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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Every time we get here, we come up small. It’s time to stop talking about it and start being about it.
  2. It doesn’t matter how we got here or what any other game has looked like. You have a chance to give this team it’s 5th loss and it’s not even halfway. I don’t care what it looks like and I don’t care how bad they are playing...find a way to beat this team. Kill this thing finally. It’s been 20 years. They swept us with Matt Cassel. Please, find a way to change the narrative and take this division over. It’s been way, way to long.
  3. This game against the Pats is as big as any (non playoff game) over the past 20 years.
  4. If this defense is going to be good, everything is back on the table here for this season. To me winning with a pass heavy offense and Swiss cheese d,is not sustainable. I hope today was what the defense is going to be like going forward. That is something we can take week to week.
  5. Looked like they turned up the blitzing considerably. Love to see it
  6. Get Johnson off the field and put Lewis in the slot. Please get Milano out there. And you can not let Bass kick for this ***** team after today. He absolutely sucks.
  7. The league has been trending towards LBs that can run for a while now. You don’t need your MLB to be big anymore. It’s not 1975. The nfl is almost 7 on 7 now.
  8. The two most important players on this defense are Tre White and Matt Milano. IMO, they were the 2 biggest keys to this franchise’s 2017 turnaround. It has become a thought that Milano will leave once his rookie deal is up. I’m here to suggest, we pay him and move him to MLB. Make this guy the Kuechly of the Bills. The difference Milano makes in our defense is immeasurable. Paired with the struggles of our current MLB....I say, pay Milano and make him a career Bill. When it comes time, you let Edmunds go. Build the defense around 27 + 58. Go Bills!
  9. Cant wait to see that Tre White status.... Man do we need him. Milano too, but sadly I have grown to just expect that guy to be out
  10. I was real excited for Moss in the offseason. He’s been nothing but a disappointment so far. I’d actually rather see Yeldon get the bulk tomorrow. See what he can do
  11. Would I personally trade Tre White for a 2nd? no. If (theoretically) we were a floundering team that is on the verge of a rebuild, do I think the Bills would do that? Maybe. Again, you are picking a literal top 3 cornerback in all of football and trying to prove a point. It’s nowhere near the same as what I’m saying. The guys I mentioned are more in line with us trading Levi Wallace. Which you are getting no more then a 4th or 5th for him. I just went through saying the trades in the nfl are lopsided. As in, the team that is trading away the vet, is the team getting the lesser of the deal. Btw Slay the best guy I mentioned was already traded for a 3rd and a 5th. And now he’s older. There are moves we can make to get better. This is a season that we need to take advantage of. The division is available and nfl windows are very small. We are going to have to pay our QB soon. The time to go for it I’d now Not every situation is the same. Sometimes you push chips in to cash in on an opportunity. There where I’m leaving it. Agree to disagree.
  12. You are just reaching for a comparison here. Darby, Fuller or King are not the same as Tre White. Are you implying that decent veterans don’t get traded (In season) for mid round picks? Golden was traded for a 6th yesterday. This is going way off the point here. Agree to disagree.
  13. I think I understand completely how lopsided the value is when it comes to in season trades in the nfl. No player I mentioned there gets more then a 3rd back. That’s how the nfl works. Drastically over valuing draft picks. You can get a guy that can start for a 3-5th round draft pick. That’s how it works in this league. Do you realize that? I’m not asking the Bills to trade for Ramsey here. Slay might be a bit of a stretch but I was supplying names for the sake of it. When I was challenged to come up with examples it took me about 4 mins.
  14. I’m not really agreeing that those guys are some of the better corners in the nfl. But those guys would put us in a better position that we are currently in. You might have missed the point
  15. Trumane Johnson Morris Claiborne B.W. Webb There are 14 teams with less then 2 wins. Trade for a CB. It’s not difficult to do or to understand. There are probably 5-10 guys on teams that are rebuilding that could have been brought in. Washington would probably move fuller or Darby. There are guys on the eagles(slay, robey ) Minnesota is about to blow that team up. The chargers have a couple of veterans that I’m sure could be had (des king). There are plenty of guys that you could have traded for. Still can. Being in a position to have a 1 handed Cam Lewis or another PS guy in a must win game is not ok. I will name players that you could have traded for but it will be pointless. We did nothing. I’m not trying to say we were going to end up with a future starter at CB but what we did isn’t enough. There are a few guys out there that could have helped and would at least provide some depth or options at the position.
  16. We are going to have a mess on our hands. Even if White is 40% we need him out there. The fact that we brought in no replacement level CB over the past 3 weeks is inexcusable. We should not be in position to be starting Cam Lewis it Dane Jackson. This is an absolute must win game It’s truly embarrassing.
  17. If white, Norman and Wallace are all out I don’t see how we win. There will be absolutely nothing left. I don’t understand how we didn’t bring in at least 1 legit corner when Wallace got hurt. There should have been 2 veteran CBs here before the Titans game with all of these guys banged up. Having practice squad guys playing and starting is inexcusable. This was a 4-0 team. Usually Beane is on top of stuff but this was a major mistake in my opinion. Before the Titans game it was obvious that the corner depth was going to be a major concern. Now we might be truly screwed here with a possible loss to the Jets. There was no reason to be in this position. If you drop this game to an 0-6 jets team, the season will come unraveled. The remaining schedule is ridiculous.
  18. Anyone that thinks this game will be a laugher is crazy. Not going to be as easy as the records show. The Bills are very banged up and have been playing like garbage lately. This game is going to be tougher then it seems.
  19. It works with the afl. If you wanna go all white exclusively for throwback week fine.
  20. I’m not saying it won’t happen. There will jist be a point where it’s to late. The time is nor to make a move.
  21. I don’t agree with that statement tbh. There are 14 teams with less then 2 wins and almost every non Qb is on the table for a trade (within reason). There are always ways. You just have to be interested and willing to give back something.
  22. It’s time to start making moves here. We are cutting it way to think all over the defense. Not practice squad call ups that you can find in a garbage can. But trade for a guy that could start in the league. Guys are hurt. Even the ones that are playing. We need more players that are acceptable starters on defense. Let’s go Beane
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