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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I usually hate the idea of having an older vet around to steal playing time from a younger athlete. But veteran leadership might go a long way in helping this defense right now. Especially at LB. The defense visibly lacks intensity.
  2. It’s not going to be a popular take here because people are going to throw the MVP thing out there....but no way would I trade Allen for Lamar right now. And I was the furthest thing from an Allen guy in the beginning. He still gives me serious anxiety and I’m expecting to wake up from this dream any day now. But Allen has been incredible and the work he has put in is paying off. It’s impossible to not like this kid and I’m more then happy to be wrong about him. I know Lamar is the leagues 2nd biggest darling behind Mahomes...but I will take Allen over Lamar today and going forward. Jackson is very limited as a passer and the teams that can make him throw outside the numbers, are going to give the Ravens all they want. I’m very happy with who we have at QB. I think when it’s all said and done, the Bills might have gotten the best one in that draft.
  3. But McKenzie is better then Parrish ever was. This guy actually makes plays. Parrish always just made you think he eventually would.
  4. I’m good with more Kroft and Lee Smith moved permanently to FB. Maybe a little bit of a power run game in the 2nd half, would help us finish these teams off. Got to be able to run clock at some point. We can’t keep letting teams back in.
  5. I would be good with it. I’m not going to get hung up on the past. People change. He can help the team and he is a lot cheaper now
  6. Just have to keep it going here. Absolutely need to stack these early wins before the brutal part of the schedule starts. Got to get the defense fixed and get Singletary involved more again. This game won’t be easy but considering what’s coming, we need it. 4-0 is so much better then 3-1. Got to find a way to keep this thing going. Go Bills!
  7. For a few hours, the Bills are the only team in the league to beat a team that was 2-0 🤷‍♂️
  8. Might need to consider rotating Edmunds out a bit. Seems like he’s a liability against the run. Maybe he’s not healthy
  9. I’d rather see Mcd take the D over and let Fraiser go. I never liked his passive style and we might have a special team here. Can’t be held back with this bull#### on defense.
  10. Didn’t miss either guy today. 3 tds from the TE and Singletary was good.
  11. TEs looked nice without Knox. Guys were actually catching the ball today
  12. How about those TEs without Knox out there today huh? 3tds!!***** yes I can’t believe they won that game. My god!
  13. This will be the worst loss in 20 years. This is exactly why bills fans act the way they do. We can’t ever get a break
  14. This is so ridiculous. Somebody on this defense HAS to step up, right now. This game is completely slipping away
  15. I know people can’t stand the guy, but why not move Lee Smith to FB? He’s not going to get on the field as a TE. He’s an excellent blocker. Maybe he could add an element to out rushing attack.
  16. I told someone yesterday both play they should win neither play they will lose 1 plays it’s a coin toss
  17. They did a direct snap to Davis I believe and split Josh Allen out wide. It was a total waste and felt like a momentum killer. Don’t need trick plays when your offense is a good as ours right now. Stick to moving the ball and leave the gimmicks to a team with less skill.
  18. I’m not sure how anyone saw Miami on the decline. They played at NE and had a look late and then played the Bills very tough. Had a late lead and pushed Josh Allen to throw for 415 to barely squeak one out. The Jags lost to the Titans and let them score 33. They beat the Colts who have a QB that was in game 1 of a new offense after no preseason and looks beyond done. I never saw that Thursday night game as a mismatch in any way and certainly not in favor of the Jags. Minshew spent the entire game throwing passes to the RB. They suck.
  19. Every team in the nfl is capable of winning any week. It’s what makes the league fun and what make a win so special. I’m at the point where I really don’t care “who we beat” Just keep stacking wins. Let other people worry about the semantics of how “quality” the wins are. It’s not college football. There are no style points. Every win counts as 1. You need every win you can get and when it’s all over, nobody is taking away the ones that were against lesser opponents. Each week has a different set of scenarios and game plans. There are any number of reasons as to why a win might not look super impressive. Or why teams matchup better in certain weeks. Just find a way to beat the team you are playing each week and don’t look back.
  20. Might say more about the group of TEs from last year then anything. The guy had less the 400 yards last year. I’m not going to act like he’s a big deal. I’m excited to see the other guys get a shot honestly.
  21. Im not over stating that he’s just not good. Maybe he will be some day but as of now, he’s not. And he drops way to many balls. If you don’t agree with that, then I’m not sure what you are watching.
  22. Im not overstating anything. People keep trying to make Knox out to be some stud in heat here. The guy has done absolutely nothing and drops the ball almost every time it’s thrown to him. He’s by far the most overrated player on the roster by Bills fans. It time for him to start making plays now. It’s the anti Trent Murphy effect. Bills fans hate a hardworking, non flashy guy that gets paid. Murphy is actually a very solid player that goes 100mph to the whistle when he’s on the field. Most Bills fans have him “cut” every offseason. But then the same people love the high potential, talent freaks that never actually do anything. The Duke Williams, Knox, Wade types. It’s very strange to me.
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