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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Did that just happen? Omg I love it. The refs are the worst thing about the NFL, how can you mess that up? Oh we'll, il take it. Let's !@#$ing go a Bills! Hold them!
  2. Zay drop and then turn around and give up a td before the half. That's where these games are lost
  3. Zay Jones seems like the game is moving to fast for him right now
  4. Keep rolling him out. Don't make him something he's not, let him flute this thing out here...this is a little like the 99 Bils to me
  5. The bills might actually be good. I can't remember how to tell
  6. Somebody has to be able to find a way to eliminate refs from the game all together. Or just tell these guys behind the scenes, if you throw more then 5 flags in a game you are fired. It's football, you need to let these guys grab and push and pull and fight a little. I want someone to tell the refs, unless it's incredibly obvious or a guy is almost dead on the field... Let them play. The NBA has been ruined (IMO) by the refs. Anytime a star player goes towards the rim they call a foul. Let the players decide the games.
  7. Orton was the best QB the bills have had since Bledsoe. The 12 games he played in the 14 season was the best Bills team of the drought. He slid to avoid a sack, (just like most good QBs do) to live to play another down and not get hurt. Anyone acting like the guy was somehow a joke here is just kidding themselves. He was a better passer then anyone we have had here since Bledsoe. That being said, people are actually answering this like the OP was serious and even getting upset over the question. Who can't understand that this was a joke?
  8. I have been a little disappointed with him to start the year. I fully expected him to make a nice impact on the offense. It's early, but to this point I have been let down
  9. That Orton team was the best bills team of the drought. If he starts week 1, we are in the playoffs. No way we lose that Houston game with Orton and we probably also beat SD. EJ killed us in them
  10. Jay cutler is a top 5 most overrated player I have ever seen in the nfl. The guy literally has nothing to like, except for a strong arm. He turns it over, is a cancer to any team he's been on, makes stupid decisions, isn't accurate, doesn't win, doesn't help anything on any team he's on. He is the king of potential with no results.
  11. I thought for sure we would get stifled on offense. Great win today, great job. Keep proving me wrong. I love it
  12. Work to get back tied and then give up points before the half here...Bills life
  13. Lol, that's a good point. I don't even want them to draft a QB high next year. There are to many teams that are going to Finnish worse then us to get the top guy. We are going to get stuck with another over drafted bum like Losman or EJ. I have no faith in this team to either identify the right QB, or coach him once they select him. I want to take the chiefs 1st round pick (right now) and trade it for Cousins. Then you get a guy that's still young and you know can play. You will avoid him going into FA and signing with the 49ers. You extend him right away so he's happy and you put him with this years defense and see what's what. You also still have your own 1st for next year and a ton of other picks to build up the line and WRs. I don't want them to put all their eggs into a rookie. They won't take the right guy, or the right guy will already be drafted. Trade the KC 1 and whatever player or other mid pick the redskins need to unload cousins. They are going to get nothing for him at the end of the season anyway. Give them Tyrod for the rest of the year this year, I don't care.
  14. I wish it was last week, but I can't see it happening at all this year. I have no faith that this team will ever do the things necessary to either get better now, or down the road. We have watched the same cycle of performances from Tyrod for 2+ years now. The guy is literally no better then the 1st game he started for us. There is nothing left to evaluate. Obviously not good enough, is good enough for what the Bills want to do here this year.
  15. 230 yds and 2 tds..that's great? Which decade are we in?
  16. For all of the "direction" talk surrounding this new regime, there has been some strange decisions IMO. I can't make heads or tails of most of the moves Beane has made. The roster is very strange and there have been some some subtractions that I can't really understand. The depth (at several positions on this team) is as poor as I can remember. I'm not saying I'm doubting the people in charge, but I certainly don't feel confident based on what's happened to this point.
  17. As a runner Tyrod is great. Yes he did play a huge part in the team rushing totals. He just isn't an effective enough passer to beat good teams at this level. Obviously it's my opinion but I think it's probably a pretty accurate take.
  18. People keep using total offensive stats to show something positive about Tyrod.... But let's be real here. If you watch the team and you are not lieing yourself, the point totals were because of the run game. Our passing offense stinks now and has stunk for both of those years. Shady, Gillislee, Williams from 15, Tyrod...our passing offense gas done nothing. It's been the run
  19. Mathews is good. When given the chance he will make a play on the ball. When his contract is up and the bills don't want to pay, he will go somewhere with a real QB and be a player. Tyrod needs to start trusting his WRs and let these guys make plays. Every good QB does this all the time. It's not a huge deal, it's only Tyrods 7th year in the league and he has only had the same issues for his entire time as a starter. I'm sure it's just a matter of time here before he figures it out. We just got to give this guy 4 or 5 more seasons. By then he will probably realize that most decent WRs will make plays on almost any corner. I'm sure that day is coming....
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