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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Im not really mad about trading Dareus but I would say the writing is on the wall here. With all the moves so far its clear this front office is going to go all in cheap and never pay or want to pay anyone. We are going to be the Rays here and anytime a good player wants to be paid, we will replace him with entry level moneyball trash. That doesnt work. I dont care what anyone says or thinks about it. You need to keep high end players if you ever want to win big in this league. Again, its not specifically about Dareus, he was a headache. But obviously this FO and staff thinks they can win with anyone. That is a dangerous game to play. Eventually we will cut it to thin and this thing will get sideways. The depth of this current roster is terrible right now and Ill admit it has worked so far. I just dont feel like its sustainable. If this team trades Glenn for chump change and god forbid turns to Shady...there is a fine line IMO
  2. What a waste though thinking of who was taken after this guy in that draft. My god do we ever take the right players? Thank god we have all these picks now though.......
  3. They should have gotten Lee back or at least a WR that we can use now. I dont care about getting rid of him but we didnt get anything
  4. Every body there just either does the stupid fake Ron Burgondy voice, as if its the only movie they have ever seen. Or trys to create racial divide on e dry single issue. Just talk about sports.
  5. Watson should have thrown that ball as hard as he could into kikos balls
  6. The dolphins are one of the luckiest teams in the league. They arent even good but somehow they keep winning these close games in such scum ways. Hopefully someone on Baltimore takes a ligement off of Kikos knee
  7. It would be great if we somehow got a WR back for him. Steelers for Bryant? lol a guy can dream
  8. Yeah I mean bring in another one. I like Mathews. Wasnt meant to be a shot at him
  9. Id rather see Humber and Milano with either brown or the Lorax on the bench. Give me guys they can run and cover
  10. Mathews is our best WR. Why would you take him out of there in favor of a guy that has done nothing but drop balls? Im not taking our best pass catcher out of the line up just to keep Zay on the field. The moment looks to big for this kid right now. He belongs on the sidelines until he remembers how to catch the ball. Have you watched the guy play? He clearly isnt ready to be starting in the NFL. The guy looks like he has never played football in his life right now. We are not the Browns. This is a 4-2 team that should be playing its best players. Right now jones is far from one of our 3 best WRs. He might be one of our 3 worst player on the team. Knee jerk? Its week 8. The guys who earn the playing time should be getting it. Draft status should not be overruling performance. Thats the type of thing this staff has been preaching with all of Whaleys leftover picks. Look at Glenn and Dareus. It should also go for their own.
  11. Is this guy going to get significant playing time now? I would like to see him starting on the outside with Zay on the bench. Give Thompson more playing time and see what he does with it. He showed me more in 1 half of football, then Zay has in 6 games.
  12. I would be good with him in a zone scheme. Certainly worth a look IMO
  13. Im not sure how you can comprehend this defensive scheme and disagree with what I am saying. He has no place as a 4-3 LB. Other teams try and force Alexander and Brown into coverage because they are both way to slow to stay with anyone. They are both major liabilitys in the passing game and cause monster holes in the defense. Its the wrong era to be a run down LB. 20 years ago, fine. Now you need to run if you are a lb. especially in a 4-3
  14. Im good with Tyrod for now IF hes going to run. The way he played Sunday, is how he needs to play. Forget trying to make him a drop back passer. Let him do what he does. If Tyrod is going to use his legs, Im good. If hes going to try and stay in the pocket and drop back...Im not
  15. Hes a great story. He did a great job last year. Stand up guy, very good STs player....I had no interest in having him back this year. He just had no fit in this defense. We have Preston Brown out there already running around with a piano on his back. We really dont need 2 LBs on the field that cant run. Brown should be the SLB. The Lorax should be strictly STs or not on the roster. Love having him on the team. If its a 3-4, different story. He just doesnt fit this defense...
  16. Jauron was a flat liner. This guy is intense. Im not sure where I see any comparison. This guy looks like hes wired 24 hours a day and if we needed a stop on a 4th and 1 and were out of LBs, he might strap a helmet on. Jauron was like a corpse they had to prop up
  17. Carr is probably licking his chops after seeing todays game. The defense better get it together
  18. Never know. The breaks we have had so far...maybe NE lose or Brady will get hurt. Maybe its our year
  19. Didnt Robert woods have like 160 in a game last year?
  20. Matt Moore is the dolphins best qb even when tannahill and cutler or healthy. Sucks that now the Dolphins has no choice but to figure it out. I was hoping for a whole season of Cutler
  21. How crazy is that Taiwan Jones 3rd and long conversion? That was huge
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