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Posts posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. 6 minutes ago, TheyCallMeAndy said:

    How can you “put it right on him” when you don’t know what direction he’s running? Gabe broke towards the pylon right as Allen threw the ball.


    If they knew a zero blitz was coming, then yes ultimately it’s Brady’s fault, but Allen and Davis take blame too. Those two have had a bunch of miscommunications like that. 

    I know, it’s hard to blame anyone it was just a tough spot all around. Just have to mane stops. We had several leads and 2 possessions at times. It’s all on the defense to me. Zero chance I’m blaming anything on this offense 

  2. I want this coach fired as much as anyone but I want ti make the playoffs. Maybe it’s because I already know we are t making it that makes this easy for me. The season is over. It’s like asking about something that just isn’t even a possibility so if you tell me they can get in…I want it. I just know with this defense we have no shot against KC

  3. 11 hours ago, BobbyC81 said:

    Ugh, the defense is giving up less than 20 pts per game, including last night’s game, ranked 6th in the league.  Yardage wise they’re 10th.  In what’s now a passing league, they’re 7th in the NFL, giving up just over 200 yards passing/game.

    What are you talking about? This defense is horrible. They played Zach Wilson twice (and lost once btw) The giants who couldn’t score in a 20 quarter game, the Pats who actually lit us up, the raiders, Washington and the Bucs….this defense is horrible. There are some people that aren’t going to get that no matter what, I get that. The defense was why we haven’t won a Super Bowl yet and it’s why we have lost every playoff game since Jacksonville. The Jags playoff game was the only loss that wasn’t on the defense. That isn’t even the same team now.


    This defense is the problem, it has been since 2019. McDermott Is the problem. Teams got tape on him after that first year and it’s been downhill ever since. That’s what really happened.  The Safetys got old and they stopped erasing flaws on every snap. 27/21/23/58 made McDermott. The covered up all the flaws in his horseshit zone. They made it so he could be clueless and get bailed out by unbelievable skill in the back 7. You want to talk about number 2 WRs all off-season and How to use TEs….The offense is elite and has been for 4 full seasons. The issue is the defense. Either realize it and get us there or keep ignoring it and waste entire career prime windows.

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  4. I don’t understand why anyone expected anything of this guy to begin with. He never was any good then you had people talking about him as some fast slot savior. The guy literally sucks. Beasley was an all pro at one point and the guys on WGR act like he was a garbage pail that kept getting shoehorned into the offense. When we were at our best, Beasley was one of the main reasons. McKenzie was a good player too. Solid, made a lot of big plays for us and didn’t get a lot of chances. We couldn’t wait to throw dirt on him. But a nobody, backup scrub player like Harty comes in and we are celebrating it. His role in the offense is to reinforce the bench so it doesn’t blow away.

  5. Every single accurate QB shreds McDermotts defense. It’s been that way since 2019. It’s plain as day. If you play a QB that even belongs in the nfl, willing to take the easy throws we will get shredded. The only teams we ever stop are the ones that will turn it over. You can basically run on us at will or have guys streaking wide open on every 3rd down. If you can buy an extra second it’s there. What value does this coach have to us? He isn’t even good at his own specialty?

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  6. 58 minutes ago, Mrbojanglezs said:

    Kim Pegula's situation set the franchise back. Terry doesn't want to be involved in the day to day

    Him not being involved is probably good. Can we get a football guy in to be involved? Or maybe Beane can just stop wanting to watch his players lose games that most fans could close out? I mean, I don’t want the owner making football decisions the guy knows nothing about sports but can we get a football guy in the building to say McDermott is killing us?

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  7. The defense is the same zone every week every down every game. The league figured this guy’s defense out in 2020. Just zero adjustments and every QB that’s willing to take the easy throw will have anything they want on every 3rd down. If we aren’t turning people over, we aren’t stopping them. McDermotts defense is what cost us a Super Bowl and now it’s costing us the playoffs 

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  8. This won’t be what actually happens but I’d go to McDermott and say I truly appreciate all you have done. Thank you for taking us from a joke to a contender. You earned more than the benefit of the doubt…that was the reason you got another look after 13 seconds. Make the playoffs this year or it’s over. I’ll give you the dignity of saying it was mutual or you “stepped away” You earned the PR we owe you a lot for ending the drought. You can announce the move on your own terms verbally…….Make the playoffs or you are not coaching another minute here. And let’s be real, yesterday ended it. So you are essentially ending it just giving him a few weeks to say goodbye.


  9. The 20/20 is we should have trusted our eyes after 13 seconds and not wasted more time. These top players don’t stay great forever and we are going to lose Diggs. And truthfully I don’t even blame him. If McDermott couldn’t win that game with the lead and 13 ***** seconds left, he’s never going to. You aren’t going ti have 30 point leads against the good teams in the playoffs. We almost lost the colts game and the dolphins 3rd string QB playoff game. This guy isn’t it. Move on. Stop wasting everyone’s time. We know it’s over. This is who he is.


    Thank you very much for ending the drought. That’s not sarcasm. I truly appreciate it and I’ll always have love for the guy for fixing the mess he walked into. But we have bigger places to go and he isn’t going to be the one that takes us there. Please, please stop wasting years.

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  10. There’s nothing left now that this team can even do to give you any hope. You aren’t firing McDermott this week, the Offense is good but it’s been. We are just overlooking the issue. The thing has been obvious for years the defense is the issue. McDermotts scheme is the issue. I always thought it was Fraizer but it’s just both of these guys. If McDermott stopped being the DC and let someone else call the defense, that might be the 1 thing that gives you even the smallest little thought that it could be different. Absolutely no shot at that. Anyone that thinks this team is wining 5 straight with this guy right now is crazy. We aren’t going to beat the chiefs in KC so there’s step 1. There won’t be 5 straight wins because the next game isn’t getting off the ground. Absolutely no shot with Andy reid against this defense. This coach was figured out 4 years ago and has no other pitch. Please get this guy out of here or at least let someone else give it a run with the D. I don’t think it’s the players

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  11. On one Bills live Tasker keeps saying around you going to let McDermott go to another team and take what he’s learned from these losses and let another team benefit from it? I don’t want to loosely throw around the thought that something is the dumbest thing I have ever heard but is this guy ***** serious? What does that even mean? I’m not going to mention the fact that McDermott hasn’t learned a thing from any of these losses and is still just losing the same way but let another team benefit? What an idiot. Also, so you keep a horseshit coach so another team doesn’t get the pleasure of constantly blowing close games and calling a horrible defense? What world is this?

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  12. As soon as it got to 17-14 I knew we were done. I actually never expected us to retake the lead either time. If we had gotten it to 24-7, that might have been the only shot I might have felt ok. If Josh didn’t run a TD in on that overtime drive, I never expected us to win. I knew the defense was never going to make a play. If the other team has 2 sec left they will beat us. I mean between 13 seconds, hail Murray, the titans mnf, the jets week 1, the jets last year, Denver, the pats, the Texans playoff game, on and on and on..no lead will ever be safe with McDermott calling the shots.

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  13. Just now, Cheektowaga Chad said:

    Let me introduce you to the man known as David tepper 


    Guy just fired a head coach (after 12 weeks on the job) and forced to draft a QB with a trade up the teams gm and coach didn't want

    Maybe that’s the one spot this guy would actually go back to. I have felt all along no shot McDermott gets fired. He fixed too much. The leaving would have to be mutual or him leaving. Maybe he would leave to go to Carolina. It’s going to become miserable for McDermott here because he lost the fans and he’s going to lose the team.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, BearNorth said:

    Playoff simulator says we have a 15% chance of getting the 7th wild card. 


    If we win out [unlikely] we have a 98% of making the playoffs at 11-6


    If we lose only to the Cowboys, and wind up 10-7, we only have a 65% chance.


    Any AFC loss would basically mean game over.

    Game was over after the broncos loss. One which we accidentally won but the coach couldn’t count. You could have put 7 guys on the field for that play, in fact it might have been smart to dare them to somehow not kick or something. We are done. Nothing else needs to be thought. Save yourself the reopening of wounds. It’s over.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. Teams are playing defense this year. It’s allowed. Teams are making big stops against good QBs every week. I don’t know how in a year where defenses made a huge comeback, this guy’s defense is costing us the playoffs…the guy isn’t even good at his own specialty. This has been the problem from the day after the Texans playoff choke job. There’s so much pressure on the offense to be perfect. Every week every season. God forbid the offense ever has a bad day they never get to lean on this defense 

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  16. Just now, SectionC3 said:

    This gets us back to offense v defense friction after 13 seconds.  It’s going go be a problem until the D starts to close tight games or until McD leaves. 

    This team has no shot to go anywhere with this defense. It’s the scheme and it’s the coach. We aren’t making the playoffs and we will never win big against the good teams with this. McDermott is the problem, the defense and the scheme is the problem. It’s too predictable it’s too easy for the accurate passers. The Bengals show you all you need to know. They laugh as they easily carve the thing to shreds. Even Mac Jones did. This guy needs to leave.

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  17. From literal day 1….of this defense isn’t turning people over, they are t stoping teams. This scheme, this defense, this coach sucks. It’s been the defense from 2019 Texans loss on. It’s always the defense. Early on Poyer and Hyde were elite and making plays on the backend to turn people over constantly. And QB willing to take the easy throw will shred us. We never stop anyone legitimately. It’s turn overs or the other team has whatever they want on us every 3rd down. We used to be able to beat the bad QBs, now we can’t even do that. This coach needs to go tonight.

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  18. 43 minutes ago, SWATeam said:

    The offense left a lot of meat on the bone in the first half+ when the defense was dominant.  The game should have been put away.

    Stop with this BS. It’s been the defense all year it’s been the defense for years now. That’s the problem. This offense has been the only thing keeping this team good and this POS defense can’t ever make a stop or hold a lead. It’s McDermott and it’s his defense. The game should have been put away with several 2 score leads or any of the extra chances they got after the offense re took the lead. Just like NE, just like the jets, just like the broncos, ***** this defense. McDermott is the problem fire him today 

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  19. 8 minutes ago, Bferra13 said:

    Love it or hate it, id be shocked if McD fired until at latest next year mid season. It is wat it is.

    Oh he’s absolutely coming back. We are all stuck with this POS until the entire team just quits. We are going to get the living ***** kicked out of us in KC. This team is going to implode after that loss.

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  20. Just have the balls to come on tomorrow and say the season is over. You can make excuses left and right or deflect to protect the team that pays you…but have a little dignity and say it’s over. You now have 10 ***** months until a football game matters for the bills again. Thanks a lot guys for wasting another one of the fans years. You couldn’t even give us until Christmas and the misery started week 1. Just a nightmare season that never got better. Going to cost a lot of people jobs and a lot of Bills that are important will never be back. You might have pissed away a legitimate window and a lot of people are going to lose their jobs and only shot in the league. Just flat out, come out and say no matter what they do to fix the issues won’t matter because the season is over.

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