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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Man, if there is any way we could possibly win 2mrw....would be huge. I hope it rains like crazy and makes it tough on the chiefs electric skill pos players to cut
  2. I can’t believe the broncos are blowing this. The patriots get so many invincible wins at home, it’s sickening
  3. Survival pools aside, a Pats loss would really help us out. It would be incredible if the Bills could win a division without feeling like you can never lose a game. Every other division on the nfl goes through down years occasionally. For 20 years, the margin for error has been 0. Can we just get a season where 9 or 10 can get a home playoff game? Once in a while?
  4. I have hated not having a FB all year. There are so many extra guys carried on game day for incredibly specialized ST roles. Nobody ever complains about them. But a FB can really help you out and allows you to run the ball a lot more consistently...but everyone complains that it’s a waste. Demarco was a target on here constantly but the guy was pretty solid. I was very concerned about our running game once I realized we had no FB. Now it’s week 6 and we are trying to run out of 11 personnel. It just doesn’t work. It’s dumb. Have a guy that can play FB (active) so we can run it, even if a team knows we are running it. At this point I feel like Knox would be best served as a FB. It’s another way to get the ball in his hands and you can give it to him without him having to catch it. The guy is struggling at TE. He hands are questionable at best. But once he has the ball, he’s an effective runner. Him playing a FB/Hback role would allow us to hand it off to him or toss it short. It gives us a whole other element to the run and pass game. Also it allows for a better TE to step in. I think it’s a move that can help everyone on the offense.
  5. I feel like we have Fromm in isolation Incase if an injury. I think if Allen goes down, Barkley would finish that game. But Josh was out for the game all week, Fromm would start.
  6. Couldn’t? Or didn’t try? You have to commit to it from the beginning . It starts with Lee Smith being active and using someone as a FB.
  7. The identity needs to be: doing what it takes to win games. We are not going to win (this game) playing that way. You have to be able to adapt. The chiefs can’t stop the run and our defense can’t stop anyone. That means, run it. Keep the clock moving, keep our own defense off the field. Keep Mahomes off the field. I would rather have to make a stop on 6 or 7 possessions then having to make a stop on 12 or 13.
  8. If you try and get into a shootout with this team, you are going to lose. Mahomes is to good and our defense sucks right now. Everyone falls in love with the passing offense and the score board lighting up..you won’t beat them that way. I realize the raiders just beat them in an exciting way but there were turnovers involved. You can’t just rely on that. Especially with our defense. I think the Bills absolutely need to get the run going this week. It’s not going to be popular and most people are going to say it’s wrong. If you try and get into a scoring and passing war against this team..not only are we going to lose but we are going to get humiliated. With our current defense and Mahomes on the other team, you have to find a way to keep the ball away. And obviously can afford no mistakes and must cash in on those long drives.
  9. What is the actual goal for this guy as a player? -He’s not seemingly someone with elite pass rushing skills -He’s not big -He’s not particularly fast -he won’t be able to win physically inside -he probably can’t win athletically outside -he’s not fluid enough to cover so he can’t play lb what is this guy’s ceiling? Ryan Denney?
  10. I really like Singletary but it hasn’t really been taking off this year for him. I think it’s a lack of a FB and just the formations we are running out of but that’s not going to change. I have been saying Yeldon needed to be active every week since early last season. He’s a good player. I’m not sure why more people don’t agree. The guy can catch the ball out of the backfield as good as any back in the league. He also has pretty good size and is plenty fast. I think he deserves a lot more of the load. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he became our most productive back. It just sucks that this coaching staff doesn’t trust him. I’m not even sure why he was carried all year last season. They were dressing a completely ineffective, done Frank Gore over him. Inexcusable. Please give Yeldon a legit shot here and see what he can do. At this stage in their career, he’s not far off of what Bell can do. And no that’s not a joke and unfortunately it will probably never be allowed to be proven.
  11. This game is going to be an unbelievably tall task regardless. But if Milano and White can go...you never know. Without them, we have no shot imo
  12. Turn him into a FB. Let him use his athleticism and aggressive run style. It’s a way to get the ball in his hands without expecting him to catch. Also should help the run game a lot.
  13. I didn’t really understand the pick when it happened. Now it’s just as if it was completely pointless. You can see how disappointed Mcd is with him. Watch how he called him off the field after that Offside.
  14. Oh no, me either. I’m expecting the Bills to lose. I’d be absolutely stunned if we win. Praying I’m wrong though.
  15. The bills somehow turn around and beat KC Monday? And nobody is going to care about last night. It just will be very hard to picture that happening today
  16. I just don’t see him as an issue in terms of being Mobil enough to play FB. But since we are here, might I suggest a better option: Knox? The guy can catch. Maybe FB could give him another way to effectively make a difference
  17. Is that what this is how? A qb (that you don’t even think of as a runner) got hurt so now no other qb should run? How about the games where Lamar Jackson or Cam Newton run a lot and do well? Could those count? Or are we just looking for the 1 off bad examples? Alex Smith got hurt pretty bad and Brady missed an entire season once. Should qbs not stay in the pocket?
  18. I don’t agree with that at all. He’s an excellent blocker and I doubt his speed is to far off of what most FBs are
  19. It’s more about just moving the ball in general. The bills aren’t concerned with fixing the rushing attack or else they would be using a FB or Lee Smith. Or Lee Smith as a FB.
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