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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. This is beautiful. Run it until they make you stop
  2. Use Gilliam. He can run catch and block. Been saying it for weeks.
  3. Just find a way to get a win. Doesn’t matter what it looks like. Keep playing greet defense, get the balance going…get 26 going early and feed Diggs. Be what we are and just hammer down and advance the season.
  4. I think the GAMEDAY roster management is an issue. I have since 2019. The use of Gore was repulsive. Then the constant inactivity of Yeldon was aggravating. This year not using Breida and Davis more is silly. The guaranteed roster spot for Taiwan Jones is a complete waste. You can find another guy to do what he does with ease. If ALL you can do is play STs, you better at least be a return guy. Also, I’m all for a punter Change. I just can’t see it actually happening.
  5. Hold these guys to just 3. Get that defense the numbers it deserves
  6. The run creativity on the first 2 drives was great. Thanks for sticking with it Dabol
  7. Stop with the running back rotation. Leave 26 in and let him get into a rhythm
  8. Living an hour from MetLife, you have no idea how annoying this mike white ***** has been. I hope we win this game 85-0. 2 weeks straight of this Mike White bull####
  9. It really is such an unbelievable waste that we have a “RB” that dresses every game but can’t play running back…never touches the ball, never catches the ball. Then he’s legitimately only on the team for ST’s but he isn’t even a return guy. And our special teams do nothing but get penalties.
  10. It sucks that the saints sucks have a real QB. They could really help is today.
  11. Or actually fix it so we can run even when they know we are going to run. Like block people and play design and pick a RB and stop rotating guys in every other drive.
  12. Hopefully we will actually try to run to the outside tomorrow. When was the last time we ran a pitch play or a sweep with lead blockers? Other then Josh Allen’s designed runs, our run plays are so terribly unimaginative. That’s a big of issue as anything. If Dabol is so smart, scheme up some run plays. Handing it up the gut out of empty can be thrown into the trash. The guy has no interest in running the ball. That’s painfully obvious by watching the run play design. Hopefully McDermott got in his ass about it this week and told him to run wether he wants to or not.
  13. I hope we pick a RB and give the guy 15-20 carries. I want to see an actual attempt at creating some sort of balance. It’s only going to make josh and our passing game more dangerous. Keeping defenses honest. Enough of the splitting time, enough of not committing to making it work. Get the FB and TEs on the field, let one of these backs get into a groove. Stop taking them out every other drive. Create balance on offense and we become (by far) the most complete team in football.
  14. What could it hurt? Bring in some guys with size to play inside. If it works out, great. If not? You cut them and we are back where we are anyway
  15. If the Bills lose this game the wheels are absolutely going to come off and I will start to think the playoffs are in doubt. One way or another they better stop the bleeding here and figure something out. Fix the run game and stop relying on only the pass or we are going nowhere. If 1 good thing can come from that Jags mess it’s that being a strictly 1 dimensional finesse team is going to get us nowhere. Fix the run now. More 2014 Panthers offense and less 80s chargers
  16. If you are one dimensional you can be beat by anyone. That’s why all last year I kept saying….we need balance. I don’t care how great it was. I get it. Our offense scored a lot. I understand. But we are making ourselves one dimensional on purpose. That’s senseless. When a team stops our fastball, we don’t have another pitch. You need BALANCE to be great. You have to at least make a team respect the fact that you can do something else. I’m not asking for a 50/50 split but it can’t be like it is now. There is middle ground. The ravens are the same. If you don’t let Lamar beat you with his legs…you are good.
  17. Being at home in the playoffs never stopped mattering. This team has like 1 loss ever at home in the playoffs but almost never wins a road playoff game. Yes, it matters…a lot
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