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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. If Fitz had half the physical talent as Tyrod, he would be a top 12 qb in the league. At least Fitz understood that there were receivers on the field and if you trust them to make plays, they can move the ball. Fitz trusted his guys to much at times and just didn’t have the arm to get it there, but all things considered I would still take him any day over Tyrod. Those defenses were the problem with Gaileys team. Not fitz. And you talk about lack of WR talent? Look at the trash Fitz had to throw to. Donald Jones and T.J. Graham were #2 WRs. Tyrod had Watkins, Woods, Mathews, Benjamin, Goodwin.
  2. Everybody always says it was the cardinals knock out that ruined Trent. It wasn’t. If you look, then next week he played one of his best games ever. It was the following game against Cleveland that he got picked off like 3 times real early on Monday night. He took shots and got picked. After that he was scared to death to throw it down field. THATS what ruined him. Not the hit IMO
  3. Every objective person knows Tyrod is not good enough. You take away the run and he can’t beat you. It’s just the same thing every cycle of seasons. JP, Trent, Fitz, EJ, Tyrod etc. It just goes on and on and on. There are people on each of their bandwagons that are in to deep to turn around and who will go down with the ship. It’s obvious he’s not good enough. 90% of the people here and out there get it. The 10% that are still hanging on, will ride it down until the ship sinks. We all get it. It’s time to move on. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter what we all think. Tyrod is going to play and because of it, we are going to miss the playoffs again. It’s a shame because the league is doing all it can do to help us end the drought. It’s to bad we can’t take advantage for a change. It’s there if we want it this year but.......you know, “Bills”
  4. I guess our coach has no interest in making the offense better by making a qb change, so obviously the defense is going to have to get fixed. What is this guys plan to making the defense better? Sit Kyle and play Worthy? Sit Lawson? Slide Washington to DE and play a bigger D line across the board? Take out the piano backs of Preston Brown and Lorenzo Alexander? Put in Milano? I hope the answer is something different and not expecting the same trash personnel to all of a sudden just get good.
  5. No but he has the potential to not be completely stifled but an opposing defense. He probably could make a defense pay for either blitzing every down or stacking the box to stop the run. And while I know I can’t say for sure that Peterman can make a defense pay for that...I don’t know that he CANT. Which is more then I can say for Tyrod.
  6. Wonder if he can get out of it in time to play. Let’s hope not
  7. If you are an actual Bills fan and not just a Tyrod lifer, how can you want to see this guy play again? Every defense that’s even decent against the run can completely shut us down. All they have to do is take away McCoy and we are done. When “Make the QB play QB” is the game plan...how much worse can the other guy be? We don’t know what Peterman is but we do know what Tyrod is...not good enough
  8. He has been terrible for almost 3 years now IMO. The guy is so slow it’s sickening. I can’t stand the fact that he keeps playing significant time.
  9. Our play at QB is going to be more important to the game then any trend/pie chart/probability/graph that will be posted in this thread. I would say it counts as a “game related matter”
  10. “If the season ended today” To bad it didnt. That’s the only thing that could actually stop the bleeding here. We all know where this is going. Most of us knew it in the 3rd quarter of the Jets game. Until we have a qb that can sustain drives and move the ball on the road...this is who we are. The 8th or 9th best team in the AFC..Not good enough. #startpeterman
  11. No I get what your saying. And we both know no matter what we want, Tyrod is going to play. When he does, we will lose. Even though I felt like our season was over last Thursday, it really will be when the chargers stomp the mud out of us.
  12. What else do we need to see? The guy is a remedial level passer and is the only starting qb in the nfl that can’t make a check or audible at the LOS. It’s like watching a guy that has never even watched an NFL game before. The guy threw a 1 yd pass to a guy that got tackled in bounds with 12 sec left and no timeouts while in fg range. Today he threw a low pct 40 something yd pass on 3rd and 2. He constantly throws 5 yd passes to standing still receivers on 3rd and 10. He has zero football intelligence. That’s not what you want at the most cerebral position in sports. It should have been over after week 16 of last season. Why does he need to get us blown out by the Chargers and ruin another season? Start the kid that will actually look at and throw to the WRs. Maybe we can still make it.
  13. Hopefully he’s on the phone with the HC telling him to put Peterman in
  14. How disgusted must Kelvin Benjamin be about being here? Leave Cam Newton and a team with a shot for a QB that doesn’t even realize receivers are on the field. I’m sure he’s going to buy in and work hard...The guy will probably get a fake injury and beg to not have his option picked up.
  15. Tyrod is starting, so the Chargers will stack the box and take McCoy out. We will punt on almost every possession and get embarrassed in front of the 238 people in the stands. It’s not to late to grow a pair of stones and name Peterman the starter. Give the fans something to actually look forward to and maybe save the season. Start Peterman or watch 5-2 go to 5-7. Tyrod has been figured out.
  16. The guy has literally not ever gotten better from his first start against the colts 3 years ago. He’s either at best, that guy again...or worse. The key to Tyrod is very simple. If shady has a good day, we can score and might win. If a team sells out to stop the run and shady can’t go..we don’t score and don’t win. That’s the key to Tyrod and sadly it’s not even about his own play. He’s a passenger. When Shady goes we go. When a team says “Tyrod beat us,” we lose.
  17. Either Milano or Humber. Not Brown. He’s much to slow. I want the LBs that can move on the field as much as possible. And I want Brown and Lorax on the sidelines Our offense would look modern Sunday if we played Peterman. He gets rid of the ball and actually looks at the defense and receivers
  18. Nah, I figure slide brown into Alexander’s spot on obvious run downs.
  19. This is a true turning point of the season. We had a solid start and are now trending towards our (all to familiar) spiral into elimination. DO NOT WAIT until the season is beyond salvaging. Make the necessary personnel changes now and try to reverse the trend here. Take out: Alexander- way to slow and not a scheme fit. ST’s only Brown- way to slow to play MLB and just not good enough. Slide to SLB in obvious run situations Ducasse- always been terrible Taylor- completely figured out. Can’t make teams pay for selling out to stop the run. Once they stop McCoy, they stop us. Lawson- not a scheme fit and has been completely ineffective. Sit him and try to motivate him going forward. Put in: Milano- Fast, instinctive, nose for the ball. Defense played better when he was in. Groy- why did we bother keeping this guy if he wasn’t going to start? It’s not like our interior online is playing good enough to keep him on the bench. Peterman- will get the ball out quick, will get the ball on time to play makes for a catch and run, perfect for West Coast offense. Will have no tape and may provide a spark. Yarbarough- has played well when given a chance, all effort, hard worker, earned playing time. Every decent year we have a point in the season where it starts to turn for the worst. Rather then be proactive and actually try and reverse our fortune, we always sit on our hands and ride the same trash to an elimination. Make the moves before its to late and see if we can’t get it right for a change. We are still in this. Go Bills!
  20. Anyone acting like they wouldn’t make a change at qb because it could throw away the season...we are throwing away the season by keeping the qb the same. Tyrod sucks. Other teams know all they have to do is stack the box and take away the run. Tyrod can’t or won’t even try to make them pay for loaded boxes. You want to save the season? Start Peterman now. Don’t wait until the year is over.
  21. You must be thrilled. Another chance to defend Tyrod when we get completely shut down in LA.
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