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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I would have kept O’Leary and Ryan and cut Schmidt but oh well. No real loss anywhere I guess. A lot of really bad players on the 90. I don’t see why they bothered to keep T. Jones. Ray Ray and Murphy are probably better return men and we have plenty of RBs. Not a big deal. Surprised that we kept so many WRs.
  2. He has done it to himself every time. The guy sucks. One of the dumbest first round picks in Bills history. He might be the single worst qb in the NFL, if he’s even still tech in the NFL after today.
  3. I don’t agree with that. I think he’s probably the 2nd best guy we have and when the games count for real, people will see that. He was good in SF and misused in NY. Kurley would be an 80 catch 900 yd guy in the right system with an accurate QB.
  4. If you are keeping Foster, do we really need Holmes? Not that we really need him anyway. I just don’t see the point in keeping more then the minimum here. Everyone outside of KB and Kurley stink.
  5. Foster is good at getting separation, he just doesn’t seem good at completing the play. If you can’t track the ball and actually catch it, they don’t even have to cover you
  6. My whole point was the Bills weren’t going to trade the picks for Mack because they were afraid to give them up. And I feel like most of the time we just waste them anyway and I think they should be more willing to trade them for proven talent.
  7. How pissed will 80% of this place be if Allen doesn’t even dress on game day lol.
  8. Let’s just end this. You arent getting my point. I’m barely grasping yours. It really doesn’t matter. I think NFL teams overvalue draft picks and undervalue proven veterans. Thats the extent of it.
  9. Because that’s not how they are used. We treat those picks in a way that makes us afraid to let them go. They rarely end up resulting in a good pick anyway. Good NFL players are traded for mid round draft picks. I would be more willing to trade picks for proven NFL talent, then to roll the dice on these draft picks. That’s all I’m saying.
  10. What is hard to understand? If you wanted to trade for a good WR, you could get almost anyone for a first. There are very few WRs that you couldn’t get for a first round pick. Probably less then 10 in the whole league. I was saying “I”don’t think the picks are as important as the teams do. And that I wish the Bills would be willing to move a pick to get a real good proven WR.
  11. I’m not ready to say the Bills are going to be good. I don’t know who the QB is yet. If I knew Allen was going to start, then everything else I’m saying right now would be wrong. Why are people acting like the Bills are so far off? We just made the playoffs. That was the most recent event that took place that actually mattered. We lost by 7, on the road, to a team that went to the AFC championship game. The reason we lost was because our QB could not move the ball against teams that took away the run. We got rid of that qb and drafted the qb of the future (apparently) We have 2 vet QBs that (IMO) will execute an NFL offense better then the guy we had. Most of the team is the same. A lot of these guys are now in year 2 of this system on defense. The offense is different but probably won’t be worse....How are the Bears more ready to make a swing like this then us? What are people basing this off of? It would have to be preseason. That is ridiculous. No games that matter have been played. Nobody has a clue what this team will be like. I feel like the Bills are close. Much closer then the Bears. By my count, the Bills were 3 wins from the Super Bowl last year. The bears barely had 3 wins total. People are talking like we are 14 starters away from being competitive. If Edmunds is ready and we can stop the run, we are going to be right there in the hunt. If our defense can stop the run, we will be in every game. If Peterman starts, we are going to be very close to where we were last year. I would like to see a guard added and Ducasse out. I want to have another legit WR brought in to help out KB. That’s it. That’s all I think we need honestly. We need a pass rush in general, but let’s see what it looks like with game plans and all the starters healthy. I don’t see where this idea is coming from, that the Bills are drafting in the top 5. If we start Allen, absolutely. We are winning 2 games with Allen. If Peterman starts, we are a tweak from the playoffs and I’m the furthest thing from a homer. I am a realist. This coach is good.
  12. I kind of got triggered by something and went off on a diversion from my actual feelings on Mack. I don’t even really care that much about this exact situation. I knew all along a team would be willing to play ball and also that it wouldn’t be us. I never even for a second considered it a real possibility. It would be nice to have him but that’s not really what aggrievated me. I just hate the thought that these picks are this important and that the Bears are dumb to give them up. The Bears will be better now, then they were going to be without Mack. I wish the Bills had the same aggression towards gettting better. We have 1 WR that would even see the field for any other team. There are probably less then 10 WRs in the NFL you couldn’t get straight up for a first. I would be exploring trades to get better at that position. Yes we traded for KB, he’s the one good guy we have. Yes we traded for Colman. You also moved up for Zay...Those guys stink. You can’t just give up because you threw a few things at the wall. You don’t stop until the position is acceptable.
  13. Nobody knows any of this. Haven’t people learned yet to not get wrapped up in preseason? What are we basing this on? The last meaningful games that this team played, was from a playoff season. I also fully expect Peterman to start, to play well and to keep the job. For this year anyway.
  14. The cost control matters when a guy is good. Shaq Lawson and EJ Manuel were very recent firsts that we had cost control over. How much is that helping us? Had it over Sammy too. Cost control is wonderful when you get lucky and actually hit on a real good player like Russel Wilson. Then it mattered. Now it has had a reverse effect and destroyed that entire team. Funny how it worked out for the Raiders with Mack too. Obj...Donald....When you get a great player in round 1, they are going to make you pay them more. So the cost control point just really doesn’t matter that much to me. I will take the guy that I know is great already, over question marks. I know it doesn’t work that way. The NFL overvalues draft picks in a sickening way. Good players get traded for mid round picks. It’s mind boggling. After round 2, the entire draft of a crap shoot. The bears will never once regret or care about the 2 guys they won’t pick now.
  15. You know where we are drafting already before week 1? We haven’t even made cuts or named a starting qb yet... I wonder if you penciled us in for the playoffs before last year? Also you know those guys won’t get hurt or have set backs in their season? The real question is, do you want a guy you already know is great? And all you had to give up was things you have no clue about?
  16. Undervalue? Do you follow nfl football? A first round pick is probably more important then 99% of the players in the league to every gm. You literally can probably get any player in the league besides Arron Rogers for 2 firsts, which is ridiculous. For every 20 first round picks we make, we might get 3 really good players.
  17. How could anyone be worse? And technically this is his only draft class and they have played 0 games. So how can I know? They also took the qb I wanted the least.
  18. Think about all of our 1st round picks over the last 15 years. How many pairs of them would you take over Mack? People need to stop overvaluing draft picks. Get good players. We have plenty of draft picks left over after these trades and we never pick the right guys anyway.
  19. Yeah. That was a very nice thing to see and I give them credit for that. It wasn’t a high pick and it doesn’t happen very often. We also did much more trading of our players for picks before that and had extra. I am more speaking of trading a high pick for big time players not mid or late round picks for guys that we might not even keep.
  20. I knew a team would do it, I just knew it wouldn’t be us. The Bills almost never draft good players but they act like draft picks are more important then having proven talent.
  21. He’s not good. I don’t understand how giving up something for him made more sense then trying to sign Dez Bryant.
  22. I’ll say the jaguars surprise people and miss the playoffs.
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