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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. maybe the Chiefs were in constant talks with Whaley about a job in KC after today.
  2. rex probably did all he could do to convince the Pegulas that Whaley was the issue... Maybe after McDermott came in, they heard the same stuff and just said enough was enough
  3. I'm not saying McDermott is going to be a good coach. But he must be great at convincing the Pegulas that he knows what he's doing. This guy is taking this over and cleaning out every inch of the leftover mess.
  4. Wgr doesn't even have guys ready to go here? Who didn't see this coming from the stuff they were saying last night? On the app we have some story about jim harbaugh playing paintball or something. Come on with this bush league stuff. Big day here
  5. Now we are going to have the buddy nix game again. If you liked Whaley, and the draft picks from this year suck...they were Mcdermots picks. If you didn't like Whaley and the draft picks suck, they where whaleys picks. And what do you know, there's a QB involved again lol. Oh well, I'm good with Whaley being gone. Use two firsts to take the 4th best WR in a draft class. Hang into the worst QB in football and continue to minipulate the roster to keep him active on game days. Don't win enough and have a piss poor relationship with coach after coach...see ya.
  6. That's awesome. Just for the sake of, anyone with common sense would have a competition every year. Why would you ever not allow the best person to play? TJ Yates is better then people think. Not saying he's going to beat out Tyrod...but if it's a true competition, it won't be a blow out. Yates is a pro.
  7. That's where the game is headed. LBs that can run and cover.
  8. I like this type of QB. I'd rather see a guy that already understands the fundamentals and basics of the position, then the monster upside raw guys that usually amount to nothing.
  9. I would be okay with drafting Kelly today and giving him a shot. Let chad and Cardale battle it out. Better QB is the 3. Put the other one on the PS. If you loose him, you loose him. Kelly is an early round talent and if it works it would be worth the risk. If it doesn't, oh well. It's just a 5th.
  10. i was going to just kind of breeze right by this...I'm not sure how to prove or disprove this statement. But I would expect you might not find another person on the planet that thinks Ragland is faster then Kiko. I mean, I was going to let it go and just assume it was some sort misunderstanding...but come on. Kiko is one of the fastest LBs in the league so the plan would be to start an UDFA or 4-7 round draft pick and the most important LB spot on the team? That's an interesting take. I mean if we are looking to sign a current street FA, there are almost no quick LBs available. The time to do that has pretty much come and gone. If we are going to trade for one, my guess is they would have done that before the draft. If they are going to wait for a vet cut. I'm not sure a LB that can run and cover is just going to shake loose. The LBs that usually get cut are the old, slow, 2 down ones that won't help us in any way.
  11. god no what? He's not even on the team anymore. I was just saying while he was here, rather then waste time with him doing what he proved he couldn't do... Why not try and get done use out of his Easter roster spot
  12. from what I'm saying we literally needed 1 more guy to do that. How is it a simple fact that you can't ? If we just signed zach Brown we would have done it. It's really nothing that's impossible. If we find a decent guy to play WLB from now until September, we will have done that
  13. As much as I hated Duke Williams as a Safety, I always thought he should be locked in a weight room or a buffet until he put on 25 LBs and became a new aged MLB. He was real aggressive and was fast. Wasn't afraid to hit and could cover well for a LB standards. He was a terrible Dback but I always wanted to see the Bills try and convert him into a small fast LB like the cardinals use.
  14. I understand that. That's why I said our base defense will be a nickle. As in 5 DBS. The issue is that leaves 2 LBs on the field and one of them has to be able to run and cover. Out of Brown, Ragland and Alexander...none of them can run IMO. That's the issue.
  15. To this point, I would have to say that I am pleasantly surprised with the offseason. If the 3 guys we have drafted already can come in and give us something...we may only have 1 true "hole" left. The WLB is a very important part of the modern defense. Considering that our base set will most likely be a big, versatile nickle. My guess is we won't have Brown and Ragland as the only 2 LBs on the field. Both guys are probably to slow and certainly having both on the field would cause all sorts of coverage issues. Does the current staff view one of these guys as the Will? Or are they going to actually start Humber? My thoughts all along were that we would play Ragland at MLB, Lorenzo at SLB and draft a kid to play WLB. At this stage of the draft, finding a starter would be unexpected. Is is possible that Humber or Preston Brown can be our WLB for opening day? If that's the case, I am a little concerned about backs sliping out of the backfield and shallow drag routes killing us. I have enjoyed the offseason to this point. I just personally wish we made Zach Brown more of a priority and may have had to sacrifice The Lorax to do so. Maybe I would have been a little quicker to take a LB and lived with our OT situation. Maybe I'm missing something more obvious with the position or maybe these coaches hold Preston Browns athleticism in a slightly higher regard then I do?
  16. I actually really like this pick. A possession WR is exactly what we need
  17. There were franchise difference makers available at 10 and we didn't get one.
  18. this x100. Corner is never important enough to pay...but then waste our 1st picks on them every other year. Then wonder why we suck
  19. probably not get a guy that can help us, like we could have at 10.
  20. and yet they actually make the playoffs almost every year and we are the biggest disgrace in professional sports....yeah, stupid Texans
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