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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. It’s the divisional round of the playoffs...there not a ton out there to choose from.
  2. The guy runs really hard. I like it. At this point, you aren’t going to do much better I guess.
  3. Man I hope he gets it. I have wanted Mcd to take this Defense over for years. Absolutely hire him. Please.
  4. I don’t care if we win this game 5-3. I don’t care what it looks like, just find a way here. Do not let this train stop here. Go Bills!
  5. This team can just kill you with play action and they are just not doing it on their own. Then you punt from the 40. Embarrassing
  6. Who is more afraid of Lamar Jackson? The Titans or the Ravens? Handoff on 3rd and 3? This guy just isn’t a good enough passer. He’s an amazing runner. Maybe the best running QB of all time....he just isn’t a passer. That’s an issue
  7. I really like the look of that power run game. I’d love to see is work that wrinkle in. Never know when you might need it. We could absolutely turn Lee Smith into a FB in that role to help us power run. I’m not saying put a FB on the field all the time but I would like it in some spots. Lee Smith would be good in that role.
  8. My 10 year old is excited about the sponge bob square pants pre game show for this one
  9. Get Klein down around the line of scrimmage and have him blitz more. I really liked that look on our Defense.
  10. The stats or score doesn’t matter to me 1 but. I wouldn’t care if we won 5-3. Just win the game and get on to the next one. I remember the greatest show on turf rams wining like 12-10 in the playoffs. The playoffs are hard. Everyone left is very good. It just doesn’t matter. Get the win.
  11. Activate Dodson to give us options here at LB. I love Milano but he absolutely struggled yesterday.
  12. Hoping for that late Sunday game to get these guys some extra rest. But either way it’s great to have a ton of depth at WR.
  13. This kid is playing very well. Someone needs to give him a shot next offseason. Maybe even Washington
  14. Yeldon is a good player. Him being inactive every week is as puzzling as it is infuriating. At this stage I just routinely forget he’s even on the team. I think he brings a lot to the table and I think we have wasted him first 2 years. Hopefully he gets a shot here and I hope he makes it impossible to not play him every week. Go Bills!!
  15. It is what it is. Nobody to fear. Whoever it is...find a way
  16. My eyes got questionable during the “I will wait” tribute video this morning...If this things gets much further, I’m going down
  17. They are a very solid team. Respect to Phill Rivers. They were a very worthy opponent. So glad the Bills won but nothing but respect for the colts.
  18. Get Marshawn on the horn for a 3 game run
  19. Same for me. 10 year old daughter. Let’s go here and give them a few more special wins!! Go Bills!!
  20. Thanks for giving us your all man. Great job. Hope these guys can take it all the way for ya. Get well soon Moss. Hope it’s not long term. I really appreciate the heart in this guy.
  21. Both. There are guys we don’t need that dress every week
  22. I just...can’t even believe how great this feels. We are IN THIS ***** thing now....let’s go. Go Bills!!!! We all deserve this. On to the next. Enjoy this week
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