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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. If I could stop watching, I would have stopped a long time ago. I’m just being honest about where I see the season going. Obviously I hope I am wrong. Missing the playoffs can only happen so many times in a row before any optimism is beaten out of you. I didn’t make myself this way. The Bills made most of us this way.
  2. The way we are playing on the road? At Dolphins and At Chargers both very tough games
  3. This is why people were so disgusted over the jets game. We have Pats x 2 @ KC and the saints left...Season is most likely over because of Thursday. I hope something crazy happens and we can beat these good teams. I just don’t see it happening
  4. Maybe Brees will hurt himself celebrating a TD and we can have a shot next week
  5. Barring injury, Saints will be the toughest game all season to this point....Makes that Jet loss even worse
  6. Me too. The Titans. And have the Jags lose today. I don’t want the Ravens hanging around
  7. I think we are better off with Ten winning and giving Baltimore that 5th loss. I don’t want the ravens to hang around. They have been there before and will take advantage of a down year in the AFC is left in it. I’d rather see Ten go win that div and start putting separation. Jmo
  8. Cower just said you saw the blue print on how to stop Tyrod Taylor. I should just send him the link to this thread so he can realize that Tyrod played well. Maybe cower didn’t notice it between the not scoring points or making the jets pay for showing the same look all game.
  9. I feel like I have a solution that would help all parties. Dont get rid of TNF all together. 1-keep the color rush, but allow teams to wear Different color helmets. These helmets could very easily be checked for safety before hand and only let them wear them once. This would give teams a chance to bring back throwback looks. At the end of the color rush games, have all the helmets signed and auction them off. Use that money for concussion research and to family’s that have lost people to CTE related issues. 2- Add another week to the season. Not another game, another week. Make the season 18 weeks. Give each team 2 bye weeks. A typical bye and the week before they play Thursday night. You may have to skip week 2 TNF in that scenario but this would give the NFL another weekend of TV revenue, and give the players more rest. If you have to also dump a week of preseason, that’s fine too. Every team playing TNF would have extra time before and extra time after. No excuses at that point and the games should be better and safer.
  10. Tyrod actually made throws downfield. Simien threw picks. We are much better at home then we are on the road.
  11. I hope that’s not the plan. I hope we find a way to keep Mathews
  12. What a shame to go back and think if we could beat the bengals and jets on the road, we could be 7-1 right now. I know we could have lost the Atl and Tb games and it could be the other way..just stinks to k ow we had a shot to be in incredible shape and just laid 2 eggs against under .500 conference opponents.
  13. I would like to see Humber as the Wlb, Milano as the MLB and Preston Brown as the SLB. More of the 2 LBs that can run and less of the 2 that can’t.
  14. Was it all on Tyrod? No, of course not. Is Tyrod the single most important piece of the offense and mostly accountable for its overall performance? Yes. Right Wrong or indifferent, the QB will get to much credit for the good days and to much blame for the bad. That’s life. If the Jets feel fit to send blitz after blitz and stack the box, then it’s on the QB to make them pay for it. Change protections, check into a screen, find the hot route, hurt them on the outside down field, let them get false pressure and burn them with a screen to shady once the line gets up the field. Tyrod is a very talented football player, but there is much more to playing QB in the NFL then throwing and running. You are the leader of this offense. If you see the same look is hurting you over and over, Get together with the OC and make the appropriate adjustments. That’s what the good QBs in this league can do. Even a guy like Mccown would make those checks. Go watch a guy like Rivers play. Watch what he does pre snap. Tyrod is in his 7th season, he’s not a rookie. You watch the truly good QBs in this league and how they orchestrate the entire show on offense....We aren’t even playing the same game here.
  15. Remember then we used to be good.... And then they got to run the Flutie one right after to remind us of the other time lol
  16. We will have a rough time getting 3 more wins. Last night was pretty much the whole season IMO
  17. The thing that concerned me the most is the jets ran it down our throats. If we cant stop the run we are going to be jn trouble. I dont think its a fluke at all and I dont see us getting to more then 8 wins now. I certainly dont see playoffs now.
  18. Every year people say relax about anything thats getting a negative reaction. What reason has this team ever given anyone to stay calm? Or to earn the benifit of the doubt? They havent made the playoffs in 18 years. Nobody should ever be told to relax when it comes to this team. Doubt is always warranted. Until they actually Finnish a season and make the playoffs, we all have the right to be down.
  19. I hate the 4pm games. Feels like it takes forever for the game to get started. Keep it at 1 please.
  20. The reason we cant get the run game going is because those teams put enough players at the line of scrimmage to take the run away. They were willing to allow 1 on 1 on the outside and very little players in coverage because they know the QB WONT hurt them. It is day 1 stuff. The defenses that make Tyrod try and beat them, shut us down. Teams like the Raiders or Bucs dont have the ability to stop the run. So even if they tried it didnt matter. The Jets learned from week 1 and were not going to let Shady beat them again.
  21. Until Tyrod can make teams pay for selling out to stop the run, we will either run well...or lose. The teams that can stop McCoy will beat us. Thats just not a good place to be in. Tyrod can either start hurting these teams that are loading the box and blitzing or we wont beat anyone that can stop the run. No need to make excuses or look for 40 other things to talk about. Be a better passer against stacked boxes and blitzs or pray they cant tackle shady.
  22. Why was Tate inactive? We werent going to win, I get that. But whats the reasoning behind that?
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