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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. This guy is setting the table for starting Peterman again. If Peterman ever plays for this team again then I am done with this coach. He has almost used up all his drought busting currency on Nate already. 1 more game for Nate to blow and I’m out with this guy.
  2. No. I want the guy that’s not Allen and Peterman is not an option that should exist. I don’t have any misconception of Anderson. I have had Sunday ticket for almost 10 years and watch plenty of football. I know what Anderson is. He’s not great but he’s much better then Allen. This passing game will be closer to modern then anything we have had post Orton. Anderson is not very good but he’s okay. That’s a major improvement from what we are now.
  3. I want Anderson to start the rest of the year. Let Allen heal and learn the ins and outs of nfl passing concepts and defense without hurting the team. Cut Peterman today. Sign a guy that can be the 2 if Allen can’t go and make Allen the 2 for the rest of the year. Or at least the next month.
  4. Who knows? Maybe he is good. The QBs we have had since Orton can’t see or throw to WRs. A few of these guys could be good. How would we know?
  5. 11 is way worse. Joe Webb made a play that saved our season last year and Watkins was at times very good. Ray Ray just sucks
  6. I wouldn’t have taken Mahomes at 10 because I felt like he was to hit or miss. I wanted Watson there. Looking back, both guys are lightyears ahead of anything we have had for decades. Hopefully the light comes on for Allen at some point but as of now we look dumb as usual
  7. Trading Mccarron was inexcusable. That 5th we got probably won’t amount to anything. Just stupidity and greed thinking the system is above the players.
  8. I’m not an Allen hater either. I didn’t want him but throughout the preseason and especially the Vikings game..I really started to like him. He just isn’t good right now. I want him to sit out until he is ready. He’s going to get happy feet and feel pressure that isn’t there. That’s the kind of stuff you don’t come back from. I like him and I’m not giving up on him for life. I just don’t want him to play now.
  9. He had 82 yards passing through 3 quarters. Really good throws? Which ones were they? The one on the actual injury was good. That was something that I’d like to see more of.
  10. I’m not in a rational mindset to go through this whole thing but the long pass across the field to Shady was a stupid pass and a terrible decision. We don’t score points, we don’t put drives together, we don’t convert 3rd Downs, all his best plays are runs and our receivers are invisible. I mean I don’t know how people watch these games and think this isn’t an issue. I hope the kid turns out to be John Elway but my god..he looks more like Paxton Lynch. The kid is not ready to play. Let him sharpen his passing skills and gain some comprehension of professional passing concepts and try it when he’s mature. I’m not blaming Allen. It’s not his fault. He shouldn’t be out there. That’s on the coach and GM.
  11. This is going to be EJ all over again where people are just going to “benefit of the doubt” the guy on every single thing. Keep bringing up how Peyton Manning was rough in his rookie year....Well plenty of bad QBs were bad in year 1 too. Not every lost qb is going to turn into Aikman and Manning. It’s week 6. Make a few throws here at some point to give people reasons to think it can be better. I’m all for hoping it turns around but at some point I need to see some throws. I have seen plenty of throws to worry about. Let’s see a few good ones
  12. I don’t think it even begins to describe it. The first pass of the day was as bad of a ball as you can see thrown. Even the catches are balls where guys have to pick them off the turf. There are less good throws then bad every single game with Allen. He puts touch on balls that don’t need touch and lasers balls that are within 5 yds. The kid hasn’t even been inbounds on a deep ball. His apparent speciality. We are one of the worst passing offenses I have ever seen. 3 times this year Allen’s yards per carry has been higher then his ypa. What am I watching? The game. How can anyone not see this? He is the tall kid, #17. The one throwing balls off the ground and behind people.
  13. I wouldn’t even be upset if this kid was making dumb decisions and going through a learning curve in the nfl. I wouldn’t mind if the reason our offense was struggling was because of rookie mistakes. This kid sucks at throwing the ball near the players on his own team. You aren’t going to learn that. He is not good at passing footballs. What are we learning? It’s just insane to me that people think this has been anything except terrible. Allen should have been redshirted for the entire season. The guy is nowhere near ready to play mentally and physically he has shown nothing to be excited about. People just want him to be good so they ignore what’s right infront of their eyes...the kid sucks right now. It really is that simple.
  14. These guys are going to be on the verge of a team splitting revolt soon. The defense playing their asses off from Minnesota on. Only to watch Allen and Peterman stink the place up. At least Anderson would give this team a passable offense. With this excellent defense, it would probably make us dangerous
  15. These !@#$ing guys are just dumb enough to somehow start Peterman next week if Allen can’t go. That’s why I wanted him cut the second after Anderson was here. I didn’t want Peterman to be a hit away from losing another game for us....then today’s inactives came out.
  16. There are probably posters named “we drafted the wrong qb again” Although most of them were saying that before draft night.
  17. The best thing for everyone (including Josh Allen) is for him to sit. If anyone can be objective about this, this kid sucks right now. If this is what he is going to do for another 10 games, the Bills are probably going to look to replace him sooner then later. Playing him before he was ready might end up costing Allen a career. There’s no way this kid should be on the field right now and all that is going to come from this, is career altering bad habits. Sit Allen until he is ready and IMO 2019 is probably the earliest that will be. If we end up being out of it for the last 4 games, maybe put him back in. I would just pick up another qb and Redshirt Allen for the rest of the year but I wouldn’t expect the Bills to do that.
  18. Allen is not ready to play. He wasn’t supposed to play right away and now he is hurt. Allen is not going anywhere and no matter how much he continues to suck, he is going to get plenty of chances. The Bills never should have traded Mccarron but it’s to late to change that. Peterman is probably the worst qb in NFL history. For at least the next 4 or 5 weeks, please start Anderson. The guy is a veteran that knows how to play NFL football. We have an excellent defense and there are player evaluations that need to take place. Before Allen got hurt today he had 84 yds passing. All of last week he had 82. The week before we were shut out 22-0 by a below average Defense. Allen is not ready to play. Please play Anderson until we are mathematically out of it. I wonder what these WRs might look like with a QB that understands how to orchestrate a professional passing game. There is no circumstance in existence where Nate Peterman can play another down for this team. Please name Anderson the starter for the next month or so and bring in another guy that can back up while Allen recovers. Allen is just learning bad habits and risking further more serious injuries. It’s not giving up on Allen. It’s allowing him to develop and learn behind the scenes. The place where he should have been all year anyway. Start Anderson and let’s see what we have in Dabol and the offense.
  19. Chad Kelly today is probably better then Allen. Could have had him in the last round of the draft instead of wasting the moves up for Allen. Good thing we keep falling in love with big arm QBs. The balls look amazing as they are skipping and sailing away from WRs. There is so much more to playing QB then physical talent. Maybe someday the Bills will learn that.
  20. I said it before the draft, during the draft, after the draft and then probably leading up to the preseason. I was willing to give him time, I wanted Mccarron to start and let Allen sit all year. I really liked Allen in the Vikings game. Literally every single other game he has been terrible.
  21. Allen is terrible. He is also nowhere near ready to play and is injured. Peterman needs to be cut tonight. He is probably the single worst QB in NFL history. Anyone with a brain starts Anderson regardless. I don’t expect it to happen. The personnel decisions this team makes on a weekly basis are mind boggling. Anderson should absolutely start no matter what and Allen should heal and learn. Knowing this team, I doubt it though.
  22. This team is probably dumb enough to start Peterman next week if Allen can’t go. I can’t !@#$ing believe Peterman was still on this team going into today and I really am sick about Anderson being inactive. Cost us the season.
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