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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Edmunds is a liability against the run. If the plan is to not pay Milano, then the Bills need to move Edmunds outside. The guy is thinking to much and can’t shed blocks. Take some things off his plate and let him do what he does best, run and cover. Have Dodson/Klein play MLB and call the defense. Have Edmunds move to WLB permanently and draft a MLB.
  2. A rotation is good to help guys stay fresh. But I think you can also get to cute with it. If you have guys that are clearly better, I want them on the field more. I think we are our own worst enemy sometimes by forcing guys in the game. Last year it was way, way to much Gore. Oliver and Philips are young. Rest here and there is fine but I don’t need them out 50% of the game. Put the best guys on the field at least 80-85% of the time please.
  3. The Titans should just have to play with what they have. If you are a positive test or were exposed to someone who has 🤷‍♂️You are out. If the Titans have 35players, to bad. Whatever they have, they have. Let’s go. Play the game. ***** em. They only have themselves to blame.
  4. I feel like, if they were going to move this game they would have already. also, there’s no way the NFL wants to carve up a schedule twice in 2 weeks over the same team. I think at this point the game is a go.
  5. I mean, there are a lot of tools to actually obtain educated opinions on these things. I’m not just throwing this out aimlessly. I have Sunday ticket, watch every snap of the bills season, every prime time game, the mixed channel on all non bills time slots. It’s almost literally impossible to watch more NFL football then I do. And I rewatch a lot..its not a cheap seats opinion. I’m not here clamoring for Dodson as some sort of stud and it’s true I can’t possibly know what’s being called on the field play wise. I just like the look of the collective unit when Dodson is out there. I also have felt like Edmunds skill set has fit a WLB from the beginning. He is very fast and should be solid in coverage. He just doesn’t seem to play as fast as he should because he appears to be over thinking. He also seems to get confused very easily on any misdirection run plays. I like the idea of him being slid outside and the Milano injury facilitates that. I do not feel like Klein is anywhere near athletic enough to play the role of Milano. I would like to think our strongest unit as a whole, has 53/49 out there (in Milanos absence) Play Dodson inside and let Edmunds run and cover a bit. Give him a reduction in work load against the run. And take something off his plate by letting someone else call the defense.
  6. This is what I would do and I’m not sure how the Bills could feel differently..... replace Milano with Edmunds. He’s not getting it done at MLB. At WLB, he can just run and react. Not over think and get crossed up. Edmunds should have been a WLB all along. play Dodson in Edmunds role going forward. The defense seems to be better with Dodson out there. He’s better against the run. Let him play MLB.
  7. I would actually like to see a combination of Dodson and Milano for a bit. I don’t know if Edmunds isn’t healthy or what, but he looks terrible right now. Give me 58/53 out there for a bit and let’s see how the Unit plays
  8. Just have to keep it going here. The schedule is brutal. Every win is vital. Tough opponent. Going to be very physical. Have to keep the defense going like it was in the second half yesterday and continue to get Singletary involved. We need every win we can get in this first half. The schedule going forward is very difficult. 5-0 is so much better then 4-1. Go Bills!
  9. You can absolutely cut bass and get him back on the PS. No way anyone in the league steals him based on the tape that exists of him.
  10. I’m not confident in the Kicker or Punter. It might not seem like a big deal right now but you never know when they can cost you a game. It’s not like those are impossible positions to find upgrades at. I would be pulling out the stops to fix both as soon as possible. Now is the time to do it. Not a week after you wish you had.
  11. This defense needed a veteran vocal leader...bad. No Kyle, no Lorax. The first 3 weeks were going through the motions. Sitting around waiting for someone else to make a play. Enter Josh Norman🤷‍♂️ Maybe exactly what we needed, exactly when we needed it.
  12. I really hope the game gets played. I really don’t think the league wants the same team causing this 2 weeks in a row.
  13. I wonder how early we will know about this game? If we know tomorrow that we have a bye Sunday, fine. But I really don’t want to get all geared up and find out Friday we aren’t playing.
  14. This offense needs an element of “running when they know we want to run” Turn Lee Smith into a full time FB. There needs to be a 4 min offense. We are letting teams hang around because there is a time to keep the ball away. Throwing every down doesn’t do that.
  15. This defense needs to stop this bull#### now and force a punt
  16. Move Milano to MLB full time and start looking for a Will. Edmunds sucks out there
  17. Get Dodson out there and see if you can’t catch a spark
  18. McDermott needs to take this defense over for the rest of the year. Fraiser is blowing it
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