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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. The 49ers coach is a very good offensive mind. I never thought Jimmy G was that good but I think every qb shanahan has is going to look good.
  2. Let’s hope this time around is better. Never was impressed. I think the kid that got hurt in the preseason was looking very strong. Now you have new life here Colton. Make the most of it. You will have plenty of attempts. We take punting very seriously in Buffalo unfortunately. The punters touch the ball more then the WRs
  3. The offenses for most teams make its normal to move the ball. We are just so deprived of any offensive system competence that it’s embarrassing
  4. This team just had no issue scoring with less talent then we have and a qb they found in the snack stand. Our offense is so pathetic and I really think it’s Daboll. I don’t know how that’s going to get better. No matter how bad it is, there’s still no way it should be this hard to score TDs. Anderson threw for 290 yds Monday and we haven’t scored a td in 2 and a half games. The offense is the problem. It’s Daboll
  5. The only was we are winning with this guy is if we throw like 5 passes. I wouldn’t even let Peterman effect the outcome. He can move a little. I would let him run it a little and throw in a few options. 5 passes for the entire game at the absolute most. The guy obviously has a mental block. Just have him be a glorified middle man in handoffs and various incredibly safe screen passes. Don’t even allow this guy to lose.
  6. Never was a reason to trade Mccarron. That pick will become a nobody and we will have suffered through an entire year of wasted offense and a Peterman yo-yo because of it. Mccarron would have been the starter after week 1 and everything would have fallen into place. Peterman would have probably been cut after Baltimore. Never would have lost us the Houston game. Maybe Allen never gets hurt. If the Bills HAD to trade one of the guys, they should have waited until after the regular season started and took advantage of a teams injury. Probably could have gotten more from SF if we waited. Also might have been able to get Cleveland interested. We rushed for no reason. Just constantly making ridiculous personnel decisions.
  7. Still hoping Anderson is cleared in time
  8. If the Bills are really going to start this ***** again. They should be mandated less then 10 pass attempts regardless of score. I’d be handing off on 3rd and 8
  9. Pryor and Jones might not be that bad going forward. We could do and have done worse. Truly, KB and Pryor with Jones in the slot is actually pretty solid. Certainly less embarrassing then it has been
  10. The silver lining to this qb situation is maybe we find a long term veteran backup in Barkley. I actually don’t think he’s that bad. The second either Allen or Anderson can go I’m cutting Peterman
  11. Is there anyway Anderson can play or is it just a foregone conclusion that he’s out? If Anderson can’t go I would rather start Barkley as is with very little passing. Or run the wildcat literally every down with maybe 5 or 6 throws from Pryor. No Peterman ever again. We have a few options now. None of which should ever be Peterman again.
  12. If Anderson can’t go, I’d rather see Barkley start on 4 days of playbook then Peterman
  13. To try and win. And actually give your receivers a chance to catch the ball. The guy threw for 290 yds last night. He’s the best qb on the roster. Peterman doesn’t belong in the league.
  14. He’s been okay. Every team in the league has plays to get their receivers the ball in space and easy catches. We never even try to do that. Give Zay some screens, a few quick hitches and slants. Get the ball to him quick for some yac. The way we used to with Stevie. We are the dumbest offense in recent NFL history. I can’t believe Daboll hasn’t been fired yet. I’m not sure what it’s going to take. 5 straight games without a td maybe? Does a single person think this guy will be our OC when this thing gets turned around?
  15. Will he have enough time in to be active Sunday? I know these guys are weird with it and seem to bring guys along slowly. I hope he can at least play this week
  16. Put him in the slot. He probably would be just as productive as the guys we have now and the juice alone from having him back might make this season borderline interesting. I know we won’t even consider it but in our situation I wouldn’t be above any option. The guys we are playing at WR are much more embarrassing then it would be to give TO a shot.
  17. The guy was one of the most dynamic players in the league his last year in Cleveland. There is definitely a lot to like about this. It’s a shame we won’t be able to get him the ball through the air until Anderson comes back. Might have to direct snap it to him a bunch
  18. I watch every play of ever game. As much as I piss and moan, I know where i will be come kickoff. I can’t get out. If I could get out if this, I would have been gone a long time ago
  19. I have never in my life wanted to watch a Bills game less then this one (if Peterman starts). That is saying something considering how bad this team has been. There is absolutely no point in playing Peterman again. He never should have survived the day after the Ravens game. I will watch it but I would dead serious rather sign Barkley tomorrow, give him only 4 days with the playbook and still start him. Peterman might actually be the single worst qb in nfl history. All I can hope for at this point is Anderson somehow is cleared in time or Allen can go. I can’t take Peterman ever again
  20. Barkley threw for over 300 yds 3 times in 7 games in 2016. The Bills have thrown for over 300 yds like twice in the last 6 seasons. Words can not begin to justify how terrible our QBs have been. Anderson threw for 290 last night. If Tyrod, Ej or Allen had a statline if Anderson’s this board would have been giving crazy.
  21. Il own up to it that the year we took EJ, I wanted Barkley. I was wrong about Barkley being good but I wasn’t wrong about wanting anyone over EJ. At least this guy is capable of throwing passes in an NFL game without the stadium almost burning down. Peterman can’t play Sunday. Idk what these coaches are thinking.
  22. Sign Chad Kelly. Let him Finnish our the year here. The season is dead. If it works and he ends up good then it’s great for us. If he sucks who cares? Give the Buffalo fans something to be excited about even if it’s just the name.
  23. There never should have been a time where this was allowed to happen. The second Allen got hurt we should have had another qb in, and now that player would have enough time to have learned the offense.
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