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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Cassel absolutely did beat him out considering both times he was on the roster, Cassel was the 2 and EJ was the 3. Tyrod was the starter.
  2. matt Cassel beat him out for the backup job. Whaley then cut him. They bring Cassel back on a cheaper deal, probably because Rex complained. Cassel goes back to the 2, then Whaley trades him. Then you have week 17 of last year. Why would you not just play Jones in that game? They did everything they could and more to force EJ. It didn't work. No reason to feel bad.
  3. Everybody has to come to EJ's defense here like the guy has it so bad. He was over drafted by about 4 rounds. Therefore got all kinds of publicity and also got paid more then he deserved. EJ Got handed job after job here without ever earning any of them. He was out played by every QB that we have ever had on our roster, yet still never was cut. Had players released undermining our depth chart, just to keep him on our gameday Roster. Has had excuse after excuse made for him since day 1. Has high school level footwork and probably the worst accuracy I have ever seen for an NFL QB (not named Tebow). And through out all of this, nobody has ever been able to say anything bad about him without the "nice guy" police jumping in. EJ is probably a good guy. It's funny how that's just a given in any one of these conversations, Eventhough I seriously doubt anyone on here actually knows him or could know that for sure. Nobody wanted him to fail. We are all diehard bills fans, everyone on here hoped he would be great. The guy was given more opportunities then his skill set deserved, due to complete incompetence from our front office. I really don't understand why we are supposed to feel bad for him? The guy should have been taken in the 4th or 5th round and had the investment been in line with the performance...would have probably been let go long ago. The way I see it, the guy got more then he could have asked for based on his ability. I don't feel bad for a guy that got paid millions of dollars despite never improving. That is soley on him. I feel bad for the fans that were sold a bill of goods and had to sit through wasted time and forced attempts to get this guy on the gameday roster.
  4. Gander Mountain is going to hire him to take down all the tents with wildly thrown footballs
  5. Reggie Germany is taking the elevator to the 10th floor and dropping these guys off on the 5th
  6. How about Carr and Wright? Get a slot WR and a vet CB you can play on the outside next to Darby. A guy who can help teach Darby how to be a pro
  7. Whatever team VInce Young signed with should take a look at EJ. He might be good enough to compete for the backup job there.
  8. I like Alexander. I'm glad he's back. I personally would have put him at SLB, got rid of Preston Brown and brought back Zach. I have no issue with the signing, I just wish it meant that cement foot Preston Brown was gone. I'm just confused at where he will play.
  9. So of we draft a WR at 10 that's great....that means we will only need 3 more guys. Wether we draft a WR at 10 or not, we still need to add a guy that can start. No matter what we need a slot WR. That guy won't be drafted at 10. It's a big jump from college to the pros, especially for WR. You can't just expect a guy to come in here and cary that much of the load. Watkins is hurt all of the time. You want a Rookie to end up being our #1 WR if Sammy goes down again? Whaley needs to sign at least 1 decent Veteran WR before the draft. Personally I think we need 2 or 3. It's time to get moving. Either sign a guy or trade for 1.
  10. rex Ryan got his job that way too and I'm pretty sure most of this board knew better then to be dropping Mario Williams into coverage. This board has been in the playoffs as many times as the bills in this millennium so maybe that's what's funny.
  11. Happy to have a guy that wanted to be here. But where is he going to fit? It looks like we have 3 guy that should be playing SLB. Hopefully Ragland is quick enough to play inside because I'm thinking we seriously lack speed at LB right now.
  12. I would like to see Byrd back. Was a great player in buffalo. Is a great fit in a soft zone and should have spent his whole career here. It's a position of serious weakness and he can still put fear into a QB while camped out over the top of a zone.
  13. are you serious? I literally don't even know who you are. I was a 15,000 post SR member over there and nothing close to a troll. Were you even on that board? I have never seen you before
  14. i have never had interest in doing what the Browns have done. I can't speak for anyone else. 17 years is enough. I want to win. I want to see this team make the playoffs at basically any cost. I have no interest in a rebuild.
  15. Who might need a WR like Cooks more? Tyrod or Brady? A qb that is a middle of the road starter with only 1 real passing weapon? Or a guy who is most likely the best QB to ever play the game and can make pedestrian receivers look like pro bowlers? My point was the Patriots are never satisfied and even though they are already great. Working every day to add pieces and get better. That's what winners do. Your response was...they have Tom Brady? What does that have to do with what I'm saying? I don't understand what you don't get about it. They have Brady and yet they still go out and make the moves that we should be making. They are in the business of producing winning football teams and we are in the business of producing excuses and let downs.
  16. i don't understand the post? So in theory they would have less reason to go out and sign difference makers at WR. Brady being as good as he is can make average WRs look great. I feel as if what you are saying is the opposite of why they are more aggressive then us. The truth is they are an organization that is all about winning and we are somebody else.
  17. The team that won the Super Bowl last year and wins the division every year, is not satisfied. They try to get better and find creative ways to add good players all of the time. They try and get better everyday. We are the furthest thing from set, and yet we are sitting around waiting for dust to settle to sign somebody's #5 receiver.
  18. we needed a guy last year all year to and all we have done since then is lose guys. When the dust settles, the good guys will be gone. This team does not deserve the benifit of the doubt. And that is nobody else's fault. When a team consistently underwhelms and misses the playoffs, there is no place for calm trust.
  19. Why do we constantly ignore WR? Every year we leave ourselves so thin at WR and rely on Sammy to cary the entire load. The guy can't stay healthy and most good teams can take 1 WR away (if that's all you have). I'm not saying we should have paid Woods, but come on. IMO we should sign at least 1 if not 2 WRs. It doesn't have to be a huge name, but how about a guy like Ginn or Stevie? I would have like to have seen Garçon or Smith...but at this point il settle for the next tier FAs. Just do something. At this point we have 1 WR on the roster that would even get on the field for another NFL team. It's not good enough.
  20. I bet Steve Johnson would love to come back. He's much better even at this stage in his career, then this guy.
  21. There are good WRs left and at this point, we have 1 guy. I hope this guy isn't even being considered. Go sign two guys that can actually play.
  22. On espn they are saying cousins asked for a trade. Tyrods contract is much more manageable. Imagine if we traded Tyrod for Cousins lol
  23. How many seasons was slater injured? Easily is pretty much every year. The guy did basically nothing in his Bills career. He was a BBMB hero for years. Talked about like he would break out every year, all he broke was body parts.
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