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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. The Jags week 1 in 04 was really bad too. That ended up costing us the playoffs that year. The Stevie drop was in a season that we started 0-8. It sucked because it was a chance at a gritty win but in a dead season, who cares. Yesterday sucks because it could end up killing a great season. Those are the ones you can’t shake off. Music City Miracle, last years Texans game, yesterday....those kill you because they are in live seasons. Stevie drop and Cowboys MNF are in seasons that those wins wouldn’t even matter unfortunately
  2. I’m not saying this is the guy Im hand picking to fix our running game, but the trade deadline is over, there are very few options. A better RB is not going to become available. Take a shot. No harm no foul
  3. I don’t know how he could hurt. And if anything he can help with some intel on Miami. He was very good in Chicago. Us not being able to run the ball is why we can’t hold leads. It’s a real problem. Everyone keeps saying just throw more but that doesn’t fix the issue. Balance is very important when you are playing the top teams. I say absolutely bring him in.
  4. I’m a grown up and mentally capable of realizing that this next sentence is as embarrassing as it is inexcusable... the Bills losing like that yesterday will destroy my entire week...minimum. And it’s not ok. I realize that. I’m ***** miserable. There are more important things in life. Nobody doesn’t understand that. But what am I supposed to do? Lie about it? And act like I’m all good? Im not going to do that. Yesterday absolutely sucks. I used to shut down all of the football world after a loss like that. I didn’t want to deal with it. But the thing I realized (as I got older) is the football season is short. I love the nfl and it absolutely sucks that the Bills can ruin my mood for days and weeks at a time.... But I no longer allow them allow them to take football from me. I will put the aggravation aside and watch the other games. I will deal with the highlights and take them head on. The season goes by in the blink of an eye and when I’m missing it in June, i don’t want to regret the games I missed, sulking over the Bills.
  5. I would be very interested in him but I’m not expecting the Bills to be
  6. Are you being serious? The Ravens are not winning that division. They are not in the conversation for home field. They are more likely to miss the playoffs all together then be the 1 seed
  7. Home field? The Ravens are 3 games out of first on their own division. They are going to be a WC at best
  8. I’m a beat down, pessimist that’s never thinking it’s in the barn. The playoffs aren’t a given and until they are clinched, I’m always going to be looking at these wildcard teams. I was still nervous today with 30 sec left. Most sensible people would have expected it to just end properly but the Bills made me the way I am. I hate it. But I hate it more that it ended up actually being warranted. The Dolphins are absolutely coming. We probably needed this game today. It really sucks. The Division is a stepping stone that this organization really needs for their own mentality. But at the end of the day, you have to get in the playoffs somehow. (To me) This season has always been about winning a playoff game and that’s probably not going to change. If the Bills blow this division, that goal becomes very difficult
  9. A loss for the Ravens might be best for us. Got to start thinking about fall backs Incase the division slips away
  10. The playoffs are not a given here. That’s the rub with this Dolphin thing. Everyone thinks we are being “sky is falling babies” A team with 10 wins is probably going to miss the playoffs in the AFC. The Dolphins are going to be 9-3 and I’m not sure the Bills are now. Today’s loss was out of conference and for some reason there is a movement of people acting as if those losses aren’t as important. They still count as “1” loss. It doesn’t matter that it’s to an NFC team. That Hail Mary could end up costing us the playoffs which would be ***** inexcusable and unforgivable.
  11. It’s been since 95. Brady finally leaves and the Bills become the favorite for the first time in forever. Start 7-2, lose a game like we did today and let the Dolphins somehow run you down....it won’t be received well. If it’s not going to happen this year, when is it going to happen?
  12. No, they now have to win both. If they were 8-2 today they would have needed to win both of the next 2. And those aren’t even the next 2 games anyway.
  13. Not winning the division this year would really shatter this fan base. It was all set up to go our way for once and it’s about to be seriously in question. The Dolphins are going to be 9-3. The Bills would have serious work to do to get there. If the Bills didn’t lose today I’d be feeling a little differently but they did lose. In just the most ***** up, disgusting way possible. That’s why we all are the way we are. This team makes us all this way. Even when it’s “good” ...it’s this.
  14. Let’s ***** go bass!!!! ***** yeah. thank god they didn’t listen to me when I said cut him 20 times already
  15. Dane Jackson had like 7 tackles and a pbu on that drive. The kid might be a player
  16. Hyde up is big. Covid guys really shouldn’t kill us now. Just a Wallace for Dane here. Might not even be a big step down if the Jets game was legit
  17. If Hyde can go, then the corona thing isn’t a huge deal. If Hyde is out, might be an issue over the top.
  18. Any chance Worley starts over Dane? I guess a corner wouldn’t really need a ton of time in the system to be able to play. Wonder what the move is.
  19. If Hyde can go, it’s no big deal. As long as Dane Jackson’s game against the Jets wasn’t a fluke, we might be fine.
  20. Should have been last week. They better have him up tomorrow. Going to need that speed to handle Murray
  21. Definitely sucks. The only real big loss is Wallace. Kroft is our best TE and I like the look when Lee is there. Marlowe is important if Hyde is out but he’s not even a starter. Norman has been a complete waste. It definitely sucks. Could be worse, still have to find a way to win. I really like what I saw from Dane. I have secretly wanted to see him get a bigger shot. Certainly didn’t want it to be at the cost of Wallace but it is what it is. Step up and show what you have again. He was very solid against the Jets.
  22. What is the time frame for a decision on that Denver time? Is it a chance of going from Sunday to Saturday like that Pats game last year? Or just the time on the Sunday?
  23. Murray is really exciting and he’s turning into a good qb. Sometimes he doesn’t look real on the screen because he is so tiny and the quickness he shows confuses your eyes a little. They have some really nice pieces on the outside and they can run the ball well. They pretty much play a college offense and the volume of plays alone will create decent scoring paces. They have been a nice story and maybe “arrived” a year ahead of schedule. They are pretty good. Call me crazy but I’m still a little surprised at the line. Also, I’m usually pretty pessimistic when it comes to the bills. 30+ years of disappointment (until recently) But sort of like last week, I feel like we are going to be in pretty good shape here. I definitely could be wrong but I’m seeing a lot of what I saw last week. People just drooling all over the other teams QB and WRs...The guy we have is pretty good too. Would you trade Allen for Murray straight up? I wouldn’t. I also like our 3 WRs more then the guys they have. Now obviously that’s current state. Hopkins is amazing and Larry Fitzgerald is a top 5 WR of all time but I’d say he’s considerably on the decline. The point is, it sounds a little like last week. Everyone making the opponent out to be superior . The Bills are the better team IMO. The Bills have some very nice wins this season. Certainly a better resume then the Cardinals. I’m not saying We shouldn’t be concerned but I think the Bills are going to have a pretty good look here. Call it a hunch but I felt the same last week. And this is coming from a guy that’s telling people to not overlook the Jets usually.
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