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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I hope you are right but I don’t feel like that’s definitively true.
  2. I don’t who the Steelers qb is, that game Sunday night is going to be incredibly difficult. We will be lucky to score 10 against them.
  3. I’d love that. I just have to see it to believe it. I don’t care who the Steelers qb is. Go into Pittsburgh and beat them (and the refs) in primetime on, NationalTV, in a must win game....
  4. Steelers already up two scores against a team that has nothing to play for. A ***** day gets worse
  5. Is it better for the bill’s if the raiders win or the titans? I’m going at this thing like, how can we get in (on the off chance) we don’t win again?
  6. Need help from the cardinals right now. This season can’t end without playoffs now and there a realistic chance that we end up 10-6 or even 9-7. Hopefully that’s enough. Need some help today
  7. Still work to do to get there unfortunately. Winning either of the next 2 will be very tough. I hope today doesn’t come back to sink us.
  8. This season still has work to do. The playoffs aren't a certainty. We have 2 very difficult games back to back now against defense that are capable of making Josh look like he did today. The last thing we need is to have to win that game against the Jets. Losing this game ***** sucks. The defense gave them a chance. You are in the redzone with the ball at home and 6 mins left and you run yourself out of ***** time without going anywhere. Clueless offensively all day. Inexcusable. Good luck on the road in prime time against Pittsburgh.
  9. Now this play is the ***** game. So dumb. Every thing we do on offense is dumb
  10. I hope they don’t review that because it looked like Beasley was faking it?
  11. All you have to do is run a ***** qb sneak but these #######s are obsessed with gore. The guy is ***** done stop giving him the ball!
  12. Now this team will use yo clock and put us away. ***** waste of a good effort from the defense. Totally on the offense. Terrible day
  13. You have got to get the ball to 26 here. He’s all we got right now on offense. Please
  14. If the Bills win the toss, please take the ball. You do not want to get behind on this team. Do not give them a chance to get ahead
  15. I really just think not activating Yeldon is a waste. The guy has like the 6th most catches on the team and played 2 times. He’s a weapon in the passing game.
  16. What week of the playoffs is the ticket for? If the bills are the 5 seed the only possible home playoff game is the AFC championship game. Is there only 1 dateless ticket being sold? Or is there a playoff ticket for the wildcard round? Where we would have to win the division but still somehow fall behind and end up the 3 or 4?
  17. I think Brady brees and Peyton Manning are 3 of the 6 or 7 best QBs of all time as well but I don’t think they will put Brees on the list. They are really pushing these older generation players. I think they will do Brady and Manning and then a bunch of yesteryear QBs.
  18. Brees should be but my guess is he won’t be. Rogers certainly won’t be and shouldn’t be even close IMO
  19. I wonder how many current players are going to make this list. At first thought, I figured a few and now that I’m really thinking about it, you are really probably only looking at Brady and Viniteri. There almost definitely won’t be anyone else unless you count coaches.
  20. I don’t know why. I’m usually a fairly aggravating pessimist but I really like our chances in this one.
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