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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I don’t care what anyone thinks or says about the season goals. This defense has good players on it. This defense should be good now. Losing games is one thing. Having your defense not show up nearly 50% of the time is not supposed to happen. There is probably an excuse for the offense. The effort on this defense is not a plan. It’s a sign of bad things to come from this regime
  2. Peterman might be the single worst qb in nfl history. Anderson didn’t even play anywhere near as bad as Peterman or Allen has the past 3 games. None of this matters. Who even cares? This entire team sucks and all of us are left to suffer
  3. Lol you are insane if you think Peterman is better then anybody. I just hope Peterman is finally cut tomorrow so that there is no fear of him ever hurting us again. I dead serious would take Tim Tebow, not even having played football in 3 years (as is) over Peterman. Never Peterman, never again
  4. At this point I wouldn’t even care if we traded for Tyrod. This is just so hard to watch. At least the nostalgia might be fun for a few weeks.
  5. This can’t be serious right? If you can get Carr for a 2nd and you are the Bills. A team that hasn’t had a good qb in 25 years....and you don’t do it? What are we doing here? If a team gets him for a 2 and it’s not us, then that’s why we always suck
  6. The best thing about Marrone was that no matter what we were in games. The team didn’t get blown out and even though he wasn’t a defensive coach, the D didn’t not show up. Chan, Rex and McDermott get and got blown out way to often. The effort and performance from this defense today is inexcusable. 4 out of 7 games this season have been over before halftime. That’s ***** embarrassing. I don’t care what the situation is. You can’t have that. This is a playoff team from last season. Not the 17 Browns. For whatever reason this team just doesn’t show up for this coach almost 40% of the time. That is impossible to understand or accept. I’m not asking for a change but In my mind, I’m about done with McDermott. I hope it turns around but objectively, I’m not sure how it happens.
  7. Just start Anderson. He made some good throws. He just got put in a real tough spot with no Shady and then the clay fumble. We are going in there and instead of 6-3 or 7-6 us, it’s our defense getting tracks laid on it and 0-14 the next time we see it.
  8. I honest to god see no way this thing gets turned around with these ***** in charge. Trading for Carr literally might be the 1 shot these guys have at changing things. Carr and Allen going into next year, is much different. 2 shots at finding a QB might actually restore some faith here. If this guy is really available, I think it would be the smartest thing the Bills could do. Again, I don’t like Carr that much but my god...compared to what we normally have? I don’t care what it means for THIS season. It’s the best move we can make for the next 3.
  9. I’d say considering the WRs looked borderline acceptable, he did the opposite of that. QB has been the number 1 issue IMO but it really doesn’t matter. This team sucks. And we get blown out often enough to make me think the coach might suck too
  10. The clay fumble and the strip from behind are not on Anderson IMO. The first pick is KB running like a fridge with legs...He didn’t play good but Anderson wasn’t that bad. The whole team sucks. We threw more nfl passes today then we have all season combined. There is just zero talent on this offense.
  11. I don’t even like Carr but if I was the Bills GM, I would give myself a life line here. I personally think Allen is terrible and I don’t really expect that to change. If a 2nd can get Carr, give yourself two shots at this thing here and maybe Beane can survive a miss on Allen. A smart team would take a shot here and at least give you a guy that can play while Allen learns. That being said, we won’t do it. We will put all our eggs in Allen’s basket and have a new coach, GM and QB by 2020
  12. I never wanted Shady traded. He is by far the best player we have an the only thing that makes this team watchable. ...I honestly don’t care anymore. Trade anybody. Trade everybody. Just get the season over with and start over.
  13. Unfortunately no. If I could get out, I would have been gone a long time ago
  14. 4 out of 7 games over before halftime. Couldn’t even make it to the week of Halloween. I wouldn’t care about a single thing that this team does going forward. Get rid of anyone, Fire any one. Do anything at this point. None of it will matter and I think we might have the wrong people in place. Familiar feeling with the Bills.
  15. This happens to often in less then a season and a half. I’m about done with this coach
  16. This team is a ***** joke. It’s the colts and this game was over with 6 mins left in the first half.
  17. Thanks clay. This ***** team should not lose to the 1-5 colts but you know...we’re the Bills so go get blown out
  18. Anderson with 1 and a half weeks is better then any qb we have and it’s not close. Thanks to the completely useless Charles Clay now we will be in trouble here. Just shelf Allen for the entire year and let’s play a professional offense
  19. Another guy that makes a ton of sense even for the future. Another guy that we won’t even get a sniff at. It’s a shame. Need aggression towards getting better at the position...won’t get it though
  20. I feel like if we can get to 5-5 somehow, we will have a look at still having a season. I know for a lot of people this year wasn’t about wins and losses. The offseason is to long. I have never understood while learning has to mean losing. I want to see us win as many games as possible. We need this one today. Go Bills!
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