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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. https://www.newyorkjets.com/news/jets-returner-andre-roberts-name-first-team-all-pro-safety-jamal-adams-gets-seco Believe me, I know they are different. He was an All Pro the year before.
  2. We have one of the best, if not THE best KRs in the league. But let’s replace him with a guy that has barely even played football. I don’t understand why Bills fans, are always obsessed with these underdog stories. Like Duke Williams. The guy isn’t even going to make the team. We have awesome WRs now, but there will be 20 threads this offseason about a player that’s on the fringe of making the league. A guy like John Brown that had an incredible season last year...no talk. Duke Williams, hero. We have 2 young RBs that could easily be the strength of the offense going forward...nobody talks about them. Rugby player that might not even understand the rules of Football: savior. Now our all pro return guy needs to be replaced by him.
  3. I’m not saying they will be allowed to have fans but I’m pretty sure if the NFL wants to play with empty stadiums, it’s going to happen regardless of what this guys says.
  4. I wonder who has more power in this situation? Fauci or the NFL? I’m pretty confident, if the NFL wants to play, they are going to play. I could be wrong but we shall see I guess.
  5. Nah, I’m good. I watch every snap of every game including pre season no matter what the record is. Spend thousands over the years on Sunday ticket to watch the Bills and make 13 hour round trips to the stadium whenever I can. Been a fan for 30 years in a place where it’s not always easy to be a Bills fan. I’m in to deep to get out. Plus I spend a lot of time listening to WGR trying to hear Bills talk and end up getting stuck listening to these guys talk about the Sabres constantly. Makes me really feel a type of way about them lol
  6. You got to kind of root for this guy. He may still have a shot but he’s got to move quick. It’s crazy to think, the Rivers, Eli, Big Ben, Losman draft was 2004...but the Rogers and Alex Smith draft was only 1 year later. It’s funny how 1 group of QBs seems so old, and literally 1 year later seems like they aren’t that old. The end is near for all of these guys. That’s why what Green Bay did needs to be understood
  7. I have been to Boston. I had no issues with it TBH. I went there for a comedy show. The roads were a little confusing but I had no issue with the city itself. The shirt was about hating the Red Sox. Not hating the city. That was literally my entire point of explaining to people it wasn’t about the city. My entire point was I got tired of explaining it was about the Red Sox. My guess is wearing it to Boston, they would have grasped the concept . Again: no issue with Boston the city. Was clear in the original post
  8. Lol I’m from considerably down state (The Hudson valley) Takes me an hour to get to Met life and 6.5 to get to New Era. I have been a bills fan my whole life deep in Jet and giant territory. But where I am, I’m also a huge Ranger and Yankee fan. So I absolutely despise Boston for literally all 3 of my teams. Back in 2009, I had a yankee shirt that said “what curse, you guy just sucked for 86 years” on the front and just “Boston Sucks” on the back....But it was a Baseball shirt ?‍♂️ One weekend, I was up for a Bills game and me and my friend went to Niagara Falls and crossed into Canada. I wore that shirt and people were appalled. People kept stopping me telling me how it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Nobody up there understood what it was about. They just kept telling me how great of a city Boston was lol. your post just reminded me of that and how tiring it was to try and explain it to Canadians. Eventually I just gave up and acted like I didn’t realize they were talking to me
  9. Everyone always says it’s all about how much ground our Safety’s can cover. They give our defense freedom to disguise a ton. They both are so excellent and their value goes way beyond the stat sheet.
  10. Imagine how good Fromm would have to be to start over Allen? I know it’s not going to happen but there’s no way Bills fans should be angered by the premise. If Fromm somehow won the starting job, despite it not even being a competition....it would mean the guy is probably going to be a super star. It also would mean we have 2 young, financially controllable qbs, we could win with.
  11. I don’t think it works like that. Almost no way they are flexing a Monday night game
  12. The guy has been done for 5 years. I hope we play Gore 16 times this season. He’s terrible
  13. Maybe I’m weird but I wish there were no leaks. I look forward to that release all off season and it kind of sucks to know half of it before the show. I know I can just “not look” but it’s hard to not.
  14. It’s usually Thursday of the release week. That’s what I’m expecting
  15. I’m not sure that I agree with that honestly. Hughes has been very good at times and also wasn’t even starting in the beginning. The Dlines Hughes played on in the beginning were excellent. A lot of the sacks Hughes could have had, were swallowed up by other big time players. I realize that point could work for or against Jerry, but there were stretches when Hughes stood out. Even amongst some of the greats on his own team. Hughes was constantly disruptive and took games over. The on field discipline was lacking early on and mental mistakes were plentiful unfortunately. But Hughes was a game changer off the edge for a 2-3 year window. I can’t ever remember feeling like Schobel was impacting games the way “prime” Jerry Hughes did. I think most of Schobels sack totals were in low leverage, borderline garbage time seasons. Hughes also isn’t done yet. When he is done, he may be pretty close in the overall numbers. I’m not trying to say Hughes is clearly better, or even that he was better at all....I just don’t think I agree with Schobel being “significantly” better then Jerry. If Schobel was better at all, it was marginal IMO.
  16. I don’t want to veer off on “what could have been”.....but this type of thing makes me think about what Cowart could have been, had injuries not ruined it. He might be on there today or maybe even have the # retired. The possibilities were endless with that guy. Jason Peters is a first ballot hall of famer and that sucks, but it’s different with Cowart. You just never even got to see. Even if he did it somewhere else (like Peters) It just sucks that he never even got the chance.
  17. That’s kind of how I feel too. Maybe it’s just because of how all those seasons went. It was just a career of irrelevance and he had a humble personality. Just nothing he ever did stood out and you didn’t really notice him. Or at least I didn’t. You almost had to be told he’s good. That’s a strange thing to say about a guy. Mario Williams was awesome but people down play what he did. I think fans thought he was going to get a sack on every play and when he didn’t, it was a let down. Mario was incredible and stood out when you watched him but will be forgotten over time. Schobel blended in with the scenery but he’s talked about with the great D lineman in Bills history.
  18. Why are there 2 threads on this guy? 1- I doubt the Pats end hi actually starting this guy. It’s only May and there is no camp in sight. I bet they still add a vet QB to start. 2- Whoever it is, will not be Tom Brady. It won’t be literally the greatest QB in NFL history. We were right there with those guys last season. We got better and they got worse. I’m not worried about Stidham regardless. We finally have Brady gone. I’m not guna start worrying about the next guy
  19. Our entire team is excellent. There are absolutely no excuses now. If we don’t win playoff games, it’s on the QB. If we can’t win with this team, then we need to go get a vet QB next year and win before we have to start paying these young guys.
  20. No Moulds on either list? The guy is probably the most deserving guy not on the wall. After Reed, it’s Moulds and nobody is even close to those guys.
  21. And also Edgerson over Byrd? Both guys are before my time but I have done a lot of research on Bills history to pay respect to the team I love. That seems off to me. Both could be up there but if it’s one or the other, should be Byrd right?
  22. There are certainly a few guys up there, that weren’t as good as Bennet or Moulds. Times are different now and maybe the current ownership has a difference in opinion on a few guys but it’s hard to say. I’m not old enough to have seen Ferguson play in person but from all I have seen and read...it’s a bit of a stretch to have him up there. There’s no way he deserves it more then Moulds IMO. If Moulds played with Kelly, who knows what he could have been.
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