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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Every good defense we play just stifles this offense. You gota find a way to counter here on offense.
  2. The patriots are going to win the division and because they cheat and get every single call at home, they will probably win a playoff game....but they are done. It’s finally over. This offseason is going to be very fun, knowing that the division is back in play for the first time in 20 years.
  3. This could be revenge for that terrible 04 ending. Biggest game in decades. Win and you are in with weeks left of fun no risk football. Give it to 26 and play defense. Go Bills!
  4. McKenzie is. I never said I want him out. He’s important
  5. The Patriots might better have kept Brissett at this point. Jimmy G was someone that was going to create an issue eventually but nobody was going to be knocking the door down for Brissett. He turned out to be a pretty good qb and had they kept him in that system longer, he might be ready to hit the ground running and keep them on top of the division. I think the end is finally in sight for Brady but he’s still got something left. I wouldn’t want to have to play them in the playoffs but it certainly seems to be about over. I really hope the Chargers rumors are true because this thing needs to actually be over at some point. Enough is enough. Give us a look at an off-season, knowing Brady is out of the way.
  6. I will be stunned if the Bills beat Pittsburgh IN Pittsburgh, on national tv, in primetime. People are taking this game way to light. The Steelers are a good team. You also are never going to get a call in their house. It’s going to be like when you play at New England and the refs are basically on their team. If the Bills somehow win this game with all that’s on the line...it will be the single most impressive win in the 21st century for the Bills. It would just be the icing on top of an amazing season but I’m certainly not over confident. The Steelers defense will make Josh Allen’s day miserable and they will create scoring opportunities on their own. The Bills and Steelers are very similar but that team is going to be turned up under the lights at home. Hopefully the Bills can rise to the occasion.
  7. This has been a really fun season and it’s always just been the battered bills fan in me to not jump on with both feet and brace for the let down. Each loss has felt real bad for some reason, I think it’s because each time we lose it lets that little bit of doubt creep back in to the back of my mind. That fear that the bottom could just drop out at any time...All that being said, if this team just finds a way to get in (even if it’s somehow with losing out) Il be thrilled. I don’t care what the seed is, or what the Match up. After the drought and finally sneaking in 2 years ago, I’m not going to act like I take any playoff year for granted. You never know when it can be another prolonged time period between appearances. Just find a way to get in. Go Bills!
  8. What about a 4 way tiebreaker at 10-6 with the bills Steelers texans and titans and our 1 win is against the jets?
  9. I keep saying to get Yeldon active and going. He can make big plays on checkdowns out of the backfield. McKenzie has made a lot of big plays abd Beasley makes big plays almost every week. Brown has had a great season but he needs Allen to hit him in stride to really change the game. He’s always forced to come back to the ball. Singletary needs to be the main focus of the offense, he’s that good. Singletary should be our Mccaffrey. Someone just needs to take Frank Gore away from Dabol so he will stop playing with it.
  10. I have been on the Gore is pointless train since day 1 and never got off. I do like Yeldon though. That’s who I want to see. Singletary is by far the best player on this offense and could probably be a superstar if Dabol realized his potential. Yeldon is a perfect complement and is much better then Bills fans seem to realize. Gore is the perfect guy to be inactive. He can help teach Singletary from the sidelines on game days but not be the momentum killing, driver stopper during the actual games that count.
  11. Marcus Murphy would have been better ten Gore. The guy has been done for 5 years. Not only is it crazy that he made a roster but he actually gets important touches for us. I get he’s been a great compiler that will make the hall of fame and I’m glad he can help Singletary off the field. But the guy is done. This is a team with big time aspirations in a league where “next year” is never guaranteed. You got to stop wasting touches on this guy. He’s to slow to be in the league. He’s turning 20 yard runs into 6 yards. And 6 yard runs into losses.
  12. He’s not a perfect player but he’s an excellent Receiver out of the backfield and Frank Gore is completely finished. Ray Charles could see it. I’d take my chances with Singletary and Yeldon down the stretch. If you feel it completely necessary to dress Gore then just use him as the 3.
  13. I hope it’s right. I hope we can get in if we go 0-3 because I’m not confident that 1 more win is coming. I could see us winning all 3. I could see us losing all 3. Impossible to get a handle on this team when the offense goes into the lulls that’s it does. The defense is excellent but the offense has way to many dead spots in it. Until it’s run entire through Singletary, we aren’t going to consistently score. Right now it feels like if a team gets 20 on us, it’s to much.
  14. That’s not definitely true. Or true at all actually. The Steelers cab still be 11-5 and if the titans and Texans are both 10-6 I’m not sure if we get in over either. That last jets game has been a throw away where people expect it to just be a given but I really hope we don’t need it. You never know what a division game can be like and the Jets would love to ruin our season.
  15. Duke Williams and Yeldon should both be active. But instead we are dressing guys like Senorise Perry that you couldn’t even find on the telecast. Then you have Frank Gore who is taking touches away from Singletary and looks like he’s running with an air conditioner tied to his cleats. This team is desperate for play makers and we are sitting guys that are capable of making big plays on offense. Very frustrating.
  16. We have a good RB on the inactive list every week. This team is obsessed with Frank Gore. The guy has been done for 5 years and his legs are jello out there. But keeping Yeldon inactive on gameday makes sense. Especially when he would probably be the 3rd best reciever on the team.
  17. The Steelers winning today really hurts us. Anyone that is thinking about playoff matchups is getting ahead here. Those playoff odds aren’t factoring in the schedule. It’s going to be tough to get in now
  18. This Steelers game today paired with a loss to the ravens is going to really screw our season here. I think our next 2 games are incredibly difficult and I’d be surprised if we win either. Might be in big trouble now
  19. Just letting the Steelers hang around this season and now we are probably going to have to beat them at home on SNF to get in
  20. I really think activating Yeldon gives you another look against an aggressive defense. The guy killed New England with checkdowns and was our best weapon that day. He can give you a look out of the backfield or spread out wide. Gores legs are shot. Move Yeldon is to give you another look with Singletary. This team desperately needs more pass catchers and Yeldon is that and he is on the roster. Start dressing him and give you a counter to the blitz heavy looks.
  21. The games not in Pittsburgh though. Yeah I’m watching, hopefully the cardinals win 42-10 here. We need the help. I’m just a batteries lifetime bills fan that usually expects the worst.
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