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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Shady is my favorite player on the Bills and he’s the biggest reason the drought is over...he’s got to stop dancing and just get to the hole. He knows 100x more about playing RB then I will ever know but he’s trying to make every run a highlight reel run. There comes a time in every RBs career, where they lose a step. Maybe it’s that time, maybe it’s the scheme, maybe it’s the Oline, maybe it’s a little of everything. Either way, get to the hole first, then make a move. That’s the way Ivory does it. That’s the way it works in this offense. Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Shady can still be excellent. He just has to do it in a different way.
  2. Croom has turned out to be okay. If Clay can ever get healthy we have 2 pretty solid TEs
  3. That new league should try and get Hunt. That AAF. Their whole thing is giving people another chance to continue their professional playing career. They need a few names to get it off the ground. They should be begging Kap and Tebow as well
  4. Pretty good in relation to other back ups maybe. He’s probably like the 40th best RB in the league
  5. How would the people in his own locker room not just beat the living ***** out of him? If any of them have daughters, or sisters, or wives or mothers...Someone in that locker room should let him know that’s not okay with an absolute beat down
  6. Edmunds is real good and he should be for a long time. Not concerned. I actually think the best thing this regime has done, is draft. Especially defense. Maybe they should use their FA money on offense and draft defense. It’s very possible these guys either won’t identify the correct college players on offense or even more likely that they just won’t develop the Offensive players. Let them just bring in professionals on offense and teach the defense. They are doing a good job with that.
  7. There just isn’t anything worse in sports then nfl officiating. Even this ***** Pererra that was the head of officials, saying at this stage they will probably review it? He doesn’t know turnovers are automatically reviewed? How ***** useless are these guys? The Bills game last week was completely ruined by the refs. I’m glad it worked out at the end firbus, but most of this isnt even football. Godell needs to sit down with these guys and tell them to let Football happen and stop calling every little goddamn thing
  8. I will put myself on the list that says I’m starting to come around. I was very skeptical. Hopefull but not expecting good things. Allen definitely has the “it” factor and I like him way more then I expected to. I need to see more from the passing game but I’ll be thrilled to have been wrong about him.
  9. Man, I’m not trying to pretend like the Bills are good or anything but has there even been a team more disrespected throughout an entire season? The Bills made the playoffs last year. They have wins against good teams. They have won 2 in a row and are certainly capable of beating Miami. The bills have been huge underdogs in every single game this season which is incredible in itself. We are 4-7 with a real look at 7-7 IMO and have been picked to be 0-11 so far...the Bills are 4-3 in games that Peterman didn’t play in. I mean the Bills aren’t good but the people picking games and making odds are acting like they are the 2016 Browns. Get a grip here.
  10. The ncaa isn’t a minor league. I don’t understand why people say that. The nhl nba and mlb all have minor leagues and every one of those sports are played at the college level. It’s nothing like a minor league. The teams have no control over any of the college players. Minor league would mean the teams have control and rights over players. It absolutely can happen in the NFL and someday it will. The first one of these leagues that figures out it needs the NFL affiliation, will be the one that will succeed.
  11. You don’t even use the 3rd LB anymore. It’s almost all nickel. It’s perfect for Lorenzo because then he can slide down onto the line and also remain a big factor on ST
  12. In fairness, even when I was on the BBMB almost constantly, I never really went to the bills site anyway. Literally if anything bills related happened anywhere it was on the BBMB within seconds. You never really had to go anywhere else. For however aggravating it was with the occasional troll posts, it was second to none as a news resource.
  13. Barely. Site sucks. Sometimes for photos and just some roster stuff.
  14. That money is going to go faster then people realize. We are also going to eventually have to pay some of our own guys. I have no interest in paying a SLB which in today’s game is barely a starter and literally the least important player on a defense. Teams run nickle almost every down. It’s just not a smart idea.
  15. This is kind of what happened when the Mack trade came up. There are things we need and it’s a salary cap league. Barr is really good and he would be great to have. (Just like Mack would have been) But we are in great shape at LB. We need to try and get better at almost every other position. Use the money to get better at WR, TE, OL, etc. We are in good shape at LB. Use that money elsewhere.
  16. Sirles is 27 and older then Miller. I mean, I get he’s younger then Ducasse but it’s not really a youth experiment. He’s not even really that young for nfl standards
  17. I see Darr is wearing #8...those are big shoes to fill, let’s take that responsibility seriously
  18. He sucks at punting. I’m surprised they didn’t sign Nortman. Must have been tough to break the panther habit.
  19. Back to back weeks in afl throwbacks and there not a single afl jersey for sale in the bills store or nflshop
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