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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Today could potentially be the last Bills game for a lot of important Bills veterans. Certainly Kyle, possibly Shady, maybe The Lorax, could be Hughes and definitely Clay. Might be a bittersweet day here. Hopefully Shady, Hughes and Alexander come back for at least 1 more. I feel like there’s a pretty good chance all of them are gone.
  2. I am an NFL junkie. I wait all year for it and once it’s back, I watch every game I can. I actually wish the season was longer. I also wish there were more staggered games throughout the week so I could barely miss any. I would love to see a Thursday game at least 1 Saturday game, a 9 am game, the full slate of Sunday games, Sunday night and Monday night every week. I know the cool thing to do nowadays is complain about over saturation. The way I see it, if those people don’t want to watch them all, don’t watch them. I’d like to be able to see as many games as possible. The less that are happening at the same time the better. Tomorrow sucks. It’s very sad and the offseason is way to long. This whole season has been depressing but when the final gun fires tomorrow, it’s a huge let down.
  3. That’s fine. But we need other things and there are almost no WRs or RBs in FA
  4. Use free agency to fix both lines. We are not physical enough and are constantly blown off the ball on both sides. There are almost no good skill position players available in FA. Also colleges aren’t developing Olineman the way they used to. Use the money in free agency to fix the Oline and the Dline. I know it’s not sexy but it needs to be done. Use the draft to find the WRs and the RBs.
  5. The season goes so fast and the offseason is so slow. That’s why I hate just writing off entire years. Sucks that it’s over but it was nice to see some young development. We certainly have a QB situation that will be, at worst on hold for a bit. That’s better then it normally is. We found a solid WR out of relatively nowhere. Also McKenzie was a nice wrinkle. Probably also found 2 rookie Corners that can start for us for a while. The learning year for Edmunds is out of the way. Milano continued to grow. Shaq Lawson came into his own when given a chance to actually play. Croom was a nice unexpected find. It’s not a total lost year but certainly doesn’t feel anything like last year. Hopefully Allen goes out with 300+ and multiple TD passes and leaves us on a high note going into hibernation.
  6. I think it just boils down to needing 1 really good outside WR. I think in the common way that people view these “#1/#2#3” WRs; Foster is the other outside guy. The “second” option from an outside WR perspective. Probably the “Z” in most common formation terms. Can stretch the field but also can be the presnap motion guy with the little pop passes and creative ball in space stuff. Probably better as the guy on the opposite of the “go to.” Foster will benefit from single coverage and make a team pay for doubling the other WR. Foster has become a very nice find and can be very important to this offense going forward. In my eyes Zay has always been better suited to be an inside guy. The slot WR. A high catch volume, underneath catch and run guy. The closer to the qb the better. Forget trying to play him on the outside. It’s not working. McKenzie is the first guy off the bench that can probably play inside or out. He also can be used in several trick plays and jet sweeps. The jack of all trades guy that you keep and find ways to get in space. What we need now is a true #1 outside WR. A go to guy that can be a cornerstone of this offense for a decade and beat double teams. We need an AJ Green type player to complete this set of WRs. We have some pretty solid pieces in place. A true #1 outside option will put us in amazing shape. Looking at the Free agent class, we will have to find one in the draft or Via trade. I’m not in the camp of us needing a ton of WRs. I think we need 1 guy that will start. Then there will be a need for that 5th guy that is mostly used as a STs guy. That won’t be hard to find and I’m figuring one of the guys currently on the bottom of our depth chart can handle that. Probably Bolden.
  7. This makes me hope Shady comes back a little more. It can’t just be all young guys next year and nobody wants to sign any “new” old guys. If Alexander comes back at least there is a veteran presence. That’s not necessarily a given though. Shady is a guy that people can look up to on the offensive side of the ball even if his best days are behind him. I’m glad we are a very young team but veteran leadership still has value. Losing Kyle hurts a lot from that standpoint.
  8. Who is that going to leave as longest tenured Bill now? It’s crazy how new everyone is and will be. It would almost have to be Hughes?
  9. It would be nice to see Foster go out with a good game. Get up over 100 again. Score a TD. Try to get him to 30 catches and over 600 yards. It would be nice to see him end up with the most yards on the team. Half the catches of Zay but more yards.
  10. I want a combination of WR/RB in rounds 1 and 2. I realize an early RB is the thing that will probably upset most Bills fans most,but we really need a guy. It has to be a guy that can be an every down back and I’d assume more often then not, you need to get that guy early.
  11. The list of free agent skill position players is about as disappointing as I can ever remember. Glad we have all that money....I hope we don’t give it to guys that stink.
  12. We will see what Teddy’s game looks like compared to Matt’s with considerably more talent
  13. He’s just not that good. I get that he’s everyone’s little crush now because everybody wants to say they “told you so” if he ends up getting a shot. Enough time has passed that people don’t remember what he really was as a qb. Incredibly average. The saints are an offense with a ton of talent and a HC that can squeeze points out of anything. Teddy has a shot to really put up a day and set himself up for the offseason. My guess is he will underwhelm. If a team wants to take a chance on him next year as a starter, he will underwhelm. He’s not bad, but he’s not good. He’s just a replacement level fringe starter that would probably be best served as a backup. The Vikings coach loved him like a son and the Jets got him for relative pocket change. If he was that good, he would be in Minnesota still.
  14. Please, anybody hire him as a HC. Let Mcd run the defense and keep him away from the offense
  15. I’m so torn with Shady. One way or another he is a generational Bill. History will remember Kyle in this decade. Probably Fred, maybe Hughes (probably not as well as he deserves) The Lorax has been an incredible bright spot but he will be his time will be so short that he will probably just blend in and be forgotten. Shady is a generational Bill. Shady is the guy that Bills fans will remember 30 years from now as a truly elite skill position player. The best skill position player the Bills have had since Thurman. I would say Peters might actually have been the actual best player the Bills have had in the last 25 years, but Shady is the best skill position player. Shady is the biggest reason the drought ended and is the only reason we were anywhere near 500 with Rex. He has also been my favorite Bill since Moorman left. I would say looking at this year he is probably done. Done being an amazing, electrifying, difference maker. Done as a 15-20 carry, 25 touch guy. He’s probably done being Shady McCoy. However, I feel there could still be a role where he can help us out. He needs to give up the dancing. He needs to understand that this scheme is a: get to the hole, then cut rushing attack. He needs to be humble and understand, to keep this going he needs another out pitch. The plus fast ball is gone. Take what the defense gives you and take 8 yards instead of trying to get 80 on every play. He can still help out catching balls out of the backfield. I think if he turns into more of a straight away runner he can absolutely be an excellent 2. If he is back, I am completely fine as long as there is another guy to shoulder most of the load. If the Bills don’t want to pay a RB to be the #2 back, I understand. And even though it would hurt to see him go, I wouldn’t blame them. The only saving grace here and the only sliver of hope I still have...is no Bills RB has really done anything this year. Maybe it’s more about the line and the scheme. The only way to know for sure is to fix the line and bring shady back next season and see how the first few games go. My gut tells me it’s over but my heart hopes he gets at least the beginning of 19 to redeem himself. If there is 1 player on offense that deserves a benefit of the doubt, it’s Shady.
  16. I wonder if Peyton Manning would ever want to coach? The Broncos job is about to be open and I bet he has an in if he’s interested.
  17. There isn’t a defensive player I’d want back less then Preston Brown
  18. Is there any RB close to a Barkley coming out this year? Love from Stanford? And RBs worth taking in the first 2 rounds?
  19. I never wanted Mahomes. I won’t pretend I wanted the Bills to stay there and take him. I did however really want Watson. Watching these two guys and then watching whatever we are trying to do on offense....I mean, we aren’t even playing the same game. It’s one of those things where you can’t really go back and redo every draft pick. But when you are in the top 10, you can’t just always pick the wrong guy. It matters.
  20. I don’t think he will be back period. But if he somehow is, it can’t be as the starting RB
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