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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Man this guy would help our interior pressure issues as well as transform our run D. That’s not even mentioning the leadership...I’d love it.
  2. I think the biggest issue is to find some nastiness in the front 7. Get a LB that is a Spikes/Cowart style animal out there. Not a thinker. A guy that will just scare the life out of the offense. A monster out there, running around and setting the tone of physicality on the field. Let him be the MLB and the QB of this defense. Slide Edmunds to WLB to take Milanos spot. Unless you actually plan on paying Milano, which I’m good with too. Then you have to try to find a guy along the Dline that can create pressure when you only rush 4. Hughes is still effective but he’s also getting old. Having another guy that can really get to the QB would really transform this defense.
  3. Bull *****. No matter who Washington played they weren’t beating the Bucs.
  4. I was really hoping he got a job in a different kitchen. I think the ingredients are there. Just have to stop playing soft shell cover 2 like its 2001
  5. Of course this team never missed on offense against the Bills but now they are lost
  6. For 20 years we took it on the chin from this guy. 20 years, we knew 2 games were automatic losses and our only chance was the wildcard. The guy absolutely made our lives miserable for 2 decades and for that, you always will feel some type of way. Nobody else understands this pain and nobody should hate this guy more then the bills/jets/dolphins fans. We all get that, we all know that..... Tom Brady is the best to ever play the game. Nobody is close and there is no argument. You can hate him. You can hate that he owned us for so long. I get it. I feel it. But at the end of the day, respect the fact that this guy is the best of all time and nobody is close. We will never see anything like this again and as a football fan, you have to appreciate what this guy is. The absolute GOAT...There is nobody close.
  7. It’s incredible to think fir 25 years all the Bills could find were good RBs....now we have everything but lol
  8. As a Bills fan, the issue with getting past the Chiefs is not going away anytime soon. Selfishly I hope the Bucs somehow unlock a formula for slowing down the KC offense. (However unlikely that may be) It would be great if Tampa somehow writes a book on how to attack them Defensively. Anything that can help us going forward.
  9. Yeldon avg 7 ypc this season behind this “bad” line. He also was inactive every game and couldn’t get the ball when he was up. Our best RB, not used voluntarily. Last year, we gave high leverage carries (in the post season even) to Frank Gore. A guy that’s been done for 6 years generously. When a totally shot Lev Bell became available, the Bills were interested. Maybe the issue is, the guys making the decisions Have no idea what the RB position is supposed to look like.
  10. I’m good with Barkley. He has played well in about half of the situations he has been called upon. I guess that’s what you expect from a backup. I will throw in an unlikely but not impossible outside thought here. If Tyrod Taylor ever got free again, I’d be interested in seeing him back. IMO he is the perfect backup. I also feel some debt towards him as the QB that finally broke the drought. Obviously he had history with McDermott. Tyrod can run very well. He could run the same offense as Josh Incase of emergency. And should it (god forbid) be an extended period within a season...you can win with him. I know it’s unlikely but it’s an option I would explore. Should the situation present itself.
  11. I was leaning more on teaching the young defensive guys. Like AJ Eponessa, Ed Oliver, Tremaine Edmunds etc. the guys who still haven’t really come into their own.
  12. I know Goff isn’t Lamar but he can move a bit. I just can’t picture that offense with Stafford. I know he can move a bit too, he’s just getting pretty old and has been hurt a lot. I can’t see this working. And I think Stafford is really good. If I was the Rams I would have been looking for a guy that can run a bit.
  13. I would be very interested in Watt. Even at an advanced stage. He’s one of the 10 best DL to ever play the game. I realize he is at best 75% of what he was but he is a great leader and a great person to teach the young guys how to be pros. I think Watt could help a ton in the run game and would fit in with this fan base maybe as much as any player ever has. I know his price tag is probably going to make this a pipe dream and he’s past his prime..but I would love it if it somehow happened.
  14. They should have activated stills regardless. Even if Davis was playing, you knew he wasn’t 100%. It’s dumb. We put way to much emphasis on STs. In a league where you don’t return kicks and neither of these teams punt. You don’t need Roberts and McKenzie. STs is important but we care way to much about it gameday roster wise.
  15. Not running the ball on purpose was asinine. No way Mcd is ok with it. We need balance. I don’t care how many points we scored. When things got tight (post season) we had no other way to score. That’s not a position you put yourself in on purpose.
  16. I know it’s probably a pipe dream but it worked for us once with Hughes. Edmunds seems to have a bit of a league wide respect. I say try to trade him while his perceived value is high. Maybe you can swap him for a pass rusher and get lucky. Start over at his position. Bring back Milano. I personally like Dodson. Maybe even give him a look for 1 season or just draft a true nasty MLB that is just a monster out there. Edmunds looks like he’s that guy standing in pads but he doesn’t play that way. I’m not interested in waiting anymore and I’m absolutely not interested in giving him a second contact. I’d much rather use that money on Milano and draft another guy to do the things the Edmunds should have been doing since year 2.
  17. The way to maximize Josh Allen’s potential is to create an offense with balance. If we had a power running game to go along with our passing game, we could be literally unstoppable. That’s the answer. That’s how you beat the Chiefs. People want to act like running the ball is pointless. Look at what our offense did in the playoffs once teams started clamping down. If the Bills had a power run game, defenses would have to defense every inch of the field against us. Not to mention the improvement of our play action looks. Throw in Josh’s ability to run and there’s nothing anyone can do to really lock us down. There are going to be nights (for whatever reason) that our passing game is going to be hindered. It’s to hard to be consistent playing that way. We are not going to beat the Chiefs, playing the Chiefs A game. Anyone that thinks getting in a back and fourth shootout with Mahomes is a good idea, is nuts. The guy is trending towards being one of the 3 greatest quarterbacks of all time. We will not beat them like that. We need to establish our own identity. You don’t have to be the Titans here but you need balance. All it can do is help us. As a defense, you love to make a team 1 dimensional. It’s ludicrous that we are doing that favor (on purpose) for the other teams.
  18. I want a 1 cut and get up field guy. No dancing, no games behind the LOS. Hit the hole and get down hill. You don’t have to be crazy fast but get forward before you make moves. I’d rather see a guy falling forward for 3 then dancing around and taking 0 every third carry.
  19. You have to take pieces of what we did on offense this year and mix in a bit more of 2019. It’s wonderful that we learned a lot about Josh and we scored a ton of points. We absolutely need more balance. I don’t care if it results in less points. When the money is on the line, you need to be able to do more then 1 thing on offense. A good DC is going to force you to your backhand. It’s senseless to purposely make yourself 1 dimensional. You have to take Dabol aside and tell him to start mixing in the run. All that’s going to do is make Josh even more dangerous. We need play calling and formation diversity. It seemed like KC knew exactly what we wanted to do and forced us into low pct throws all night. You need to keep a team guessing and you do that with balance. Throwing every down, especially out of empty sets, is not the way to live. At least if you are going to pass, run play action or use formations that don’t give away your intentions pre snap. All that does is help the defense. Look at what our offense looked like in the playoffs. Each game was a struggle. You have to be able to do more then 1 thing in the playoffs. This year was impressive but we aren’t going to beat the Chiefs playing that way.
  20. These guys have drafted two running backs in the 3rd round in back to back drafts. I can’t see them drafting another one. That’s not what these guys do.
  21. You are probably going to have to s Orr 40 points to beat the Chiefs so the offense had a lot on it’s shoulders. They absolutely underwhelmed and unfortunately we’re off the entire playoffs. I blame the balance first and foremost. Not just with run/pass but also the formations. Way to much empty. Was to little variety. You have to keep them guessing. All that being said, the Defense didn’t even come close to stopping them all night. Not even close. I know it’s a “pick your poison” against KC but we picked the wrong one. Zero resistance. Not even approaching a stop. It was truly pathetic. The Chiefs offense is great. And they are going to get theirs. But our defense was on skates all night and played like petrified babies that were just happy to be there. Absolutely no aggression and nothing to be pleased with. Poyer blew a guy up on a swing place out of the backfield. That was the 1 play where it even looked like we wanted to be out there. You don’t have to shut them down but you have to do better then that.
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