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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Never been a more appropriate time to try and bring in a vet FA rb to just make SURE it’s not the RBs killing us….but we won’t.
  2. When was the last time the Bills actually signed one of these released players for whom the fans were clamoring?
  3. I get that the Oline has been bad but how much of this is scheme? Have we ever once ran a pitch or anything to the outside with a lead blocker? Have we ever run a single running play that looks like it was designed to work? Every team in the league has running plays that look as if they intended on running the ball at some point. We look like we are doing it to shut people up with the most unimaginative garbage that is destined to fail from the snap. The most successful run designs seem to be sweeps to the qb. The line is an issue but man is there even comprehension from Dabol on what a run play looks like?
  4. If the Bills lose this game the wheels are absolutely going to come off and I will start to think the playoffs are in doubt. One way or another they better stop the bleeding here and figure something out.
  5. What ever happened with this Ryan Bates? Wasn’t he supposed to be good? Why does he never play?
  6. The guys at the end of the first round barely matter most of the time anyway. Why anyone would have an issue with taking RB in the late 20s is ridiculous. They are going to have a much better chance at making an impact then some rotational linemen
  7. The issue is, this is the best option by a mile. We didn’t move at the deadline and now you are incredibly limited. Is it perfect? No…is there a better option? Not even close
  8. I mean, this is the type of guy that can take a 5 yard pass and make it a 40 yard TD
  9. No I’m not. And I have been nothing like that. I was making a big deal after every loss. It’s the first time I have said it
  10. Find a way to beat the Jets first. Idk how we jumped from the silliness of having just permanent misery for decades to having 1 really good year and now just assuming all of these wins like they don’t even have to play the games. the playoffs are not a birthright now. This team lost to the Jags. It’s time to stop acting as if this team is going to coast through the entire season. We are nowhere near that level of team. 2 pedestrian teams have handled us and it’s only 8 games.
  11. They have been. 2 real close losses to the Bucs and Cowboys. Both could have easily been wins. They are good. This division is far from over. They are gong to give us fits if we don’t fix this offense right now.
  12. Making yourself voluntarily one dimensional on offense only helps the other defense. It’s senseless. I have been saying it even all through last year. Then you have the Jeremy Whites of the world that just says, the answer is throw it more. You absolutely need to get some semblance of a running game going or every physical team is going to beat us. I love the players on our offense but I have the design of our offense.
  13. I’d much rather see Williams get a shot.
  14. I feel like Oline is a place you can find off a PS or in-house. I wouldn’t say it’s unfixable…you just have to do some work to find some physicality. Start scanning the PS
  15. I have a thought and I’m not sure if I know the answer. Why don’t we use Gilliam in pass protection? It’s not like he can’t catch and it’s not like he can’t run. Use him in the backfield and a RB on pass plays. He could give Josh real strong pass protection from a RB and he can make plays in the passing game. He was a TE
  16. I don’t get why they put Williams back outside. The Oline was seemingly playing better with him inside. I think they had a better shot leaving him there and playing someone else at RT. Everyone talks about us wanting versatility in our OL….play another guy at RT until Brown gets back. No need to create multiple bad areas while he’s out.
  17. This division being over in week 3 bull ***** needs to stop. The patriots are good and we can’t run the ball
  18. This game is probably over now. Why did Josh stop running? It was the only thing working
  19. If they find a way to win this game it could end up being a huge win. This is just a miserable day and the old loser Bills would just not capitalize on being left in this game. Hopefully this group can take it and save a frustrating day from being a monster loss
  20. I don’t care how or what it looks like…but somehow find a way to win this game
  21. Stop running the spread and empty gun so much. Get under center and get the TE and FB involved in protection
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