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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Slower then SLB? Which year is it? 1975? Watch the game. MLB is supposed to run. Both to cut off run lanes and to cover the middle of the field on crossing routes. They also cover the RB out of the backfield a lot. My post drives you insane? What you said is completely wrong. Alexander is our SLB...you think MLB is intended to be the slowest on the field?
  2. I feel like as long as Shady has 2 legs, he will play. Still might be a good idea to have another guy in.
  3. Bills are going to win this game. I don’t give a **** who is talking about it in a booth. We are the better team. Bortles stinks. Jags have played bad the past 2 weeks. They beat almost nobody all year...bring it
  4. The only LB I want going forward is Milano. None of these other guys fit. Humber I can tolerate but I could be fine without him too.
  5. If he stays on the team, I hope they move him to SLB. He is to slow to play MLB IMO. I would prefer him to not be on the team period, but I realize he probably will be back. Tackles don’t always tell the whole story. I just think the guy is noticeably slow. He’s physical and a good tackler, I appreciate that. He would have been a good LB 25 years ago before teams spread it out. Move him to SLB or another team please. But congratulations I suppose. On the tackle stat.
  6. Packers are a 1 man team. The NFC colts. Rogers covers up so many flaws on that team. Terrible defense, barely any skill outside of QB, the HC is unimaginative and playcalling is atrocious. Never can run the ball even with a top 3 qb in the league. Probably the most overrated team in the nfl and if they didn’t have an all time great at QB, would be a 6/7 win team.
  7. How about James Starks? Playoff type physical running style. Went to Buffalo. Not as many miles as some other guys.
  8. Murphy looked pretty good yesterday. At this point, I might say if Shady can’t go...might as well let Murphy start. Looked like he had fresh legs, good vision, caught the ball a little bit.
  9. Couldn’t say it and mean it more thank you That’s a team with “nothing to play for” in the standings. No reason to go all out and risk injury. Road game, nasty weather and they fell behind...no body would have blamed them for not showing up. Rather then taking the easy way out, the Bengals showed nothing but class and dignity. Played hard for the integrity of the sport and made so many Bills fans year. Thank you guys so much. Good things come to people and teams that do things the right way. Good things are coming your way Cincinnati.
  10. Even Murphy yesterday made some big plays. How many big catches did Deonte Thompson make? The TD throw to KB against the colts. So many Poyer pass breakups and picks. Same with Hyde. Tyrod running around to extend a play and hit a crossing route. O’Leary. Shady just being a borderline OJ presence...Just such a fun year.
  11. There was a big 3rd down conversion in a game by Taiwan Jones too. Just like random guys that came in out of nowhere to help us make it.
  12. When you really stop and think of how crazy this season was. There were like 15 insane plays that led to this wildcard birth. If any of them don’t happen...we are not playing Sunday. -In Atlanta we pick up that “fumble” and run it back for a td. Pretty much wins us that game. They review it, looks like it will be reversed and we get a break. -fall behind late against TB. That game feels completely over. Tyrod hits a pretty much unknown Deonte Thompson on a bomb that gives us a chance to win. -Broncos game. Von Miller called for unsportsmanlike conduct for pulling his hand away from Tyrod. -in the snow in against the colts. Colts score a TD late. They MAKE the 2 point conversion to probably beat us. An hour seems to go by and they throw a flag. Then Joe Webb throws a pick that probably ends our season. The colts Miss the chip shot FG to win. In OT we punt with time running out. Pretty much looking at a tie...Our KR/Emergency qb throws a 30 yd bomb in the snow to Thompson. Keeps us alive and then Shady scores a game winning TD. -Then obviously the Dalton TD pass. My god, 4th and 12 on the road. Not only do they complete it into FG the range, the guy turns it up field and scores a go ahead TD. The “miracle in Maryland” This is just off the top of my head. What an amazing year and so great to see us get a few breaks for a change. The difference between the teams that make it and most that don’t..are the breaks. A refs call, a fumble, a dropped pass. Love to be on the other side for a change. Go Bills!
  13. Lol. This is great. I made a promise to not complain about Tyrod ever again if we made the playoffs. So for a change I won’t jump on this thread. Tyrod got us here...dance with who brought you.
  14. I said if Tyrod ends this drought, I will never complain about him again. I will keep my word. I feel indebt to Tyrod now. Thank you sir.
  15. I mean as crazy as it sounds,Joe Webb did a good job carrying the ball. Let him get a few reps at RB in practice
  16. How about that Joe Webb pass against the colts huh? Dalton 4th and 12 the Tre White pick vs KC either pick at the end of the Miami game the fumble return against ATL that probably wasn’t really a fumble so many plays here and there that could have made today not happen.
  17. It’s everything I wanted it to be and more! Thank you Bills, thank you Bengals! My god yes! We all deserve it
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