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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. i don't feel like they are comparable skill levels. Slater is much better IMO
  2. I don't know how this guy made it this long. A complete zero and wasted roster spot for much to long
  3. We need an underneath WR and a vet in the lockerroom. Fan favorite. Yes, bring him back
  4. Having Watkins and Smith to take the top off a defense, would do wonders for Shady and our ground game. I think it's a no brainer. If you don't want Woods back, sign Smith and draft a reliable underneath slot guy in the 3rd or 4th round... our supporting cast would be looking pretty good for a QB.
  5. Looks like Torrey Smith is getting released. I might prefer him to Aiken. Maybe it's just me but I'm not really impressed with Aiken.
  6. At this point I just want this over. I don't even care what we decide. Just make a decison and let's get ready for 2017
  7. i didn't say the Browns would do it. Although they are the only organization in football more clueless then we are, so why knows
  8. No team is going to trade for Tyrod. At this point all the Bills have done is **** on his value. These teams probably figure the Bills are just going to cut him. Might as well wait. The Bills should have been playing it up like they love the guy, if the idea was to move him for value. Instead they pretty much sunk that ship themselves. Now teams will just wait it out and keep their picks.
  9. i think with 1 and 33 you go whichever QB you like the best and the best WR left at 33 and you never worry about Tyrod or Woods again. Then you still can move a 6th for Simein incase Watsons not ready to go week 1
  10. If our OC thinks we can be better with Simien, then I'm all for it. The difference in production between Tyrod and Simien is minimal. It does not outweigh the major difference in salary. If Tyrod restructures, then maybe it's a different story. As contracts are currently constructed...Il take Simien and some roster flexibility, over Tyrod.
  11. I hope we take Watson. The game is changing little by little. I see Watson as a Mariotta type and when was the last time we drafted the most accomplished QB coming out of college? The excitement around having a guy like that in Buffalo would be a welcomed change. I realize a lot of people feel like his game won't translate to the NFL...all I know is the guy threw for monster numbers against the best defense in college football. You don't put up passing numbers against Alabama if you can't throw the football into tight spots. The bright lights of the big stage did not phase Watson and I would like to see us bring in a winner for a change. A guy just ran a 4.22 40
  12. When you sign into this board, it's not a rando company line facebook page. That's a positive
  13. Did crusher get in? I'm going clean slate on everyone from the old guard. Where we may have all been divided by QB opinions...we are joined in the feeling of being blindly jettisoned by our home. It's a new day in Bills fan hood. No Rex, No EJ, no BBMM....maybe no more losing? One can dream
  14. They should have given us a 1 day send off to get everything off our chest and collect as many perma ban's as need be. Or at least say goodbye to people we have talked to for a decade
  15. Shaw didn't make it over? There are some lifers that are probably borderline devistated about this. I felt like a man without a country for a solid 24 hours. I'm getting used to this now though
  16. There were times last year where it looked like the kid could play. I like his calm and confident attitude. It's tough to really tell much about him because of how talented the WRs are in Denver. There are other guys I would want more, but I wouldnt be completely against it. I'm willing to give the coaching staff a shot and trust what their vision is. If they like Simien, then I'm play with that.
  17. Nice to see that people kept their names. With an unexpected shot at a fresh start...we all missed the boat
  18. All I can say is I have been looking on here for almost a full day and have seen no mention of EJ, so this place is already a step up IMO lol
  19. He probably should have taken some photos of holes, so he knew where to run once he got the ball. Might have saved him a lot of time rather then running sideways aimlessly
  20. As long as Bush is out, I'm good. At which point last year was having bush better then just bringing back Fred? At least fans would have given Fred a break. A little nastalgia and possibly some short yardage toughness. He probably could have helped show Williams the way a little too as a mentor.
  21. If we are going to give money to one of our FA LBs, I hope that it is to Z Brown. Alexander was a great story. Everyone was happy for him and he earned every bit of praise and respect that he got. The truth is, how often does a guy with a resume like that, recreate his max performance? Chances are he is more like the pedestrian player that he was for 10 years, then the star he was for 1. And to top it off in this system, where is he going to fit? Someone is going to over pay for this guy and more then likely regret it. 2016 was an amazing story and a career year for Alexander. It's going to get him paid, I just hope it's not us that does it.
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