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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Guessing a guy that’s on the team now, is not a bad idea. Maybe the Bills won’t put anyone else in for a while and who knows how great these teams could end up being
  2. Schobel is so weird for me. I can’t ever remember thinking he was really that good but he was pretty solid. He’s like one of those guys that you almost didn’t realize was “good” until he stopped playing. Like to me, Hughes is probably better. It might not end up being remembered that way but I just never felt strong about Schobel. Maybe it’s just me.
  3. They would probably decline his 4th year if they could. The guy sucks
  4. The (usually intolerable) Schopp and the Bulldog actually ran a pretty solid show Friday. They each drafted their own “all time Bills Defenses” and it was a nice break from reality. It kind of has me thinking about Bills of the past and who will be next to be recognized. Common thought will most likely be that it’s Kyle Williams but that doesn’t have to be right. Most of the big time 90s guys are taken care of and most of the pre super bowl year guys are too. The Flutie years were fun and a few of those players were really good. The drought era really left a lot to be desired. There was few solid players that stuck it out and a few excellent ones that didn’t last but nobody really jumps out at you. Guys like Fred, Eric Wood, Moorman and Kyle all have arguments for being up there but a lot goes into it. Im going to say the next guy is Moulds. I’m actually not really sure how he isn’t up there yet but I’m sure it’s personal. Moulds is the second best WR to ever play for the organization and is a no brained IMO. There’s not a ton to talk about right now, so I figured I’d throw in a change of pace. Who do you guys say is next?
  5. I love the schedule release day so much. Usually it’s got a lot to do with what games il be going to, (this year might not matter) but it’s still great.
  6. Really, it doesn’t matter how good he is. We have had to deal with the best QB in nfl history being in our division for the past 20 years. Only the Bills, Jets and Dolphins know what that hell is like. For the first time in 2 decades, the division isn’t over before the season starts. We are all on equal ground heading into the season and I’ll take that. This kid can be good, or even really good and it doesn’t matter. He’s not Brady. No matter who they have for the rest of time, they won’t be Brady. It’s finally over and I’m good with our chances against anyone else.
  7. To be real, when this was in the National championship game as a freshman: I assumed down there road he’d be a #1 overall pick. Fast forward to now and we get the guy in a round where you usually pick 80% special teams nobody’s. Can’t be anything but thrilled about it. The possibilities are endless and the risk is zero. I believe this kid has a chance to be a long term back up and fringe starter (Frank Reiech type). Worst case he never materializes and it’s really no harm done.
  8. I mean, nobody ever got trashed more then Petterman but that was certainly earned. The thing I never got with him, was he never was supposed to be good. People acted like he was some sort of letdown, but he was a late round pick with almost no realistic expectations. He got it bad but he definitely deserved a lot of it.
  9. Any time there can be more nfl Football, I’m in. I wish there were more staggered games so I could watch even more. I wish there was a game every night of the week. The season is so short, I want to watch as many games as humanly possible. Love it
  10. I really hope Fromm keeps 10, something about 11 just doesn’t work.
  11. You didn’t really start to hate Edwards until later on down the road....Post Cleveland 08 but seeing this game again (13 years later) this guy was checking it down like crazy already. We just wanted a guy so bad that you were willing to give every excuse humanly possible to believe. It’s funny, it’s like for 18 years we tried to find any reason to prove to people our qb wasn’t bad and with Josh it’s like we try to find any reason to say he isn’t good.
  12. It’s only half serious but FR...don’t give this guy #11. Everyone that wears that number for the Bills ends up being terrible. Just find a reason to tell him he can’t have it. I’m sure it’s not a “real” thing, but let’s not take the chance.
  13. I forgot how terrible Tony Cronhizer was on MNF. My god, he’s worse then the guys they have now
  14. With no sports on tv for the next few weeks, I’m guessing the Fromm topic gets pretty hot in here
  15. If you draft a punter you can move on from 1 or both of the guys we have now. We certainly didn’t need a CB if that’s your argument. This guy won’t make the team unless he turns out to be a big time ST player
  16. Probably because usually you aren’t making the nfl without great college stats
  17. Lol the first time this guy gets big reps in a preseason game and lights up some 2s with our WR depth is going to be fun. I’m excited to see what this kid can do but I fully realize he’s probably at best a backup. Never know, he could turn out to be a Case Keanum type.
  18. Watching him, he certainly doesn’t have a plus fastball but I’m also not seeing his arm strength as a liability. He doesn’t look like Chad Pennington to me. Not saying that I saw a lot of him but it seems to me like he can play in the league.
  19. Just get the best punter and hand him the keys for 10 years
  20. Witt everything I read and see, I really would be surprised to see this kid become something to be proud of in the league.
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