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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I saw the first down on a 4th down that sealed the game and the 4th down that they went for and missed. Both runs by Allen. I didn’t say every significant play was a run. I just mean the big time pressure spots (4th down) were runs.
  2. I wanted us to go for it and I kind of expected us to. I also felt like given the chance, Allen was going to play hero ball and try and run for it. I also felt like every other person in the stadium, including the Lions knew that. It went pretty much exactly how I expected. He’s got to try and be a passer first. All day he seemed to get that until the biggest spots.
  3. I never was interested in just giving away an entire season. We made the playoffs last year and shouldn’t have been far off. I think there have been 3 or 4 losses that would have really turned this season around and none of it was the result of “learning” I think it’s a dicey situation when you start giving up on seasons in August. There are way to many variables and no “next season” is ever a given. Allen has been better then I expected but not good enough for me to feel like this season was a success. The only thing I can say that we might have actually gotten out of this year, is Foster. I have serious doubts about the HC and the priorities of this team. I think there are a few things to be optimistic about but there are more questions then answers. I realize most people were completely fine with just giving this season away, I just wasn’t one of them. McDermott can get cute with this “process” all he wants...but if he try’s to write off next season and we are out of it by Halloween again, he’s going to get fired. Then all of this will have been for nothing.
  4. I mean, it hasn’t been proven wrong at any point. It’s just what has happened. Any time Mcd speaks he preaches this process and character. Anyone that has rocked the boat or doesnt fit into what they want behavior-wise is gone. Dareus, Sammy, Incognito. It’s pretty clear the coach wants high character players. I don’t think that’s ever been hidden. I’m not even saying it’s the wrong approach. They just won’t bring in Chad Kelly. Even if he was very good. They wouldn’t do it. Sorry that it bothers you. Josh Gordon is excellent and has been a constant headache. If he was available and could help us, we would never bring him in. It just wouldn’t happen. That’s not what this front office is about. It’s all about good soldiers and going along with this “process”
  5. You don’t have to worry, these guys would never bother. They would bring in a guy like Tebow before a guy like Baker Mayfield just because he’s not squeaky clean. It’s football, not Tennis. If you don’t have some bad guys, you are going to get your ass handed to you on a regular basis. Maybe if we had a little more nastiness we wouldn’t get blown off the ball on both sides by every physical team. Might actually be able to run again.
  6. How many all pros do you think we will have? I can tell you it’s probably the same as the pro bowl
  7. Nobody really deserves it this year. If they actually went by position and not just corne, MAYBE Johnson for the slot, but nobody else.
  8. Why is Ray Ray still on the roster? We just keep signing the same types of guys. What do we need him for? Working out QBs?
  9. If you hit a ball on the ground with a guy on first you have a chance of a guy making a bad throw or losing it on the transfer or beating it out. If you stoke out nothing happens
  10. All these metrics are cool for some people. I think people that don’t actually watch the games but want to just figure out who is good by reading some ***** stats love this stuff. That’s what baseball mostly is now. A bunch of guys who have never held a bat, telling you that a strike out is the same as a ground ball out. Even though a ball in play moves a runner and puts pressure on a fielder to field and make throw. If you watch the games, you know who is good. It’s really not as complicated as people make it. Analytics are something that can help but people are going way overboard with it. Allen has been pretty good. He needs to work on ball placement but he’s young. It’s going in the right direction.
  11. It’s not totally serious but come on. Let’s have a little fun with it. There really would be no harm. We were a hit away from playing Ray Ray Mcloud at RB yesterday
  12. If McCoy, Ivory and Murphy are all out for more then a bit...would there really be any harm in bringing Fred back for that last home game against Miami? Even maybe give him 3 or 4 carries. Give him a real send off. Not the fake sign a one day contract garbage. If there’s ever a time to try it...You might even get a few extra people in the seats if you build it up a little. Let him be the 3rd back. What could really go wrong
  13. I would like to see the red tops with white pants once and white tops with the red pants once as well
  14. I’m going to say today there were less dumb and wild throws then there usually are. Allen is at least showing to be not terrible. By this point I was completely out on EJ. Losman and Edwards took a little longer to show they didn’t have it. Allen has that special quality that you can’t put a description on. He also has a lot of amazing physical characteristics. I never wanted Allen and I was pissed when we drafted him but he’s been way better then I expected. I have grown to really like him. I think he might not be bad which is more then I can usually say for a Bills qb. There are things that need improvement but those things are closer to being okay then I expected them to be. Today was probably the most complete game of passing I have seen from Allen and overall I liked what he did. I don’t want him to stop running. I don’t care what usually works in the NFL. I want Allen to do the things HE does well. Not try to be someone else.
  15. Barkley letting it fly on that first play against the Jets, was the turning point of Robert Fosters career. Without that play, who knows where he is? Barkley showed me that Dabol isn’t the problem and it also got Peterman cut. He might have helped us discover McKenzie and Foster. I’m all about Barkley being back. If he has to play we will be in good shape.
  16. How many big games is Foles going to have to play well in before he gets to start somewhere again? I’m sure the eagles don’t WANT to get rid of him but there comes a point in a trade offer where you don’t say no.
  17. It’s insane that he only has 19 catches. The guy has almost 500 yards. He has 4 games of above 90 yds and 3 over 100 and has 19 catches lol
  18. Should have never lost the Miami game or Jet game. That’s why I said should be at worst 7-7
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