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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. It was a road game against a very good defense, in the division and the guy has only been on the team for 12 days. We scored 41 points and he threw more TDs in 15 completions then we have in the last 3 games
  2. Barkley. If he plays well again, and the offense scores like a normal NFL offense, stick with him
  3. We hit more down field passes today then with have hit all year with the golden boy and his cannon. Foster had no issue catching the deep balls that Barkley threw. Funny how the defense also caught none of them for a change. I saw no limitations and I hope Barkley plays until he stops playing well. I don’t care where a guy was drafted or how he got here. I just want the guy that gives us the best chance to score points, to play. Sometimes it takes time. Also he started 6 games for a terrible Bears team and threw for over 300 yards 3 times. He’s not Nate Peterman out there. He hasn’t gotten a chance to play a lot but he hasn’t been terrible.
  4. I didn’t say he has a good arm. I just don’t think it’s a huge problem. I think it’s fine.
  5. Because he had a down year in his SR year and was injured late. Do you not agree that had he come out in his JR year he would be a top 10-15 pick? His arm was fine when that was being discussed
  6. Schwartz’s defense was the best in the league IMO. I realize the stats were more like 4th, but to me that was the best Defense we had since Fletcher and Spikes prime
  7. Where did he show today that his arm strength was a fatal flaw? Looked like he threw a catchable ball and actually gave his WRs chances. No turnovers, threaded the needle on a TD pass. He also converted 50% of 3rd Downs and scored more points today then we have in the last month combined. I didn’t see any issues with arm strength today. I guess because people keep saying it, it must be true. Having a rocket arm only gets you so far. Playing qb is more about the strength between your ears then the strength of your shoulder
  8. I don’t think 9 gets us in. Not saying we have any shot at winning 7 straight games. I just don’t think it would be enough. I would still sign up for 9-7 right now and let the cards fall where they may
  9. Find a way to get to 7-7. Won’t happen but if it did....it would be fun
  10. I have been real hard on Foster. I’ll give him credit, he played well today. A rare 100 yd day in non garbage time for a Bills receiver. Respect
  11. Start Barkley until he shows he can’t do it. Allen wasn’t playing good before he was hurt. Let’s string together a few wins
  12. I’m starting to like Zay. I think he might have been the byproduct of terrible qb play and with a competent signal caller, might actually be decent. I really hope Barkley plays again
  13. I’m serious in that I want Barkley to play until he struggles. Allen was playing terrible before he got hurt. I don’t want to pull out the 1 guy that moved the ball and actually played well. Maybe Barkley matches up well with Dabol. Give him two weeks to prepare for Jacksonville and if he backs up today, keep him going
  14. Allen is not going anywhere and there is no rush to say that. What if Barkley just plays well and never lets up? You never know where your qb is going to come from. It doesn’t matter how you get here. It matters how you play when you are here
  15. Give Barkley another start. 2 weeks to prepare for the home start against the Jags...punch it up. Play him until he gives you a reason not to
  16. I think at worst Barkley earned the next game at home against Jacksonville. I mean I know we won’t do it because we are the Bills, but come on...the guy played very well today. If we weren’t blowing the breasts off the jets in the first half he would have hit 300 no problem
  17. Upstairs it was almost all Bills by the 4th. Love it
  18. It’s about time a guy over achieved and didn’t embarrass us. All things condsidered I’d say he played excellent. How about some appreciation for a guy sending us into the bye with some good feelings and a win. Thank you Matt. Hope you get to keep playing until you struggle at least. Go Bills!
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