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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. It’s probably a little of both. Its just one of those plays that good teams find a way to make and the rest find excuses. Until we start making the plays that win games and stop making the plays that lose games...we will just be here. Out by Christmas. As fans it’s sad because it seems like it won’t ever change. It’s just like the Zay Jones drop at Carolina last year. A team like the Steelers, or Pats they just make those plays. They win both those games. We win neither. Until we start Finishing these games and cashing in on these opportunities, we are just not good enough.
  2. Mcd; challenging the play that anyone could see was not a Safety Not kicking the Fg before the half kicking the fg when we didn’t need it at the end Another undisciplined day of constant penalties not a good day
  3. I just see it happening. Not saying it’s right. Just saying the way calls are trending, I see it ending bad at some point. Refs are taking the game out of the players hands to often and there is pressure on these teams to perform and win. I’m not agreeing with it, I just think it’s out of hand and I’m not sure where that gets better.
  4. I don’t think so. I think it will be completely reactionary and in the heat of the moment. Maybe a lineman or someone that’s been getting frustrated all game. Then gets a roughing call or something that costs his team a big game and he just will swing on a guy. Maybe a LB on a defenseless wr or something. A guy like Burfict
  5. A day will come where a player or assistant coach etc loses control and physically assaults a ref on the field. It’s going to happen. NFL refs are the single worst thing about sports and these guys jobs are on the line. A big call will go the wrong way and a guy on the edge of control will lose it. Unless Godell wakes up real soon and finds a way to rectify the atrocious officiating, it will happen.
  6. The guy was wide open all day. Just have to get the ball to him. A lot of points and yards left on the field today with open WRs
  7. I never said they were but to still be alive until week 16 or 17 would have been nice. This sucks. And the way they lost today was sickening. Should just be able to win games like today. Not just find 5 different ways to lose
  8. Today was the most upset I have been after a loss in a real long time. It just sucks knowing how long the offseason is and how long it will be until a game matters again. The Bills had plenty of chances to win today. I was never in the camp of just writing an entire year off. There are to many factors from year to year. I know the Bills weren’t going anywhere but it would have been nice to get a few more weeks out of this season. Now there is an entire month worth of meaningless games. It’s a shame.
  9. What possible reason do you have to kick a fg there? You kick it now but not at the end of the half?
  10. That time was here a month ago. He should have been inactive after the jet game
  11. I would have loved to see just anymore of this offense with Barkley because guys ARE open and we just miss throws
  12. The report from “actual events in the game” are a WR was wide open and we missed the throw for the game tying touchdown
  13. Thank god hes got that big arm. The ball looks incredible going 60mph behind wide open WRs
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