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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Surprised the dolphins didn’t make us wear colors. Usually white at home for Miami. 2 years in a row.
  2. I watched a lot of it. The only shot one of these league has is to try and be a minor league for the nfl and get nfl teams involved. They seem to sort of understand that. Peterman and EJ should have been trying to get in. The league itself should have moved mountains to get Kap and Tebow.
  3. I think Lewis is out mccarthy bowles harbaugh koetter maybe Gase if it gets real sideways also if Atlanta can’t get it back to decent, it could be over there too. Starting to look more and more like Shanahan was the reason they were real good.
  4. I thought powell was the guy moorman got cut for. Both # 6. Both sucked
  5. If Foster has another 90+ yd game against Miami (to give him 3 in a row) people might have to start taking this seriously. 3 in a row doesn’t happen by accident. Let’s hope it keeps going. We need it.
  6. He had 2 punts that went about 5 yards off the ground at peak.
  7. I want to see him have a 6+ catch game here soon. The yards are great but a real good WR needs more then 2 or 3 catches in a game. It’s great when those catches go for over 40 yards each, but I want to see Foster with catches on every drive. Not one a half.
  8. One of these guys need to step up and grab this job. Being a punter for the bills can get you to rock star status. As a punter, what other team are you on the field for as much? Take the responsibility serious. It’s a golden opportunity. Go out and take hold of this job and never let it go. Moorman was the best player on the Bills for an entire decade. Maybe this Darr can be a long term answer. Field position is very important and our defense can make a team pay.
  9. That carter kid in preseason was punting it real well. It sucks that he got hurt in a meaningless preseason game on a meaningless play. Would have probably only needed 1punter all year if he didn’t get rolled up on
  10. Thank god. Schmidt was terrible before, terrible the second time. Don’t give him a 3rd chance please
  11. Still have to wear the reds. I wonder if they would wear them against Miami on the road. I know that’s unlikely but they are running out of time.
  12. Get to 7 and 7 and we might still have a look. At this point, where we sat after week 2...if you tell me we are mathematically alive going into the NE game il take it. Get to 7-7 and this season is a positive. Please don’t be completely done before that Pats game and I’m all good. What it looked like after week two, il sign for “alive at Christmas”
  13. Yeah full disclosure I am a big rangers fan. I know nothing about the Sabres arena or what it’s like down there. I only go up there for Bills games. I only hear stuff about it here and there in the wgr radio app. I know they do things with that harbor center but I don’t know about how vital it is to all of this. I’m sure the plan is to integrate the Bills to that area. Selfishly I’m not sure I want it to be there.
  14. I absolutely love Milano. The guy just seems to have a nose for the ball. Some guys have that, some guys don’t. Last season while he was still being rotated, I continually said our defense is better with Milano on the field. To get him on the field and keep him there. By the end of the season, Milano became my favorite player on the defense. I got his jersey and kept Posting that we should make him our MLB. I felt like he had the speed and mental capacity to compensate for him being a liability in the run game. Preston Brown was the single worst thing about our defense. The guy was running like he had quick sand for cleats. They should have put a bullseye on him instead of a “52” At that time I wanted to see Milano be the QB of the defense. We needed a guy in the middle that could run and cover. It’s not 1991 anymore. LBs need ru run first and foremost. Obviously all of this changed when we drafted Edmunds. It is so wonderful to see us with 2 incredibly talented, fast young LBs as the centerpieces of our defense moving forward. Edmunds and Milano are the two most exciting lbs we have had since Spikes and Fletcher. And these guys are super young. We are in excellent shape on defense.
  15. If they are doing something with the Sabres arena and are going to rebuild that, it would be cool if they somehow built a building where the arena was either attached to or inside the football stadium. Like one big convention center where they both play and then build up the area around it. I live nowhere near orchard park or buffalo for that matter and I am a rangers fan so I don’t have a lot of input on the down town buffalo scene. I have a 6 hour each way shot to new era right now but it’s simple. I’m not sure what the logistics would be of getting to a stadium down town. I know a lot of people feel like the bills will or should go downtown but I wonder if anyone has thought about the Sabres moving closer to orchard park and putting both teams next to each other? It would help sell the “one buffalo” idea and make it easier on the pegulas. Most sports cities that have multiple teams have the stadiums close to each other. It makes a lot of sense from a marketing and logistics point of view. Perhaps the thought is they will bring the bills closer to the Sabres but I guess we will see. I think no matter what the bills need a stadium with a roof. In a perfect world they could get a roof over the current stadium and just use the renovation money to just improve the physical structure of the stadium. Make sure the place doesn’t collapse. I don’t think the stadium needs all the bells and whistles of a new place. It’s got a great feel to it as is it. But it needs to be safe and not in danger of falling apart. I’d also love to hear the crowd noise for a Bills home game in an inclosed stadium. The other offense would be at such a disadvantage. A dome would probably get us 2 extra wins a year from a crowd noise perspective.
  16. Build a 65,000 seat dome in the same parking lot at the current stadium. Then when it’s done, turn new era into a parking lot and move into the dome.
  17. Their “talent” is severely overrated. They have almost nobody any good on offense. They have some decent RBs. That’s about the extent of it. What more do people expect with that qb and WRs? Last year they actually had really good WRs but they let them all leave.
  18. The bills seem to love McKenzie. They seemed to have him in Presnap motion to fake a jet sweep on almost every play. He has had a big time impact in such a small amount of time. I hope he turns into a Tyreek Hill style player for us. Obviously probably nowhere near as good, but they are seemingly interested in getting him the ball in different ways.
  19. Play defense and get Shady going and we will have a look. Got to win up front and allow Shady to get to the hole before he makes a cut. Can’t be dancing in the backfield because the LOS is being reset by the Dline. Win up front and give Shady a chance. Keep playing defense. Let’s get at least 1 more week of a season here and put another AFC team behind us on the way. Go Bills!
  20. It sucks we couldn’t get Foster 1 more catch for 7 or 8 yds. When was the last time a bills WR had back to back 100 yd receiving games? Foster damn near got there. It’s probably been a while since a bills WR had back to back games over 90 yds. Foster definitely did that.
  21. It’s almost inconceivable how bad Bortles is. How they don’t have someone better is beyond me
  22. Hey, the kid played well. I don’t hide from it. I wanted Barkley to play. Il own it. I’m glad Allen played well. As long as the bills win I’m happy
  23. This defense made me sick in the first half but they clamped down and gave us a shot to win in the second. Great job by them to adjust and keep us in it
  24. They snuck us onto the bottom of the “in the hunt graphic” on NBC. Nice to see Just beat the Dolphins and go from there
  25. Get to 7-7 and let’s see what’s what
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