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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. If this team gets the first pick in the draft and doesnt trade back, I will be sick.
  2. I don’t understand the question. We have the worst WR group in football. We had the same situation last year. Obviously this team places no value on the position. The player in question is a street free agent with little or no chance to amount to anything in the league. Seems like the type of player Beane and Mcd would be interested in.
  3. Matt Milano should 100% be playing MLB and calling the defense. Edmunds should just play WLB and worry about just playing. He’s over thinking it out there and killing us. The game looks to fast for him. Let the guy with a year in the defense call it and get people lined up. Let the rookie run and react
  4. Well he sucks, so there is a pretty good chance the Bills would be interested
  5. He’s definitely not a process guy because he is a great WR. Those things are apparently not able to exist together
  6. We need a mentor for Allen. An undrafted 24 year old with no experience and probably less talent will help that out. This team is sharp.
  7. I would give up almost anything within reason for Brown if this is even remotely true. I know we won’t and I know it will be a waste of typing, but this is the guy you given Allen if you want to see how good he is.
  8. I just simply don’t subscribe to that. First off, if we can’t block and never have any WRs to throw to, Allen will never be good. If we are getting run over every time we are on defense, we won’t beat anyone. I just don’t agree with the thought that football is a 1 on 1 between QBs. Our defense is why we lost last week and nothing Allen did was going to matter. The ravens game tone was also set by our defense but Peterman was lost. There is just way to much that goes into a football game and 20 teams have pretty good QBs. You aren’t going to beat most teams just because Allen might be good.
  9. I just choose to be realistic. If you watch this defense, it’s hard to have faith in this coach. If you see some of the personnel decisions, it’s hard to imagine this GM can rebuild this team the right way. I’m not saying it can’t happen I just am very confused about what the thought process is on almost every decision made. Just something as dumb as the Kurley thing last week will make you doubt these guys. The numbers game at DT was created by them waiving Washington earlier in the week. The last thing we needed less of, was a WR.
  10. We are the worst team in the league. There is not a day that would go by where I wouldn’t be bringing in guys. This roster sucks.
  11. We are the only team in the league where the QBs have a combined total of 1 complete game and we are still taking the cheap way out every where else. The Bills haven’t had to pay a QB in decades, yet we look like a team of scabs during a strike.
  12. These guys would rather lose with their own players, then win with someone else’s. From the minute Beane and McDermott got here its been a race to get rid of as many old guard players as possible. Even the ones who could have helped us down the road. Very rarely have they been replaced with anything close to a good player. The plan is not sneaky smart. It’s just a bunch of replacement level, money ball trash that got bailed out last year by a few of the studs.
  13. I felt pretty good about the guys we had in charge after last year and I’m really starting to question it. I have to see how the defense looks this week. Not firing Fraiser was a mistake and if this defense still sucks Sunday, I might just be out here with McDermott. What happened the first 2 weeks on defense is inexcusable. If they want to keep Fraiser around, then McDermott better find away to fix it.
  14. Sounds like another solid player that can help turn this thing around.
  15. Why would you bring back Kyle Williams? Or keep Shady? How does the defense taking massive steps in the wrong direction, despite no major subtractions help the long term gain? How is the Oline helping anything long term? You have younger guys on the bench and useless veteran turnstiles in the starting lineup? None of this makes and sense to me. Only playing Allen and Edmunds. That’s the only thing that I can see with the long term goal in mind. And they are not what has been concerning. This is some bull **** controlled message here. Nothing about this needs to happen. Getting completely blown off the ball on both sides is not a step in a rebuild. If it’s about the future, get Kyle out and Phillips in. Trade clay. Get both of the terrible guards out and get Teller in. Put bodine in at center and play Groy at Guard. Get Holmes out and play Foster and McCloud. If you are doing it, then do it. If you are getting your asses kicked and now you are reaching for an excuse, save it.
  16. Bush has been good and I bet if Ivory got more touched he would be ok. He’s very physical. Mccarron never should have been traded. That’s just another bonehead move by this GM.
  17. It’s not just 2 games. It’s 18. This defense sucked last year too. We just had a crazy run of big turnovers to bail us out. Almost every veteran QB shredded this pathetic zone from the start. Fraiser needs to be gone tomorrow.
  18. There is no reason for them to be this bad THIS season. If we were losing these games because our young inexperienced qb was making mistakes all over..fine. Instead we are being blown off the ball on both sides and looking like the worst team in the league. Nowhere does it say you need to be terrible to build the tean back up. We were in the playoffs last year and got rid of almost every guy that was an old regime guy last season. Most of the important players came back. This isn’t the plan. It seems like these guys would rather lose with their own guys, then win with someone else’s. There is no reason for this season to be this way. The defense is inexplicably terrible and the STs is a joke. The Oline doesn’t belong in the league and the WR group is beyond pathetic. None of these things are helpful or imperative in a rebuild. I have no interest in trying to be the worst team in the league. We just drafted a qb, we are not going to take another one and there is no non QB that I care enough about to be hoping to pick first. It’s week 3 and the season is over. This season is not helping any long term vision. Being out coached in every aspect of the game and alienating the locker room by being booed off the field helps nothing. Actually installing NFL level position groups and philosophy’s would have been helpful. Trying to evaluate a rookie QB while constantly playing from behind with no help does nothing.
  19. This team would rather have a 5th special teams linebacker then a WR that can catch I’d get open. The personnel decisions are as embarrassing as the on field performance.
  20. The only thing difficult about it, is figuring out how he doesn’t get fired. Fraiser is terrible. Look at how quick it got turned around. It’s like he’s on auto pilot and the veteran QBs are laughing at how simple Leslie’s Defense is. McDermott takes over the calls and the laughing stopped for Rivers. I wish they fired him after week 1 but I can only hope it’s at worst tomorrow morning. Fraiser needs to go, no ifs ands or buts and it should have been tonight.
  21. I hated Marone but there’s not a person in the NFL that doesn't think he’s better then McDermott. Marone is a real good coach, it’s just all sour grapes here that make people think otherwise. If Whaley wasn’t forcing the eternal bust EJ down everyone’s throat, we probably could have been something. The 14 orton tean was the best Bills team in a very long time. The only team that even resembled an NFL passing game. To bad EJ blew that season in Houston.
  22. Since being here, 3 vets have decided they just didn’t want to play anymore. Davis, Incognito and Boldin. Not to mention the Eric Wood disaster. This Defense has been blown off the ball and the field repeatedly. Our oline is the worst in football. Not 1 WR on our team would even start for a good offense. We have started a QB more then once that is responsible for the worst performances in NFL history. We have let Watkins, Gilmore, Glenn, Tyrod, Darby, Woods, Dareus and Goodwin get away and replaced them with garbage. We passed on Watson and Mahomes and then traded up for the most ridiculed prospect in the draft. Our QB group has a combined 1 complete game played and it was today. We are now the worst team in the league.... I am very worried
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