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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Thank god we have all those picks though. Eventhough we never draft the right guys. If I was running the bills I would have taken the Chiefs 1st and Tyrod and sent it to Washington for Cousins. Then you immediately extend him. That way you have your own 1st left and a bunch of other picks. And you have your qb of the present and future. I don’t want these guys to draft their own qb. I don’t trust them to identify the right one and I certainly don’t expect them to develop one. I don’t know why people are so afraid to trade our picks for proven guys. We never pick the right guys anyway. Use the picks on guys that competent teams already identified and developed.
  2. Defense is about speed, physicality and aggressiveness. The guys we are playing now have been terrible. Blown off the ball, no speed, not gang tackling. Let the young guys go out there and fly around a bit. Never know, you might find a player or two.
  3. I don’t understand why they brought back a career journeyman after his 1 good year. A guy clearly on his last legs and who is not at all a scheme fit. Every single part of it seemed to me like it was a no brained to let him go... not only is he back, the guy starts
  4. Yeah Humber has been bad too. I think the other 2 are worse but if it was truly up to me I would punish all 3 guys and try and play Milano Villejo and Lacey let the young guys learn on the fly cant be worse then it has been the last 3 weeks
  5. Lol i wasn’t paying enough attention to what I was writing. Alexander Putting in Milano would solve the issue of piano back LBs running behind guys with the ball alrrady. Preston Brown is way to slow to play MLB. Alexander should be strictly STs. The starting LBs in this defense are killing us. The 2 LBs that should be on the field for almost every snap are Milano and Humber. Eventhough Humber has sucked lately, he can at least run.
  6. I can’t believe this guy hasn’t made any changes to the starting defense. Obviously at least putting in Milano and taking out one or all of these terrible LBs
  7. So what’s the plan to fix the defense? Same exact thing as the last 3 weeks and expect it to somehow get better?
  8. Nah man. 26blitz says it’s not true. The guy should replace his 52 with a bullseye. That’s where the qb is going anyway
  9. Yeah it is. He’s way to slow and is a liability in coverage. He has been terrible for 2 years now and is killing us.
  10. Preston Brown has played 99% of defensive snaps. He is the biggest reason this defense stinks. Please play Milano. Look at the Panthers defense. What makes them work is the fact that they have a LB in the middle that can run and cover. Please bench Brown and play the guy that can run.
  11. Preston Brown is the worst starter on our team. I can’t stand seeing this guy running 5 yds behind guys moving in slow motion. I would have much rather given Ragland a shot. Milano at MLB Ragland at SLB. Can’t be worse then the 2 guys we have out there now. Looks like they have quick sand for socks
  12. I am not Tyrods biggest fan. I’ll get that out of the way in the first sentence. Il admit I was excited to see Peterman and was excited to see a coach not settle for mediocre qb play. We took a shot and it didn’t work out. Oh well, that’s life. Peterman wasn’t ready and now it’s back to Tyrod. That’s fine, I’m good with that. Now that Tyrod is playing (again) please let him do what he does. DO NOT make this guy stay in the pocket. Do not ask him to make throws over the middle. Do not call 25+ pass plays. Do not abandon the run in the first half. Do not tell this guy to make throws off a 3 step drop or from under center. IT WILL NOT WORK. This offense can work. There is a way it can work and a good coach would use the skills he has on the roster. Not just force players into a system. Tyrod Taylor does 2 things incredibly well. Running the ball and not turning it over. Usually those two things don’t go hand and hand but in this case they do. It sounds like an exaggeration but I mean it...If I was calling the plays with my job and season on the line, I would not call more then 10 pass plays. I don’t care what other teams do. I don’t care what people think can and can’t work in the nfl. Fix the online by benching the trash. Get Miller and Groy in somehow. Use 6 lineman and multiple Tight ends. Use misdirection, use shot gun to spread them thin, run the option, do anything you can to make the run successful. Run early and run often. Let Tyrod run. I want to see Tyrod with more then 10 rushing attempts in each of these last 6 games. I don’t care how unorthodox it is. If you are asking Tyrod to not use his legs as a major weapon, then you might as well not even play him. This is Tyrods last stand. Let him go out with his A game. You wouldn’t put Peyton Manning in an offense that asks the qb to move, and then make him do that. Let these players do what they do best. That’s why they are in the league in the first place. Tyrod should be running for 60+ yards a game. Im not saying go full on Army offense, but pretty close. Something between Tebow’s Broncos and early 2000’s Mike Vick. The only shot we have to beat anyone is to keep the clock moving and keep our own terrible defense off the field. Tyrod can be a useful player for us. But if you ask him to play his B and C games, you might as well play the other guy. Please, let Tyrod be Tyrod. Go Bills!
  13. Are we going to get off the field on 3rd down against the chiefs? Are we going to give up 40 again? If so, who gives a ****?
  14. Whatever. Fix the defense Sean. If it’s all about player development, why the !@#$ is Lorenzo Alexander on this team and playing? Why is Milano and Vallejo on the bench? Why is Kyle Williams back? Why are these old slow guys starting?
  15. We will be that full game behind the Ravens after Sunday with 2 left against the Pats. That will put the playoff dream to rest again.
  16. I would probably be more excited to hear that Milano is starting and some of these cement shoe LBs are on the bench. The pants are symbolism for the fast start and shot at the playoffs that we “blue”
  17. Unless the defense is better the qb won’t matter. What possible reason do we have to think it would be better?
  18. Need to sit these old slow guys in the front 7. Get Kyle, Alexander and Brown off of the field. Get Milano, Colman, and maybe Vallejo on it
  19. I would be all for this. Didn’t like him before he was here, can’t stand his defense now. Let MCD call the D. The wheels are off this thing.
  20. I can’t see this guy going back to Nate. That being said, I care much more about this guy going back to having an acceptable defense. We aren’t beating anyone if we can’t stop them once in a while
  21. At this point we have pretty much pushed every possible button. Nothing seems to be working. I realize the season is probably all but over after yesterday...But (IMO) there is one last thing to try. One last ditch effort here to right this ship. One last shot to try and save this season. Play the young guys on Defense. Everyone wants to talk about the QB. That’s the world we live in. The biggest issue with this team by a mile is the Defense. We can’t stop anyone. We can’t cover, we can’t tackle, we can’t get off blocks, we can’t get to the QB, we don’t confuse anyone, we don’t take the ball away, we don’t make stops. I don’t care who the QB is. If this is what McDermott’s Defense is going to be, we might as well just fire him now. The players stink, the coaches stink, the scheme stinks, the game plan stinks, we are old and we are slow. None of these things are going to change with the same group of players taking the field. All that’s left to do now is to either play the young guys, or pack up. You never know what an infusion of youth will do to the energy of a team. Especially on Defense. Younger, faster, more physical players going all out for a pay day...you may get lucky and strike it rich. The guys on the field now are not going to just get better. We are what we are. I would like to see us run out a front 7 of Lawson Washington Colman Yarbarough Vallejo Milano Lacey Put the vets on notice. If we are playing for the future, let’s see what we have in these younger guys. I realize Kyle Williams is a god to most Bills fans but look at our run defenses with him as the main interior defender. They are almost always terrible. His better days are way behind him. Hughes seems to have taken a major step back and his attitude has never matched what this staff preaches. Preston Brown runs like he has a piano on his back and is the worst player on the field every Sunday. Lorenzo Alexander is a great STs player and story, he is way to slow to be on the field on defense. Humber started out looking like an amazing find. The last few games he settled back into his journeyman, nobody level of play I’m not saying it is going to help and I’m not saying any of these guys are going to be good, but it can’t be worse. IMO the best thing for us now and down the road, is to say out with the old and in with the new. Let’s get a look at the guys we may have going forward and you never know what a young hungry group of Defenders will play like. Maybe we can find lightning in a bottle with a one or two of these guys? It can’t possibly be worse then what is has been the last 3 weeks.
  22. The qb won’t even matter. Our defense without Dareus has ruined the year
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