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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I have said it more then once. The skill position players in FA do nothing for me and the college lineman are not being developed properly. Fix the lines in FA and draft nothing but skill players.
  2. Lamar Jackson honorable mention? Give me a great. Foster should be the 2nd WR. Levi was the #1 ranked rookie corner and wasn’t even mentioned. Also Taron Johnson was one of the 5 best rookie CBS this season. These lists are terrible.
  3. Everyone just keeps saying why they did the things they did like I don’t understand. Nobody is watching and they needed a bailout to not fold after week 1. The things they decided to do are wrong and when the league doesn’t make it, these will be some of the reasons why.
  4. I wish the rules were all the same as the nfl. The rule changes just give it a diet football feel to me. It’s not the pro bowl. There doesn’t need to be rules against blitzing. So what if the offseason was short? Play football here.
  5. The schedules follow a format that sets them indefinitely. You can know the bills opponents for the next 20 seasons now if you get how it works. There are literally 2 games effected by how you finish. It’s been this way for over 10 years. How do people still not understand? The schedules are all made and the patterns repeat. The afc east all play the same teams every year except for 2 games. The pats for the most part play the same teams as us and that wont change.
  6. Im not saying “do it” And I know the Bills won’t. But if the Bills got Bell, I’d be thrilled. Again, not saying do it...just saying, I’ll live with it if it happens. And we will be very good on offense because of it.
  7. Looks like it worked out for them. Bailed out before week 2 or else they would have already been finished. They seem to have it figured out
  8. I have no skin in the game here. The point has been missed 3 or 4 times. Without the north east sports markets the league will fail. That’s my point. NYC will be fine regardless. It’s turning into something it shouldn’t be. I barely care anyway. The league almost folded already. It won’t make it. The AAF needs teams in the north east. That’s my point. It will be the right one too.
  9. I really wish we would actually go out and try and get the best TE in the draft. Even if it means in round1. The Bills just never have a truly excellent TE and this guy isn’t anywhere near that. He’s okay. Just once I wish the Bills had an elite playmaker at TE and didn’t settle for just a C+-B player.
  10. Neither of those teams play in nyc. You keep saying the city isn’t asking for the team. It’s not about that. The LEAGUE needs the north east markets. That’s exactly what I have been saying from the start here.
  11. If you put a team in NYC it would work. Certainly better then the places the AAF picked. No doubt. There aren’t any football teams there and there are so many people in the area, you would have a good shot.
  12. I live 50 mins from the city. I know what the attitude towards sports are around here. I live nowhere near Buffalo.
  13. That show is like watching paint dry. WGR needs an entire new slate of people from morning to night. They are all terrible.
  14. And despite the Knicks being terrible they sell out every game every year. You put the teams in places with the most people who care about sports. It’s the league that needs ny, not the city that needs the league.
  15. I said after week 1: not having northeast teams is suicide. Professional sports need Ny, phi or Boston. Or all 3. None is senseless. They almost didn’t even make it to week 2. Embarrassing. This isn’t college. You need the real sports cities. Most of them are up here.
  16. I say fix the Trenches in FA and go after the skill position player in the draft. It won’t be a flashy way to spend that money but I’d rather have veterans in front of josh. Olineman are not being developed properly at the college level. Buy the lineman, draft the skill players.
  17. To me it seems like these guys would rather lose with their guys, then win with someone else’s guys. Since day 1 it has looked like Mcd and Beane were on a mission to purge the roster of Whaley’s players. It sucks because some of them probably could have helped us beat Jacksonville. I get the idea of bringing in a new attitude but you have to see what you have before you just run a wrecking ball through.
  18. I’m not concerned. I have almost 2,000 posts in here and had 10,000 on the BBMB. Im right far more then I am wrong. I’m also not a 7 year old that thinks you can tell someone their opinion is wrong. I also used several thought out reasons to explain myself. I’m not sure why it’s so important for people to always agree on everything. I’m not going to delete anything. EJ was absolutely terrible. Peterman was a guy that never should have even been in position to start. They were both absolutely terrible. I just think all things considered, EJ was worse. I don’t need you to feel the same.
  19. After all these years EJ still moves the needle. The guy was absolutely terrible and shouldn’t have been drafted in the first 4 rounds. Then some how got handed chance after chance and job after job (without earning any) along with a careers worth of free passes from a lot of Bills fans. The 2 guys we are talking about are the 2 QBs I would want less then any other option. Neither one of them are even worth discussing. The fact that I think ej was worse, shouldn’t even matter. If it was up to me, there wouldn’t be a scenario that I would let either one of them on my team. EJ is probably the biggest Bills Lightning Rod of the last 15 years. Some how people still can’t wait to jump to his defense. Anyone who doesn’t understand how ej could be considered the worst qb isn’t taking as many things into consideration as I was. EJ was supposed to be good and actually had excellent WRs. EJ also had a very solid offensive line and he was allowed to ruin pieces of 3 seasons. Peterman had absolutely nobody to throw to, no time to throw, played against tough defenses almost exclusively and only got 5 games. The game he played outside of those conditions there was 6 inches of snow on the ground. Also he was just a throw away late round pick that probably never should have even been put into a position to start. Nobody should have ever expected anything from him. Somehow our coach didn’t get that memo. There is no excusing either of these players. Neither one even belong in the nfl. There just were a lot of factors I took into consideration. It really just simply doesn’t matter enough.
  20. I get the stats thing. But it’s not just always about stats. Drew Brees is going to have every single passing record of all time. By the stats, he’s the best qb ever. Is anybody saying he’s the best ever? It can’t work the one way and not the other.
  21. I don’t even care enough to argue about either of these guys. They are both disgraceful and I can’t believe they were both QBs that started games for us. Neither one of them belong in the NFL. I think EJ was worse but they both were abysmal. The expectations of being taken in round 1 and being the first qb taken in a draft class, probably adds weight in my mind. Things were expected of EJ whereas Peterman wasn’t ever supposed to be anything. That probably is something that skews my thought process. Disappointment.
  22. Yeah I don’t think anybody will have anything to say about #1. Might be a fun argument for #2-5 though.
  23. No, it’s not. Peterman made terrible decisions and he’s the second worst. They are both inconceivably bad. I wouldn’t want either one of them anywhere near my team. My opinion on which is worse is not wrong. It’s how I feel about it. Ej was a guy that couldn’t even set his feet in a way to throw the ball the same way twice. Peterman just made ridiculous decisions and it became overwhelming for him. Peterman will put the work in and get better and he will probably get another chance somewhere some day. Just thankfully never in Buffalo. EJ is a sore subject for a lot of Bills fans who wanted him to be great. This was a daily fight on the BBMB. Everyone always cried when I said how terrible he was then. I turned out to be dead on right about EJ but still to this day, people have to jump to his defense.
  24. Ej is the worst. Even with all the Peterman garbage, at least he can throw a football. Most of the time it goes to the other team but at least he physically understands how to throw it. Ej Manuel was taken in the first round. He also was the first qb taken in an entire draft class. He has the worst and most inconsistent mechanics and footwork of any qb I have ever seen at the pro level. I could not believe he was a player in the league. That guy was a complete joke. The guys best game ever was probably his first. He never got even a little bit better and probably got significantly worse actually. That shows me he was just lazy. Even with all of the embarrassment surrounding Peterman...He still would give you something reminiscent of pro passer. Ej was like having a sprinkler system back there.
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