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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. 65,000 seat dome...just do it and reap the benefits of sellouts and indoor crowd noise for opposing offenses.
  2. Just let them review everything and stop playing games. The refs are the single worst thing about the nfl. Stop letting their incompetence decide outcomes. Or go centralized review somewhere and stop the game when there is an issue. Like hockey.
  3. Lose half your team with blown out knees because of kickoffs? The play that has been in the game forever but only recently has become an “issue?” The rationale you despise is simply accurate. You play the game because you want to. You take it for what it is with all the inherent risks. Kickoffs are part of the game. So are injuries. If you don’t want to play, don’t play. Racecar drivers realize every time they strap in, they could die. Same with bull riders...They still do it. And they aren’t turning around suing people when they run out of money.
  4. I wish they would just bring regular kick offs back and leave it alone. It’s one of the most exciting plays in the game when it’s done correctly and it was responsible for some of the greatest plays in nfl history. Don’t touch the onside kicks and don’t keep trying to take away the kick off. These guys know the risk when they sign up. Play football or don’t. Stop trying to make it an arcade game. Bring the kickoff back. Make football physical again
  5. It doesn’t really hurt the cardinals to hold onto him. They would probably be better off hanging onto him into the preseason and maybe even the beginning of the regular season. Keep leaking out “how good Rosen looks” and how hard he’s working... Then wait for a starting qb to get hurt or struggle somewhere and let that team over pay.
  6. If you take a tackle at 9, why wouldn’t you move Dawkins to RT? Then piece together the guards with the C and both T set for a while?
  7. I have been saying it for a few days here. As a situational pass rusher that you can keep fresh and just strictly to keep offense’s honest...yes. Not to play important downs at LB. almost just like the role the Lorax played last year just more blitzing
  8. He will probably be the best thing to happen to the AAF. They need some star power. They should be begging Kap orTebow to get in
  9. Damn. I really like Fitz still. I wish he just stayed in the NFC
  10. So which guy did we actually sign? Waddle and not Claiborne? I
  11. I can’t see us going DT early when we already have Star, Phillips and Harry that can all start and certainly rotate in and play big snaps. I’m not saying we won’t get 1 period, I just can’t see it early.
  12. I say look at a Clay Mathews. He is a guy you could move around a lot and use strictly as a pass rusher. Similar to the role of the Lorax last season, you can drop him down on the line on 3rd down or have him blitz from the SLB position. Move him around and give a offense something else to look for other then Hughes. Limit his snaps and keep him fresh. He wouldn’t be brought in to “play linebacker” He would be a hired gun pass rush specialist.
  13. Miami should pick up Mccaron. I really think he can play and I think if he ever gets a chance to start, he will do well. I wanted it to be here to start last year but we had other plans apparently.
  14. I like Croom but I don’t like either of the 2 guys we have enough to not want a #1 TE. I think we have a 2 and a 3 right now.
  15. Greg Costell is on One Bills live really talking up Kroft and Croom. Saying the TE we are missing is the blocking guy. That the 2 guys we have are athletic and will be big in the passing game. If the Bills FO feel that way about Kroft, I’d say TE early in the draft is probably out.
  16. I think it’s more about the way teams value the position. I think each team needs to look at their own situation and make those decision. There have been good TEs taken in round 1 in the last 15 years but Most of the picks in round 1 are the same few positions. That doesn’t have to be wrong it’s just how it is. I want the best TE. If we get that guy in round 2, then great. Im just a little worried that if we wait, this guy won’t still be there. 9 is high I understand but if you really love the player, take him. I don’t subscribe to just taking the best player regardless of position. I think that’s the dumbest thing humanly possible. That’s how you end up with C.J. Spiller even though you already had Lynch and Fred Jackson. If the best player left at 9 is a QB are we taking him? We need a TE bad and the top guy probably won’t last past 20. If we move back in round 1 and he’s still there, great. If we wait until round 2 and he’s gone I’m going to be upset. Now if the Bills think Fant is the best TE or the Alabama kid...fine. Get the one that they feel is the best for Dabol. If it’s at 9, I’m good. I don’t expect that to be the Bills thinking though.
  17. I want the best TE in the draft. I’m all in for it at 9 or any pick that requires what I just said. Im tired of these lower mid tier TEs. In Bills history, we have never had a truly elite TE. I’m talking Kelce, Ertz, Kittle level. Not A guy like Pete Metzalars that was a great BILLS tight end...I want a guy that is great in relation to the rest of the NFL. Not just the C list guys in Bills history. Go out and get the top TE. I don’t mind it at 9.
  18. He’s not on this list but I would be interested in a short term deal with Clay Mathews. Strictly as a pass rusher. It would be a role similar to the Lorax. A guy that can add a dimension to the pass rush and blitz from the SLB position as well as DE. It would not be to play a lot of snaps. Just a guy with fresh legs that can move around and offer teams another area of respect opposite of Hughes. I have thought forever that Mathews is one of the most overrated players in the league but he does get after the QB. If you use him in the right role and cut down his snaps, I think he can be effective.
  19. During the drought we had so many amazing Returners. Now it seems like a bit since we have had a good one. This guy is the best in the business. Love this move and hopefully we can block it up and have a few returns without penalties.
  20. I have a feeling we end up with that RB from Penn State. He shouldn’t get over drafted and I feel like the owners connection to PSU. No actual reason for me to think this, I just have a guy feeling. Every time I see anything related to the RBs coming out, I get the feeling he will be in Buffalo.
  21. I mean all told, everyone from the past is done. They didn’t deliver what we all still hope for. So it could be Josh Allen. His story isn’t written yet and he hasn’t fallen short yet. He represents hope and if he turns into what he should be...he might give us 9 or 10 looks at it before it’s all over.
  22. I mean the sad part is that it’s probably Norwood. If he makes the kick he’s never thought of as the reason we won a super bowl. But because he missed the kick...he’s the closest thing to being individually responsible. That kick changes every narrative about the Bills. If we make it, the next 3 Super Bowls don’t even have to happen or matter. That team would be remembered as it should be be and the Bills wouldn’t be a team that never won but lost 4 straight.
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