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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Of all the people on here..you may not want to claim “overhype of an avg qb.” You were pretty much a Tyrod fanboat for 2 years straight. If someone said he missed a throw you were jumping in before the ink was dry.
  2. I really like McCarron and have since he was drafted. I am very excited about him being here. I just wanted to get either Rosen or Darnold too. Sucks that we sat around and let the Jets control some of our own destiny. Haste makes waste.
  3. There is no advantage for the Bills in waiting. Literally zero. The sooner the better and cheaper. Do it today before a team like Miami or Denver gets there. Then we are done. There is no possible reason to wait.
  4. We sit around here and a team like Denver or Miami is going to jump the jets and just ruin our offseason. I would be making a move to 1 or 2 within the hour here because this started the clock for every other team. We can sit around with coy smiles on our face like “wait and see what we do” Then wake up and be completely blocked out of the top 3.
  5. If the Bills don’t go up to 2 in the next few days here, I hope they stay at 12. Either go up now before another team steals it...or just make all your picks. I don’t want the 3rd or 4th guy here. Either get to 1 or 2 before another team does, or just fill in the other needs.
  6. This is what happens when you play games. If you like one of these QBs you go up ASAP. Now another team will move up to 2 and block us out and we are !@#$ed. There is no reason to sit around waiting to move up. All we get is left with whatever guys are left. Go up to 1 or 2 regardless of cost, or just forget qb. Good for the Jets. I hate the jets more then any other team but they will be rewarded for actually getting it.
  7. Yes, I am aware. I was just saying I wanted it to go the other way but at this point as long as they get a MLB in the draft or FA that can run, I’m fine. At least I know it’s not Preston Brown.
  8. Milano. He is very good. And IMO should have been the MLB last year full time and just learned to call the defense and stayed there for the next 5 years. I said over and over, last year we should have moved Brown to SLB played Milano at MLB and had Humber play WLB. Milano is good and he can run sideline to sideline.
  9. Knowing how our GM works, maybe we can trade Lawson for a MLB.
  10. I remember seeing Compton on the field for the Redskins but I never watched him close enough to really tell if he can run. If he can’t run and it’s another piano back Preston Brown, then I don’t want him in the Middle. Worst comes to worst, put Milano in the middle.
  11. I wish we traded up to 2 or 3 already so we knew which picks we actually had left. If we don’t move up further then I bet we take an ILB for the next decade in the first round or 2. I am assuming we are going up so it’s hard to figure what picks we will have left.
  12. The only playoff game the bengals came close to or even should have won, was when Dalton was hurt. That means something to me. I really like McCarron and wanted the Bills to trade for him back in the BBMB days.
  13. Let’s get some AJs in the bills shop here. Hopefully it’s not a 5. Seen enough of that for the better part of the last decade
  14. Where he has belonged for the past 3 years. The CFL. If they even want him.
  15. I’m surprised there is no market for a LB that runs like a piano with shoes. Teams throw almost every down. If you can’t rush the passer or run and cover, might as well go find something else to do.
  16. I bet he goes back to #10. The Bills probably will retire 5.
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