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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Well, Allen will have those same guys this week. So if he sucks again, I guess it will be something else to blame. All year it was the WRs and OC. Then Barkley goes in and puts up 41. I’m sure the addition of McKenzie was probably worth 30 of those points....let’s see. I hope Allen plays great. Then none of this will matter. Start winning and scoring points and nobody will care. That’s the funny part. People are making this about Barkley. The truth is, if Allen wasn’t terrible this year (and not even good in college) nobody would want to see the other guy. If Allen was playing good before he got hurt, there would be no conversation.
  2. Are you really trying to pretend we are in better shape with Allen then the Steelers are with Ben Rothlisburger? I don’t know how to even respond to the basis of this post.
  3. Why would he look better? He just played last week with the same offense Allen has had and scored 41 points. That’s why. The same offense that sucked all year, was good. The only difference was the guy throwingbthe ball.
  4. How many does Allen have? Probably off of turnovers and short fields after 3 and outs
  5. If Allen starts the game will be a blowout by halftime. If Barkley starts, we have a shot
  6. If we were going to shelf Allen I would say, individualy on a case by case basis..we probably could win each of our last games. I would find it hard to believe we win 7 in a row regardless of opponent. But each week I’d say we have a shot. If Barkley was playing I would say it’s not impossible. With Allen playing, we will get embarrassed by the Jaguars at home. Also I don’t think 9-7 would get us in anyway.
  7. You cut Peterman the second the Ravens game is over. You sign anybody that night and just live with the chance he might have to go in week 2. Turned out Allen made it through anyway. You then get a 3rd qb to the practice squad just Incase. That’s literally all that needed to happen. Keeping Peterman was an inexcusable self made issue.
  8. It would be great if Mcd says all week “Allen will start when healthy” then on Sunday runs Barkley out there. Get the Jags thinking they will be seeing one guy and then see Barkley.
  9. It’s certainly not up to the fans but I can’t tell you one thing. If Allen stinks the place up and we go right back to the stuck in the mud offense...the crowd is going to let them hear it big time. You don’t bench a guy after a game like last Sunday. If Allen sucks again, by halftime that crowd is going to turn on him. I hope for everyone’s sake Allen plays well. I guess we shall see.
  10. We should bring back that original blue uniforms we wore with the throwback helmets for a game. I like the white AFL look but it’s to plain. Maybe do a blue throwback (like we always did) and also do the white. Or rotate from year to year. I loved that 50 year AFL anniversary year where we wore both a ton.
  11. I will take the game Allen played in Minnesota. That was fine. But let’s just be real here. We are all obviously fans and most of us watch every play of every game. Sometimes more then once. There wasn’t a single good drive in that game. And most of those yards were on 2 ridiculously long plays. A blown coverage on the TD and Ivory running for 40 yds all alone. 1 scoring drive was because of a penalty that was through no fault of the offense. We were stopped there. And every other one was a short field from turnovers. That game was fine. I’ll take that Allen. The issue is most of the time Allen is the GB embarrassment. Or the back to back sub 90 yd games. You can’t have 2 out of every 3 games being terrible. I’ll give him Minnesota. That was fine. Nothing else has been close to acceptable. And last Sunday IMO was much more impressive then Minnesota. All of this is pointless. They are going to just start Allen. These guys are idiots. This is the same team that kept Nate Peterman until this week. Be the worst offense in modern day NFL history for 9 weeks. Score 41 points out of nowhere...bench the QB. I hope Allen plays great. I just have a hard time imagining it.
  12. Josh Allen’s numbers would extrapolate out to 10 TDs and 25 Ints. Might as well pack him up then. They almost have the same amount of starts and Barkley has shown way more.
  13. Barkley was an all world high school player. Player of the year. And set records at one of the most storied high school programs in the nation. Then he was recruted heavily and went to a big time school in USC. Started all 4 years against top notch competition and would have been a top 15 pick if he came out before his injury. Barkley is accurate, throws with anticipation, gives his receivers a chance and is very smart. Allen was not recruited at all and went to Wyoming. He wasnt even good against inferior competition. Allen should have dominated that conference and he didn’t even come close to that. All he has at this point is a strong arm and mobility. Just because the Bills were dumb enough to take this guy at 7, doesn’t mean he should be good. What part of any of this, tells you Allen should be better then Barkley. At every level Barkley has been better. Now in the same exact offense, with the same players Barkley was much better. What are we really looking at here?
  14. It’s a good thing every team doesn’t think that way. Might have never gotten a Kurt Warner. Doug Flutie. Rich Gannon. Nick Foles last year. Steve Young. Brett Favre. Vinny Testerverde. Case Kenum. Kirk Cousins. Or any guy that didn’t show a lot right away but then made the most of their opportunity later on. I know there are 50 more I just am going to use a few to get the point across. Barkley has been behind an established starter at EVERY stop. He has NEVER gotten a real chance to play. The only stretch of starting he had was with a pitiful Bears team that was completely out of it. He played in 6 games and threw for over 300 yds in half of them. We haven’t thrown for over 300 yds three times in the last 5 seasons combined. Then he started last week and in less then 2 weeks with the team, led the worst offense in recent history to 41 points. What I’m saying makes sense. People just don’t want to agree with it because this was supposed to be all about Allen. Things change. We will still have more then enough time to see Allen. He’s not going anywhere. If Allen was playing well before the injury then I would agree. Play him. The problem is, Allen was terrible. Barkley was good. There’s no way we are saying 1 of these guys is NOT a starter and that guy is Barkley. As of right now, Barkley did in 1 game what Allen did in a month. With the same players. Let Barkley get a home start against the Jags with 2 weeks to prepare. If he struggles in the first half, pull him. If he lights it up...Let Allen watch and heal more. No harm. Only good can come from it.
  15. No way to know about Barkley until you see more. So far 1 game and it was excellent. No way to draw backup only from that. I don’t care what he did in short stints with almost no chance to actually show anything. I care about what he looks like with THIS team in THIS offense. So far, he looks like a guy that should be a starter. I’d like to see a few more games to probe or disprove that.
  16. I can’t wrap my head around anybody thinking Barkley is a waste of time. What if he just was good? Good enough to let us be good? What if Barkley just matched up well with this system and Dabol? The light comes on at different times for guys and last Sunday was the closest thing we have seen to real passing in a very long time. There is no reason to bench Barkley now. Make him show us last week was a fluke. If Barkley keeps playing well, then keep playing him. If he stinks. Put Allen in. Allen is not going anywhere. There is no rush here. We are going to get plenty of time to see him and he should have sat all this year anyway. Allen will probably never be good. He wasn’t good in college and has been terrible so far. If Barkley is good, that takes the pressure off of the Allen situation. If they somehow both end up being good, then we are in incredible shape. We could trade one of them, or better yet have 2 good QBs for a change. Play Barkley against Jacksonville. If he struggles, you just play Allen and never look back. If Barkley lights it up again, then see where it goes. Barkley isn’t 38 years old. If he ends up being a very good QB, we could potentially get 10 more years out of him. Im not saying he will end up being good, I just want to find out. Give Barkley at least 1 more start. This team was on pace to be the worst offense in NFL history. Barkley got 41 out of them. Only the Bills would be dumb enough to bench a guy after that. There is no harm in starting Barkley 1 more time. Allen isn’t ready yet anyway. Play Barkley until he sucks. We have plenty of time to learn about Allen.
  17. Indirectly, Peterman being so terrible might have caused this guy a serious head injury. There was no excuse for Peterman to be on this roster after week 1. Him being so useless caused us to throw in Anderson almost right away. I was happy Anderson was playing but it’s a shame for him. The guy was probably expecting to pretty much be a coach in a helmet and because of the ineptitude of our backup, he was forced into the lineup. If Peterman wasn’t even capable of playing, I don’t understand why he was on the roster. It’s over now but it definitely went on to long. Hopefully Anderson ends up being okay. A head injury can effect people in very different ways.
  18. We just scored 41 points and ran it at will against a very tough front on the road. Never saw a moment of venerability out of the Oline or the offense in general. Maybe we don’t need that much. Maybe the QB was the issue. Let’s see how it goes from here on out. We may not need a bunch of new linemen.
  19. When was the last time we saw a Bills offense be as efficient and modern as it looked last Sunday? It was like watching a real football team for a change. The simplicity in converting 3rd Downs and effortlessly moving into scoring position... That’s what most teams feel like all the time. But we will be the team that benches the QB responsible for that. Take the worst offense tracked in 30 years, to 41 points...But then bench the guy. All I hope is that Allen plays good. I would be much more excited and hopeful if Barkley was getting his 2nd start. I would love to see if last week was a fluke. Because we won’t get that chance, I hope Allen picks up where Barkley left off. We just had no issue scoring. There should be no reason to go back to the 9 point games. Especially at home off a bye.
  20. I say it every time but I’d like to see the reds with the throwback helmet and red face masks, so it’s literally all just white and red
  21. I’d say take at least 2 WRs in the first 3 rounds
  22. What a convenient cover to just be able to say being terrible and losing is part of a plan. That way nothing you do can be used against you. We massively turned over the roster last year and somehow made the playoffs. What would be the thought process behind going backwards with mostly their own players?
  23. If this guy comes in and puts up another 80 yd performance with the offense that just scored 41, it’s going to get ugly. It started to feel like EJ by the 3rd quarter of the Texans game and now we know this offense is capable of points. The excuses are about over. To me, there no reason to not allow Barkley to get at least 1 more start, but whatever. This team is clueless and had Nate Peterman on the roster until yesterday. Now that we are not letting Barkley play again, it’s time for Allen to not be terrible. I don’t care what that situation is. The Green Bay Embarrassment followed by back to back sub 90 yard passing performances is enough. Start doing things that are good or else I hope we draft another QB. I don’t subscribe to the thought of it taking a long time to learn about a guy. If Allen continues to not play well, I’m not putting all my eggs into that 1 basket. I would personally try to hedge my bets by letting Barkley play a bit. Obviously it’s not my call and I’m sure these guys will make the right decision like they always do....
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