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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. You wouldn’t ask Newton to not run. You have to use their own individual strengths. Allen is that kind of qb. He should be running 40-60 yards a game. Stop trying to make him Drew Brees
  2. This offense has an element to it very few other teams posse. Allen running makes us very difficult to defend. Mix it back in with the passing
  3. I can’t stand the way this guy calls a defense. He’s so overly conservative and soft with these zones. When we get a lead it’s instant prevent. I don’t want to “bend” constantly and don’t break. I want to dictate tone and play and make teams Uncomfortable. Good QBs can just sit back all day and carve us up. McDermott really needs to take this defense over. I know it won’t happen but that’s the fix IMO.
  4. I’m not sure how some of these things get connected. I’m ***** miserable today. I’m a grown up that still somehow acts like a complete baby every time the Bills lose. Is it ok? No. Is it normal? No. But is it how it is? Yes. I have so much time, money, emotion etc invested into this team. I’m not from buffalo. Nowhere near it actually. I have to put effort into watching this team. In person or on TV. But I never miss a snap. 13-3, I watch every play. 3-13, I watch every play. Do I complain? Constantly. Am i very critical of the team? Absolutely. Loving the team beyond belief is not thinking everything about the team is great. If you are spending time on a message board, you probably care. Considerably. There are lots of things in life that are significantly more important then the outcome of a football game. I’m mentally capable of understanding that. But if I’m being totally honest, this ***** matters a lot to me. Certainly way to much. I can admit that. I don’t see how being negative and upset has anything to do with being fairweather? You stick with a team through good and bad. That’s the deal. But can people be upset when it goes poorly? Of course
  5. Dress Lee Smith as a FB and stop trying to run out of the spread with no FB
  6. The whole thing with this team is now what? It would be easy to just give the negative people reason to say “same Bills” But can we actually get up off the mat after last night and make it a 1 off? Coming up small in a big spot is the bills of the last 30 years. Can it actually change for once? Or are we going to be 4-2 on the road to a typical let down season?
  7. You need to maximize a guys skill set. Allen is very similar to Cam Newton. If you want to get the most out of Newton, you need to incorporate running into the game plan. Can he beat you with his arm? Sure. Is that the best way for you to design a game plan to maximize him? No
  8. The first 4 games of this season were incredible. Allen’s improvement (as a passer) is truly remarkable. He’s starting to get respect across the league and making his doubters question themselves...All of that is wonderful. What makes Josh Allen special, are his legs. The best play the Bills offense has, is Allen running the ball. There is no reason to take that away from ourselves. There is plenty of data to support either side of the injury risk but you can’t play this game with fear of injury. Can Allen drop back and beat some bad teams with his arm? Sure. Is he going to beat the better Defenses that way? It’s yet to be seen. IMO, we are at our best when Allen is making plays. Not only with his arm but also with his legs. The recklessness he plays with, can drive you crazy at times. But my biggest fear with this team, was them coaching the playmaker out of him. The last few games it seems like Allen has been told to scale back the running. I think the only way this team reaches its full potential, is to let Josh be Josh. It opens up so much for our offense and makes teams defend every blade of grass on virtually every play. We need to get that balance back and not try to become an offense that just drops back and passes 40 times a game.
  9. I feel like Edmunds isn’t good. That’s how I feel. The guy looks to be a step behind constantly and can’t shed blocks. Has almost no anticipation and doesn’t even really cover very well for his size and speed. I’m not trying to blame other people at this point. I’m disappointed in him.
  10. I’d be more excited if he was hitting RBs before they go past him
  11. Edmunds sucks right now. I got ripped for saying we should rotate Dodson in but it’s not funny. Edmunds looks like Tarzan and plays like Jane. He thinks way to much and doesn’t flash at all. It’s very upsetting.
  12. I’m not sure how to actually articulate my thought here....but when was the last time the Bills had a LB, that you just looked at and knew that guy was a monster? Not like a fast, smart guy. Or a slow 2 down dinosaur. But like Patrick Willis, Burfict looking guy out there, that you just wouldn’t mess with. Spikes was like that. And so was Cowart. We need a LB like that, out there just setting the tone. We are way to soft. I hate the way Fraizer runs a defense. We are nowhere near nasty enough.
  13. Any time this team has had a chance to earn top tier respect, they have let down. It’s a theme unfortunately. Build up and get a little following and let down when the lights are on. Very concerning
  14. I think it’s more about just coming out and pushing us around. I’m not sure what covid has to do with the way we are playing. The Titans have anything they want on offense with zero resistance or pass rush. And Josh looks like he did in the second half of the Houston game
  15. This defense is not good. Injuries or not, they have sucked all year. Fraizer needs to be removed from play calling. This is embarrassing on national tv. Nobody will be speaking highly of the Bills for a while. It’s a shame. Come up small in a big spot again. That’s why we get what we get reputation wise
  16. This team just got no breaks in the first half. This really sucks
  17. Every time that (Nationally) the Bills start to get some credit, they come up small in big spots. Just once it would be nice to back it up ion a big stage.
  18. They get the ***** ball on the 10 and you give up points. What a joke
  19. This ***** sucks. I honestly can’t stand Fraizer. I wish Mcd would just take the D over
  20. This feels like the night that you always feared was coming. It’s guna take a lot to win this one. It would be the best win of the McDermott era if they can find a way to steal this. The defense looks like it’s guessing and josh doesn’t have what he’s had. I HATE the Titans so much. If the Bills could somehow pull this out, it would be amazing. Looks like a tall task right now.
  21. White being out really hurts. I think I feel better with Neal over Lewis.
  22. Any word on Tre White tonight? Im not saying it’s a death sentence but no Milano and White would be rough on this pass defense.
  23. No loss has ever lingered (for a team) longer then the 28-3 choke job. Atlanta never recovered from that. It was 30 mins away from as high as it could be, to completely rock bottom. Never got off the mat.
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