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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Dane Jackson might have been the 2nd best CB on the team and Yeldon might have been the best RB. Neither of them ever play...very strange. Very aggravating
  2. To me, you aren’t beating the Chiefs at their own game. That’s going to be unpopular, it’s going to be something that I get almost no support in saying but I believe it. They are better then us. The Chiefs Qb is trending towards being one of the 3 best QBs in NFL history. Their Head Coach is one of the most creative minds in league history. They have a TE that is pre injury Gronk level. Hill is so fast, he’s impossible to cover. We aren’t the chiefs. We are never going to be them and that’s ok. You don’t have to be the chiefs to beat them but if you want to get in a back and fourth shootout with them...99/100 you are going to lose. The Bills need to create an identity which presents a different challenge to the Chiefs. Allen is excellent and he does things that even Mahomes can’t do. No matter how good of a passer Allen is, he’s not going to out duel Mahomes. The Bills need to Create an identity that allows them to maximize their own strengths. I believe this team needs to mix in a power run game to go along with their passing offense. Balance can be a difference maker. Keeping a team guessing and presenting them with several different attacks options, will only strengthen our ability to score. We scored a ton of points this year, so people are going to be against this. But in the post season our offense was exposed a little. We need the treat of the run to take some of the pressure off Josh and Diggs. Create an offense around Joshs unique ability. We are not going to out pass the Chiefs.
  3. Neither one of them would be in any long term plans if it was my call. Oliver is probably the most forgettable player on the Roster. Edmunds looks the part but is still waiting for the light to come on in year 4...
  4. Having no interest in running the football this season was as puzzling as it was frustrating. Why anyone would make themselves 1 dimensional on purpose, is beyond me. The nights you don’t have it...you are done.
  5. We scored a ton of points this season so nobody is going to want to be here...but lack of balance is a mistake. In the playoffs our offense was significantly less effective. Voluntarily making yourself 1 dimensional is dumb. You don’t need a 50/50 balance but it shouldn’t be 90/10 either. On nights that Josh is off, you got to have a plan B.
  6. Then I don’t like him as s playcaller. All I know, when Mcd calls the defense they are more aggressive
  7. We just had absolutely no answer for Hill or Kelce and Mahomes doesn’t miss throws. Score 40 or lose
  8. Man my nerves are shot here. We are guna have to just keep scoring because you know KC is guna get theirs
  9. Remember when we traded up to get like the 7th best WR in that draft? Instead of staying where we were and getting a better guy. Or just trade up to kept Mack in Buffalo? It’s nice to have competent people in charge now.
  10. That is ludicrous. They can find another RT. Probably even on the current roster. Outside of Tre White, Milano is the most important player on this defense
  11. Rogers has 1-2 years left. Watson has 10+ if he wants it. That matters
  12. We will see I guess. It’s easy to say that before quality options present themselves. I live an hour away from MetLife stadium and hear plenty about the Giants. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they were thinking about bringing in another guy.
  13. But then you have the common thought that the Bills won’t want to pay him. The guy is a LB. not a LT or a CB or a QB. The contract won’t even be that big. Also you can always play with money to get under the cap. No team ever has an issue going over. There are plenty of tricks. You absolutely need to bring Milano back. Tre White and Milano being here was the turnaround that ended this drought. He’s not going to bankrupt us. Milano needs to be back. Period.
  14. Get Stills up in his spot. Our depth at WR is incredible
  15. Even if this is true, we’ll never know for sure: But I always felt like something was kind of strange about that first Chiefs game. It was the only game where I thought the offense looked different. Like purposely different. And at the time I said it, sort of joking...I wonder if the Bills would be crazy enough to assume we’d (eventually) see them again. Confident enough to hold back a lot of what we wanted to do. Not show them our best stuff and possibly saving a it for the playoffs. I know that seems unlikely and there was no way to know for sure it would be worth it....But nothing about our offense looked normal that day. I know McDermott is a really good coach and I wouldn’t put anything past him but that would be next level intelligent. It always stood out to me that our entire team looked really, really different that day.
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