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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Thank you Tyrod for 3 things -helping us get to the playoffs -getting EJ off the field -getting us a nice pick to help move up good luck sir
  2. I liked him. Zay was the biggest disappointment in the Bills season. I don’t really like this. I hope we take a WR early or sign a FA now because Mathews was solid imo
  3. Love it! I really like these guys that are in the pro personnel dept
  4. It’s to bad the old BBMB was t running a team, he would probably get a record deal. I used to get in arguments over him not being a top 10 WR. The guy might not be in the top 4 of his own draft class.
  5. No to me. He will be remembered as the only qb we had during a 10 year span that could operate a modern day passing offense. Also showed up with no offseason and went 7-5 with wins against GB, @ NE @ Det smoked the jets twice. Beat the Pats with Brady playing 1 half and Jimmy G playing the 2nd. 2 guys everyone raves about. That 14 team ends the drought if EJ doesn’t play in Houston. A pocket qb that understands he’s important to the the team and live to play another down. That’s what most good QBs do. Not take hits and not get hurt.
  6. 09 @ Jets with Fitz after Trent injury and the Jets having 300 yds rushing. I live deep, deep in Jet territory...that win felt so great for me. I don’t know why, but I loved that 09 team. If Fitz starts from opening day and Fewell coaches from week 1, I bet that team is a drought ender. 14 Vikings. Orton easily the most under appreciated Bills qb of the drought. Drives the team down for a game winning TD with 2 sec left. Throws for 120 yds on that last drive. Converts a 4th and 22! And a crazy pass to Hogan. A game that would be remembered if we finished that season off. Loved Orton. Loved being at that game.
  7. I literally don’t care what we give up. I might not even check. Just go up to 1 or 2 and get Darnold or Rosen. No matter what we give up I will never complain. I literally couldn’t care less. Get the QB. Enough already. It’s not like we can’t fill in the roster. If we traded our entire 2018 draft and oly got one of those QBs, we will still be able to field a team. Probably a better team then we have in a long time.
  8. If Teddy Bridgewater is the plan, then just keep Tyrod. The guy isn’t even better then the guy we have now. Come on with this ****. Are we ever going to actually get serious about being good? There are 3 choices IMO and 1 appears to be gone. -Cousins -Move up to 1 Darnold -Move up to 2 Rosen Enough of the games here. Let’s actually be good for a change. We traded all this talent last year and money balled 17. Use those picks to get the real good QB and let’s go.
  9. I really don’t want this guy. For once I want the guy or guys that most experts feel are the best. Rosen or Darnold. I don’t care what it takes to get up there and get one of them. I will never spend a minute worrying about what we don’t have because of it. I will only appreciate what we do have. Draft picks are the most over valued things in sports. If you can use them to get a guy that might make you a legit super bowl contender for the better part of the next 10 years...just do it. That’s why we made all those trades last year. Use them, move up and get the actual best qb. Not the best guy that’s left by the time you pick.
  10. With all the talent we traded last year, we better be moving up. I would certainly hope the reason we did those things was to assure we get the QB we want. I expect us to be drafting inside the top 5. I will be mad if we don’t actually.
  11. How about just let the guys play defense again and stop calling every incompletion a penalty. The defenders are already at such a disadvantage, give them a chance.
  12. He helps them every time we play them by running like a piano with legs.
  13. White Davis Poyer Hyde Thats as good a secondary as there is in the NFL right now IMO.
  14. Who would give something up for Simien? I wouldn’t want him if they gave him to us for free.
  15. I want Darnold or Rosen. I don’t see a team asking for white but I would absolutely give up any other player besides the 2 I mentioned and both firsts and prob a 3rd
  16. I have no interest in bringing Preston Brown back. I want them to get a vet QB and move up to draft one. I would like to bring Gaines back and I would rather move Glenn to RT then trade him. Kyle I would like to see back but If he goes, he goes. The only untouchable players on this roster IMO are Shady and White. Anyone else, I am not going to get to upset about.
  17. There is no smack talk about Tyrod. I just feel the team has made it clear they aren’t interested in him being here. If he’s back he’s back. I’m good either way
  18. Bring Fitz back for 2 years as a place holder or back up and maybe be up to take Darnold or Rosen.
  19. Every unpopular move that was made last year was thought to be done so that we can get our QB this year. At this point, I would be pissed if we don’t move up.
  20. This Oline is nowhere near bad. The ball just needs to come out faster. The Dline certainly needs work. I’m thinking the plan is to move Alexander to DE. I’m sure they are going to look heavy into a FA DT. For once I actually trust the guys in charge. They will fix it.
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