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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. This team sucks. I dont want to hear another thing about this team going anywhere
  2. That will do it for us. Another year. We done
  3. Guess we will try again next year. Same thing every year
  4. This team !@#$ing sucks
  5. Every game that matters...we lose
  6. Every big game ever this team has to lose
  7. A month ago I wouldnt have cared about letting Holmes go, but now I actually kind of like him. I hope we keep all these WRs and start Benjamin and Holmes on the outside with Mathews in the slot. Zay backup slot and Thompson and Tate the backups to the outside guys.
  8. That helmet would be sick with white face mask and no center stripes so its all white except the logo
  9. Yeah Im from way down state like an hour from MetLife. Im in the same boat. I have to listen thru the app and its just terrible.
  10. I want to see it confirmed. May have to grab a white KB here
  11. He will just say something that he thinks is so funny, then its the dumbest, least funny thing you can imagine and bulldog just gives an explosive single laugh like he has never heard a joke before. The guy is just a complete dick bag
  12. This is the WR I wanted from that draft anyway lol Every time it comes up about adding a position player, schopp says none of it matters unless you have the QB. Like the nfl is 1 on 1 between qbs. Then when a guy calls in to say Tyrod played poor, Schopp blames the other players and says Tyrod is not that bad. The guy constantly says we dont play like a team that understands all you should ever do is pass, then says the qb is doing good. He actually says the people you draft is pretty much random and you can pretty much just pick players with no accuracy of results. This guy is a complete idiot. Who hired him to talk about sports?
  13. How does KB feel about it? Is he excited about the process?
  14. Would have been even better to go no stripe with the white face masks
  15. Guys like Colin cowherd and Steven A Smith, yes. I dont think its that with this guy. I just really think he is this dumb when it comes to Football
  16. Schopp acting like this guy is Brandon Tate level. Now hes getting powned by caller after caller. Hes blowing off people trying to compare him to Watkins. Someone send him the stats. Also acting like there must be something wrong with him because the panthers felt like they could trade him...then in the next sentence saying how great Watkins is. Yet the Bills decided it was okay to get rid of him? Just can this !@#$ing clown
  17. Yet schopp was praising them for almost everything they did this last offseason. The team is the biggest disgrace in sports
  18. These guys are incredible. Schopp says all the time he wishes the nfl had more trades for players and how much fun it would be. Now the Bills trade for one of the 20 players he has probably heard of before and hes not exited. The guy is such an !@#$. Now his stunt double (Jeremy) on the morning show tommorw, will copy everything Schopp says today to try and make him proud. The people on WGR are so bad its sickening. Then why do I listen? Because thats the station that talks about the Bills. Simple enough to understand. There is no other option. Ps love this trade, Go Bills!
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