season because all that matters is the playoffs….but how can anyone think this ***** changes? If anything we are further away than ever before. It’s 9 months now until a game matters again. Absolutely embarrassing. You don’t go into the offseason thinking next year we got this. Feels like we are further away then we were after the Texans loss. What a disgrace
  4. They never come off that. Doesn’t matter down or distance. I literally hate this defense. I’d take an aggressive Defense that gets greedy and makes mistakes over this ***** passive aggressive shell anyway. It’s infuriating. You will beat the impatient, lazy ***** QBs. The decent ones are going to carve you a new #######. They have all day to do anything
  5. Everyone is going to talk about skill position players all offseason…this team has zero physicality. That’s been the issue for 3 ***** years. You can’t stop the run and any physical front pushes you straight backwards. We don’t need WRs. We need physical linemen and a philosophy change. We have a QB that’s perfect for the Super Bowl Panthers offense and defensive personnel that should be much better. The reason we regularly can’t run or stop the run is because both of our lines are finesse. This is the issue. Won’t be fixed and unfortunately probably won’t even be realized. Worry about the WRs….The issue is the line. Need a much more physical LB then Edmunds as well but that will be completely ignored
  6. This entire defense was horrible from week 3 on. This ***** doesn’t fix itself. We either become more physical at the line of scrimmage or we are never getting there. Nice 9 months now to sit with this. Completely embarrassing
  7. Who was held accountable after the loss in KC last season? Levi Wallace? The guy who we probably missed this year? This team will do nothing. Fraizer has been horrible. We never get any pressure and every good QB has all day to cut us up. Every physical team dominates us on both sides of the ball. This ***** isn’t new. Been this way for 3 seasons
  8. I’d be stunned if anyone gets fired. This ####### survived blowing a lead with 13 seconds left last year. The guy is bulletproof apparently
  9. I don’t agree with that. I think it’s fraizers. Just like his POS defenses were in Minnesota.
  10. How can you feel at all like this gets better? You never even came close to stopping that team. Fraizer is an absolute ***** disgrace. All year this defense was horrible. Should have been fired last year after 13 seconds. Run it back with this guys and it’s just a complete waste of time. The Offense has to play perfect every game because this defense is terrible. Every physical team dominates us and this guy never changes what he does. It’s long since been figured out. For the love of god fire this guy tomorrow. Please
  11. There is so much pressure on our offense to be perfect every week because of this defense. A team is going to hire this guy as a HC? Are you ***** kidding me? We probably couldn’t give this guy away. Idgaf what the stats look like. We are NOT going to get there with 4. If you let this guy have time he’s not Guna miss. You have to send pressure
  12. There is nothing about this Defense that teams hadn’t figured out 3 seasons ago. This guy is horrible
  13. Defense has been the issue all year and cost us innKC last year. All everyone ever does it complain about the ***** offense. ***** Fraizer he is the problem
  14. I can’t believe it’s not even noon yet lol come on with this slow time
  15. I truly hate the Chiefs at this point. I can’t stand their BS act at home. It’s just so aggravating. You aren’t beating this team in KC. The refs will absolutely make sure of it
  16. Have the Jags even touched Mahomes after he got hurt?
  17. What a complete waste. Jags got handed a legit shot here and just did nothing with it.
  18. Of course he’s coming back. Jags chance was that drive before the half. Never should have punter to begin with but then make a stop
  19. I mean they probably have to go into the locker room at halftime and do something to help the guy. There’s lots of reason. Like the 10+ min they have right now to treat the thing and manage the pain…
  20. Chad henne comes in on their own 2, drop a pick in your hands and let them not only get out of there but score a TD. What a joke. Now the game is over. Mahomes will probably be back in at halftime. You had a shot and blew it as hard as possible
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